Uzbekistan. Kashkadarya region

Uzbekistan. Kashkadarya region
Uzbekistan. Kashkadarya region

Kashkadarya region is located in the south of Uzbekistan, washed by the waters of the river. Kashkadarya. The total area of the region is 28600 sq. km. In total, about 2254 thousand people live here.

General information

The Karshi oasis and Kitabo-Shakhrisabz are characterized by the densest population. The smallest number of people is in the alpine and desert-steppe areas. This land is inhabited mostly by Uzbeks. In addition, people of Tajik and Russian, Arab, Turkish nationalities meet here.

Kashkadarya region
Kashkadarya region

Kashkadarya region occupies the land that is limited by Gissar, as well as Zarafshan. The road network, consisting of a large number of roads, is very well developed here. There is a convenient communication with areas in the neighborhood. Apart from the car, one can use the railway to get there. Also Kashkadarya region (Uzbekistan) has two airports. Their names are Shakhrisabz and Karshi.


The main energy industries are fuel extraction, production of building materials, light and food industries, flour and cereals processing.

The cities of Kashkadarya region occupy the first position in the entire state in the field of hydrocarbon production,oil products, condensates, as well as the processing of natural gases. There are fourteen common ownership enterprises in which investors from other countries have invested.

The main areas of agriculture include cotton production, raising animals, growing food in gardens, viticulture and winemaking, milk production, raising sheep.

In 2013, 680 thousand hectares were allocated for sown areas. On half of them pastures were arranged. In addition, there is a large number of farm lands, for which 744.4 hectares were allocated. Their size is not very large. Wheat yields were especially good.

Cotton, potatoes, vegetables are also popular. Goats and sheep are actively bred. During the year, livestock production produces 219 thousand tons of meat, more than 800 thousand tons of milk, 270 million eggs, 5 thousand tons of wool.

kashkadarya region uzbekistan
kashkadarya region uzbekistan

Water resources

Besides, the river plays an important role. Kashkadarya, which is adjacent to a large number of tributaries that flow from the mountain peaks. The largest water arteries are Aksu and Tankhyzydarya, as well as Kyzyldarya and Guzardarya. They are fed by melting snow. The water level especially rises in the spring and the first month of summer.

Kashkadarya region is a place on the territory of which there is a large protected area of national importance. You can get into it if you move east from Shakhrisabe to the southwestern spurs, which is near the Zarafshansky ridge. This complex includes the north sideKartag - a local mountain, and the left bank of the river. Dzhindydarya. The total area is 3938 hectares.

Interesting places

Besides, the place that makes the Kashkadarya region so interesting is Khoja Kurgan - a gorge with lively and beautiful nature. One of the pages of the history of the Earth is imprinted here in stone. The tectonic formation is also attributed to the Paleozoic. There are a large number of fossilized plants typical of the marine environment, as well as mollusks.

Another important nature reserve is Gissar, it is the largest in the entire territory of Central Asia. The area of which is 78 thousand hectares. It can be found in the west of the Gissar Range, on one of its slopes.

Kizil-Sai is a protected area with dense thickets inhabited by rare animals: lynx, brown bear, leopard and others. Also of interest to visit is the karst cave of Tamerlane, which is one of the largest in Central Asia. She is 240 feet deep.

Kashkadarya region districts
Kashkadarya region districts

There is something to see

Amankutan is considered picturesque and beautiful - a beautiful tract where there are many apricots, groves with nuts, almonds, junipers. Nearby is a mountain-type village. From the bus, you can see stone walls and picturesque landscapes of the valleys.

Zarafshan mountain formation is picturesque in any period of the year. In the spring, scarlet tulips bloom here, and in the summer - a multi-colored carpet, in the fall, a beautiful golden carpet is spread here. In winter, it is also interesting to wander around, admiring the marvelous landscapes.

Therewhere culture and science were previously developed, many scientists and creative people were born and formed. This is especially true for the city of Nasaf, where a large center of hadith studies is located.

cities of Kashkadarya region
cities of Kashkadarya region


The administrative center is the city of Karshi. Kashkadarya region was created in January 1943. This was issued by a decree of the supreme government of the Soviet Union. This territory was abolished in 1960, and then the Kashkadarya region was restored to its original state. Its districts in 1964 were in the same composition. There are currently 13 of them.

Karshi (Kashkadarya region) as the capital of the region attracts the most keen attention. From this city to Tashkent 520 kilometers. To get to the border of the state, you need to drive 335 km. It was restored in the 14th century, raising from the ruins of those settlements that were located here earlier. The population is just over 200 thousand people. The history of the city is extremely long and interesting. It begins in the 7th century AD. e.

Even at that time, the conquerors paid close attention to this city. However, the population managed to resist. Historical statements about the defenders of the city have been preserved. One of them is Spitamen, whose heroism was once noted even by Alexander the Great. Until the 14th century, the city was called Nakhshab. It was then that a Turkish fort was built here.

Karshi Kashkadarya region
Karshi Kashkadarya region

Curious to visit

Historical landmarks are women's educationalan establishment dating back to the 16th century Odin Madrassah, the Kuk Gumbaz Mosque of the 16th century. Also, attention should be paid to Bekmir, Kilichboy, Khoja Kurban, Magzon, Charmgar (19-20th century), a brick bridge (16th century), Sardoba (16th century). An interesting place is the Friday Mosque, not far from which there is a city market.

In the 1970s, the first part of a major irrigation project was carried out, the purpose of which was to divert water from the river. Amu Darya. The lands that are irrigated are used for growing cotton. The railway from Tashkent to Karshi started functioning in 1970. Wonderful woven carpets are produced in this city.

Science and art are also well developed here. There is an institute that trains teachers, there is a theater of music and drama.

Desert area

From the capital, many travel to other parts of the region, where instead of the steppes, the eyes are deserts. There is a shortage of water in this area, so a network of wells has been developed. There are hundreds of them.

High power pumps are used to pump out moisture. However, there are also such sources that need to be handled the old fashioned way, throwing a bucket inside and pulling it up on your own. The water is brackish, suitable for watering the sheep, which are taken out to the steppe to pasture. In the settlement of Pampuk, there is the deepest well, which was punched by hand. And this is quite difficult, given the hardness of the soil.

Karshi city Kashkadarya region
Karshi city Kashkadarya region

Sardoba, which isirrigation facility, a large reservoir built using burnt bricks. Deepening into the ground was carried out by two-thirds. Water is collected and stored here.
