Murmansk region, Polyarnye Zori: getting to know the city

Murmansk region, Polyarnye Zori: getting to know the city
Murmansk region, Polyarnye Zori: getting to know the city

Russia has many unique and picturesque regions. One of these is the Murmansk region. Polyarnye Zori is an amazing city with an attractive name. It is located in this region. The settlement Polyarnye Zori was erected in 1968. The main goal was to accommodate builders and workers involved in the construction of the future energy heritage of the city - the Kola Nuclear Power Plant.

murmansk region polar dawns
murmansk region polar dawns

Short description

The Russian Federation is a fairly large state. It has many regions and districts. And it is in the North-West that the Murmansk region enters. Polyarnye Zori is a small town located on the Niva River. Also on its territory there is a beautiful Pinozero. The total territorial area was 3.6 square meters. km. And the population does not exceed 15,000 people. An interesting fact is that polar nights almost never occur here. And the shortest day only happens once in ayear, in December.

City Development

After the large-scale project - the nuclear power plant - was completed, the city itself began to revive. The founder is considered to be the chief architect of the station Andrushechko A. S. When the nuclear power plant started operating, the entire Murmansk region began to develop rapidly. Polyarnye Zori was awarded the status of a workers' settlement in 1974. And already in 1991 it was officially named a city. A. A. Chistova became its first mayor.

Polyarnye Zori can rightly be called the energy capital of the Murmansk region and the entire Kola region. In addition to the large-sized Kola NPP, which provides more than two thousand jobs, the city's population works at the Niva HPP, in electrical installation companies and boiler houses.

the city of polar dawns
the city of polar dawns


The city has an excellent transport system. Numerous buses, minibuses and taxis, as well as working vehicles that transport power engineers, builders, workers in the food and engineering industries. In addition to its own city routes, there is also long-distance communication. These routes cover almost the entire Murmansk region.

Polyarnye Zori is a town with a railway station. High-speed electric trains pass through it in different directions. There are two airports not far from the city limits, the nearest one is Khibiny.

Tourism & Entertainment

A small polar town is very attractive for tourists due to its unique ski resort with the bright name "Samia" and a steep equipped track. Fresh airand climatic conditions made it possible to place here a small preventive sanatorium, no less popular among Russians.

Amazing landscapes and surrounding urban landscapes, as well as a beautiful river make the city of Polyarnye Zori really special.

There is a lot of entertainment here. This is both a cinema and a local House of Culture. A variety of cafeterias and restaurants, the Ice Palace is the size of a stadium. All this does not let either the townspeople or the guests of the energy capital of Murmansk get bored. And you can stay with all the comfort in any of the three hotels located on the central streets of the city.
