To be able to manage leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization. Bertrand Russell said it.

Busy workdays of a person, rush, bustle in our dynamic time, in order to maintain a he althy emotional background, must alternate with pauses for rest. After all, a person's life consists not only of worries and obligations, but it should also have a place for joy and entertainment. with family, etc. Everyone knows the craving of children for different types of attractions. Few little fidgets remain indifferent at the sight of a spinning carousel or a swinging swing.
Amusement parks with many attractions are the best for people of all ages to relax. The rules for using the rides strictly stipulate the age that is a pass ticket. Of course, a child who has not reached a certain threshold will not be allowed by controllers, for example, to the Surprise attraction. It is calculatedexclusively for a certain age category.

Toddler attractions are small and safe units. Such cute entertainments include the well-known trains, cars, carousels and other options that we all know. Older children will be able to ride on the autodrome, the Ferris wheel, etc.
Many park visitors dream of getting on the Surprise attraction and the Roller Coaster, where the maximum feeling of exertion takes place. Extreme entertainment is loved by most adults, but it will not be easy for children who have not reached the right age to get into them. Of course, such requirements look logical and correct. Strict parameters for skipping are not written for fun. The psyche of kids and the younger generation can be injured, which can lead to a number of problems, so controllers never neglect the necessary rules to ensure safety. Moscow has many amusement parks where you can arrange a holiday of life at any time and have fun free time. The largest not only in the capital, but throughout Russia is the Happylon indoor park. It is simply impossible to leave here with a bad mood! More than 100 slot machines, dozens of attractions and other entertainments are presented to the attention of visitors.

Of the variety of entertainment, undoubtedly, the old attraction “Surprise”, developed in 1974, stands out. Perhaps this is his distinguishing ability. You can feel the G-forces that cosmonauts experience when preparing for a flight, training in a centrifuge. Surprise attraction in Moscow can not be found everywhere. The abundance of options for entertainment is replete with variety. But, undoubtedly, the leader from the past is "Surprise", which is one of the first attractions that bring unusual and vivid impressions.