Russia is famous for its beautiful cities. The Krasnodar Territory (Armavir belongs to this region) is the most picturesque of all that exists in the state. The natural world of this area can be called unique. It is dominated by steppes and forests, which are home to a large number of different animals. One can talk endlessly about the Krasnodar Territory, but I would like to take a closer look at the city of Armavir. It is one of the largest and most colorful in this region.

Briefly about the city
Armavir is a city located in the Krasnodar Territory. The population is just over 190 thousand people. It is connected by rail and road to Krasnodar and other major cities in the region.
The city of Armavir (Krasnodar Territory) was upset on the banks of the Kuban River, in the place where the river flows into its channel. Urup. Helocated 200 kilometers southeast of Krasnodar.
A bit of history
Officially, Armavir emerged in the 19th century as a settlement of Circassian Armenians who were looking for a territory free to settle in order to preserve their religion, an offshoot of the Armenian Orthodox Church. In view of the rapid settlement of the territory of the modern Krasnodar Territory by adherents of the Islamic religion - the Circassians and Adyghes - these people were constantly infringed, forcing them to abandon their customs.
In the newly formed village near the course of the Kuban River, representatives of this nation were engaged in farming, natural for those regions. In the second half of the century before last, a railway was built through the settlement, connecting Vladikavkaz and Rostov-on-Don. The official status of the city of Armavir (Krasnodar Territory) received in 1914.

During the collapse of the USSR, the population of the city increased by 30 thousand inhabitants. This was primarily due to the natural influx of people, a high birth rate, which was significantly ahead of the death rate per 1000 people, as well as the migration of residents of villages, towns, auls and villages from the territories adjacent to the city.
Armavir (Krasnodar Territory) is currently mostly populated by Russians. Their number is more than 85%, the percentage of this indicator among Armenians is also high - 8%. More than a thousand residents of the city are Circassians by nationality, the share of representatives of other nationalities does not exceed 1%.
Climatic features
The hottest month of the year is July. The average daily temperature exceeds 20 °C. The coldest months are December and January. But even in this winter time, the average temperature does not fall below -1 ° C. The largest amount of precipitation also occurs in July, in February this rate decreases by two and a half times, to 35 mm per month.
The city of Armavir (Krasnodar Territory) is economically well developed. Among the industries, the food sector is predominant. There are several confectionery industries, a dairy plant and a meat processing plant. There are also ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises and the Armavir Rubber Products Plant.

Transport network
There are two railway stations in the city. Direct communication with Moscow, depending on the time of year, is carried out from 3 to 7 times a day, mainly these are passing trains going to the North Caucasus and the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region. The city road network has a length of over 700 kilometers. All enterprises of the city and the most important infrastructure facilities are equipped with access roads. The airport, located within the city, with the same name Armavir is currently used irregularly, only cargo flights are carried out. At a distance that does not exceed 200 kilometers, there are 3 international airports: Stavropol, Mineralnye Vody, Krasnodar. City transportation is carried out by buses, trolleybuses and fixed-route taxis.
The historical part of a city like Armavir (Krasnodar Territory) is located on the spit of the Kuban River at the confluence of the mountain tributary Urup. Among the monuments of architecture and culture, churches, the building of the Tatar mosque can be distinguished. In Armavir there is a house-museum of Savva Dangulov, a Soviet writer, an honorary resident of the city, known to readers for his works "Kuznetsky Most" and "Diplomats".
Armavir Drama Theater is one of the oldest in the region. It originated in the Russian Empire, celebrated its 108th anniversary in 2016.
On the territory of Armavir and in its environs, archaeologists are excavating the sites of ancient people belonging to various eras of the Iron Age, exploring the burial mounds of the early Bronze Age.

Armavir (Krasnodar Territory) will please the younger generation with a variety of educational institutions. Several universities operate in the city, including branches of Krasnodar universities, professional colleges and lyceums. There are 4 schools of the Olympic reserve, a spacious stadium "Youth", where you can hold various competitions in athletic and game disciplines, there are ice rinks, swimming pools.
The city has a lot of green spaces, both natural and organized parks and squares. Cypresses and plane trees, characteristic of the southern climate, grow here, which makes the city attractive at any time of the year. Armavir (Krasnodar Territory) looks attractive in terms of permanent residence and seasonalrest.