Moscow Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg

Moscow Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg
Moscow Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg

Earlier, at the place where the Moscow Triumphal Gates are now, there was an outpost in St. Petersburg. This name of the attraction was given because the road to the Russian capital began from this place. The triumphal arch is of particular importance for the whole country and St. Petersburg in particular, since its construction was marked by the victory of the Russian army over the Turkish and Persian troops.

Moscow triumphal gates
Moscow triumphal gates

Moscow Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg: the history of occurrence

The construction of this architectural structure was initiated by Nicholas I himself. The emperor ordered such a need after the uprisings of the Commonwe alth were successfully suppressed and military campaigns with Turkey and the Persian kingdom were completed.

Installation of the gate on Moskovsky Prospekt should have taken place even earlier. They started thinking about it in 1773. Then the project was developed by twospecialist: architect Charles-Louis Clerisso and sculptor Etienne Maurice Falcone. In 1781, they handed over their construction plan for review to the emperor, but everything ended with a detailed study.

Returned to this issue only after exactly half a century. In 1831, Nicholas I considered two projects: the Russian architect Vasily Petrovich Stasov and the Italian specialist Albert Katerinovich Cavos. The emperor considered the plan of the latter too expensive, so the development of a domestic architect was approved. Moreover, by that time Stasov had already completed the Narva Gates, another of his grandiose projects.

Moscow Triumphal Gate in the form of a pencil sketch Nicholas I approved in 1833. Immediately, Vasily Petrovich began to work out smaller details, since only the facade was presented in the project. He consulted with specialists in the field of casting, and together with them the architect decided to cast the gate, moreover, in parts, according to the technology of the Greeks.

moscow triumphal gates in saint petersburg
moscow triumphal gates in saint petersburg

Preparation for the construction of the Moscow Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg

In 1834, preparations for construction began. This year, Nicholas I determines the place for the erection of the monument, makes some adjustments regarding the height of the upper part of the object and the width of the opening between the columns. The project is again approved, including its location, and the workers begin the second preparatory phase.

It is worth noting such an important feature: in order to visually show the emperor how the Triumphalgate, created a wooden layout. It had a full size and width, in connection with which the emperor could identify flaws. But there were none. Therefore, Nicholas I only made some amendments and approved the project.

Further, at the request of Stasov, a column is made at the foundry. A total of 12 such elements are expected to be created. The emperor again gives the go-ahead, the wooden structure is demolished, and they begin to prepare the place where the Moscow Triumphal Gates will stand.

It all started with the arrangement of the bottom of the pit. First, it was very diligently tamped down, then almost 600 stone blocks were laid out, which remained in the place of the proposed, but never implemented, bell tower project on the territory of the Smolny Yard. After that, they began to lay the slabs, the total height of which was 4 m.

When the foundation pit was ready, important people were invited for the ceremonial laying of the gates, and, of course, the emperor himself with the architect Stasov. At the bottom of the pit, moments of various denominations were poured and stones were thrown, where the names of those present were carved. This event took place in early September 1834.

moscow triumphal gates in st. petersburg photo
moscow triumphal gates in st. petersburg photo

Start of construction

Since it was decided to cast the gate, the main work took place in the foundry. Stasov has been there with the workers all the time, prompting something, correcting, in general, supervising the process, because the task was not an easy one. It was required to produce columns in parts, and each of them consisted of 9 blocks. It was a brilliant decision because it wasit is easier to work both at the factory and directly on the construction site, and also to transport elements.

Here capitals were cast from copper, decorating the Moscow Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg. One such element had a weight of more than 16 tons, and 1 cast-iron column - almost 82. The total weight of the structure is about 450 tons. At that time, it was the first cast-iron prefabricated structure in the world with such a huge mass.

The sculptor Orlovsky was engaged in the military decorations of the gates (symbols and high reliefs with images of the geniuses of Glory). Also on the attic one can see an inscription made of overlaid bronze gilded letters. The emperor himself developed and wrote the text: "To the victorious Russian troops in memory of the exploits in Persia, Turkey and during the pacification of Poland in 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830 and 1831".

The solemn procession of the regiments under the gates took place in 1878 in the presence of the townspeople. As is often said in art, this project crowned Vasily Petrovich Stasov's architectural career.

moscow triumphal gates in st. petersburg address
moscow triumphal gates in st. petersburg address

Image of the Moscow Triumphal Gates

The monument consists of 12 columns 15 m long each. The total width of the structure is 36 m, and the height is 24 m. The Moscow Triumphal Gate is crowned with a frieze with thirty geniuses of Glory installed on it, holding the coats of arms of the provinces of the Russian Empire in their hands. They were embossed from sheets of copper and further emphasize the triumphal theme.

Disassembled Landmark

Coincidence? In 1936, in order to transfermonumental gates to a new location (it was planned to shift the city center to the south), they were completely dismantled and removed. But with the advent of the Great Patriotic War, the plans were not destined to come true, and therefore the return of the attraction in the literal sense to the earth took place only in 1961. Thus, without suspecting it, the people of St. Petersburg saved the metal monument.

moscow triumphal gates in saint petersburg history
moscow triumphal gates in saint petersburg history

The years of war and the recovery period

When there were fierce battles, cast-iron elements were used to equip structures against tanks. Blockades were set up at all entrances to St. Petersburg. After the end of the war, the found elements were restored, the lost parts were recreated (they were the majority), and in 1961 the Moscow Triumphal Gates were rebuilt. This was done by architects Ivan Kaptsyug and Evgenia Petrova.

From that moment on, work related to the arch was carried out once - in 2000-2001. So far, there has been no more restoration work.

Tourist reviews of the Triumphal Gate on Moskovsky Prospekt

Tourists and locals believe that visiting the monumental gates and even passing by gives a feeling of triumph, victory, extravaganza and just a holiday. No wonder they were created in honor of the victories of the Russian army over enemy troops. In the evening, the lighting is turned on, and the gates begin to play with bright multi-colored lights. Some guests of the northern capital call the lighting not very good, saying that it could be better.

Petersburgers believe that every Russian,which is reverent about history and honors the memory of the heroes who fell in wars, should definitely visit this attraction.

Moscow triumphal gates in St. Petersburg
Moscow triumphal gates in St. Petersburg

Moscow Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg: address

If you get to the monument by metro, you need to get to the Moscow Gate station. The exit from the underground tunnel leads to the square of the same name, where the attraction stands, in the very center. It is difficult to approach it - there is active car traffic from four sides.

The Moscow Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg, the photo of which was presented in this article, give the urban landscape a bit of severity with their appearance, because they are completely made of metal. On the other hand, they do not spoil the architectural appearance of the city; on the contrary, they blend harmoniously with the surroundings and attract attention. Being in St. Petersburg, you should definitely see the monumental gates that adorn one of the main avenues of the northern capital.
