Those who do not want to waste precious time on the road go on a trip by plane. Of course, with the help of an air airliner, you can get from one point of our planet to another in the shortest possible time. This vehicle is considered one of the fastest. And this opportunity is used by a large number of people.

But there is a first time for everything. And for those who have never flown yet and do not have an impressive store of knowledge about what the rules of air transportation are, it is not surprising to get confused when they first find themselves at the airport. Until the moment when the passenger is on board the aircraft, he will need to go through a series of formal procedures that can confuse an unprepared person. How to behave at the airport? Consider step-by-step instructions and get acquainted with the advice of experienced passengers.
Purchasing a ticket
It is no secret to anyone that when planning a trip, you need to pay for it in advance. Airtransportation is no exception. In order to fly, you need to buy a ticket. This can be done online at the airport, at ticket offices, as well as through travel agencies or special agencies. The purchased ticket will be stored in the air carrier's database in electronic form.
In the event that the future passenger made the payment for the flight independently from home, he needs to check the exact entry of the passport data (civil or international, depending on the destination). After that, it is recommended to print the ticket purchased on the site. Of course, this can not be done. The absence of a printout will not be a reason for refusing to fly. But it's still better if you have a paper ticket with you.
Preparing luggage
So, we have a journey ahead of us. The route has been chosen, the ticket has been purchased, the money has been prepared, the documents have been checked. Now you have to collect things, dividing them into hand luggage and luggage. What is their difference? Hand luggage must contain those things that will be in the cabin of the aircraft during the flight, directly next to the passenger. Their list can include any dimensional electronic equipment, for example, a video camera, camera and laptop, as well as fragile souvenirs. Putting them in luggage is not recommended, because they may be damaged during loading and unloading.
The following items are not allowed in hand luggage:
- liquids placed in vials over 100ml;
- explosive and flammable substances (hairspray, acetone, etc.);
- cutting and stabbing objects(manicure scissors, knives, etc.);
- heavy things that exceed the weight limit for hand luggage.
All information about restrictions is on the airline's website. It should be borne in mind that quite stringent security measures have been taken at the airports of some foreign countries. For example, in EU countries, mascara may be confiscated from hand luggage.
Being at the airport, you should not even try to carry cutting and piercing objects in your hand luggage. At a minimum, they will be seized from the passenger. But sometimes these people are invited to talk to airport security.
When packing things in your luggage, you should keep in mind that for business class passengers, their weight should not exceed 30 kg. For the economy class, this figure is slightly less and amounts to 20 kg. The weight of the suitcase or bag itself is also included in the weight of the luggage. In case of exceeding the established limit, the passenger will be offered to pay extra, based on the tariffs provided for in the airline chosen by him for the flight.
In the future, before checking in for a flight and checking in luggage, it is recommended to approach the special devices. Here, for a fee, all bags and suitcases will be securely and carefully packed in transparent polyethylene. This will ensure the integrity and safety of things that will be handed over to the baggage compartment and guarantee peace of mind to the passenger during the flight.
Employees of travel agencies, hotels and drivers of almost all countries of the world will understand a person who speaks English. But in preparation for a visit to a certaincountry, it is advisable to first study the information about the customs and sights existing in it. At the same time, it would be nice to learn a few phrases in the local language that will allow you to explain yourself to the police or at the airport if any problems arise. You can write it all down on a piece of paper, and also take a phrasebook or dictionary with you.
Whether you are traveling to the airport for the first time or are an experienced air passenger, it is recommended to put copies of documents that you take with you on a trip inside your luggage (their originals must be in hand luggage), and attach a badge to your suitcase, on which the surname and name, contact numbers will be indicated. This data will be needed if the luggage is suddenly lost. A passenger traveling with a gadget can upload scanned copies of travel documents to his e-mail. If necessary, it will be easy for him to use their electronic copies. On the one hand, this is, of course, a trifle. But sometimes it saves a person from rare, but extremely unpleasant problems.
Arrive at the airport
So, the long-awaited day of the beginning of the journey is coming. When do you need to arrive at the airport? This must be done long before the time of departure of the aircraft. This is quite understandable. After all, before boarding a flight, the passenger must go through certain procedures. The punctuality of the traveler will allow him to do everything calmly and will greatly facilitate the work of the staff.

How long before departure to arrive atthe airport? If you answer this question briefly, then in 1.5-3 hours. However, it should be borne in mind that situations are very different. That is why it is impossible to answer unambiguously the question of how long before departure to arrive at the airport. Everything will depend on the flight (domestic or international), the requirements of the carrier, the absence or presence of luggage, the ability to check in using the Internet and other nuances. An important factor is the peculiarities of the country of departure and the airport itself.
A beginner in this matter, in order not to be embarrassed and confused in a huge hall, should arrive half an hour earlier than the set time. This will allow him not to be late.
Arriving 20-30 minutes earlier is also necessary for those passengers who are planning their trip with animals. The pet will have to be examined by the airport staff. And experienced passengers recommend keeping all travel documents at hand. This will allow not to delay the process, as well as eliminate absent-mindedness and uncertainty.
As a rule, the start of registration is announced 2 hours before departure. But it can be done online. In this case, it will be enough for the passenger to arrive at the airport just 40 minutes before departure. To clarify the time, it is still better to look at the information provided on the carrier's website in advance.
With electronic check-in, which becomes available 24 hours before departure, you will not need to stand in line. This will allow you to arrive at the airport later.
The end of check-in for a flight, as a rule, occurs 40 minutes before (a similar rule applies to bothinternational and domestic flights) before departure. It is by this time that passengers need to be at the airport, complete all procedures and be ready to board the plane.
It should be borne in mind that flights on domestic flights provide for simpler conditions for all activities that are necessary for the flight. That is why when traveling within the country, you can arrive at the airport 1.5-2 hours before the departure of the aircraft. As for international flights, everything is somewhat more complicated. Arriving at the airport in 2 hours will obviously not be enough to go through all the necessary procedures. In this case, there is a high probability of either being late or spending all this time in a hurry, causing dissatisfaction with others.
In order to successfully fly to another country, you should arrive at the airport 3 hours in advance. This time will be enough to calmly go through all the procedures, look into Duty Free shops, and then, without haste, land. Additional time will require a flight with a pet. And in general, when traveling on an international flight, it is best to arrive at the airport 3-3.5 hours before departure.
Incoming control
How to behave for the first time at the airport? Upon entering the building, you will need to go through an entrance control. This must be done not only by passengers of flights, but also by those people who came to see off their relatives and friends. To complete this procedure, you must put things on the tape and go through a metal detector. It should be borne in mind that at some airports that are located abroad, such entrance controlmissing.
Those who wish to successfully pass the first screening procedure should not wrap their suitcases and bags with foil at home. Security personnel may ask you to see luggage if they suspect it contains prohibited items. You can pack your luggage when paying for such a service at the airport or by bringing film and tape with you and packing your suitcase yourself after passing through the entrance control.
Introduction to the departure board. Features of the information provided
How to behave for the first time at the airport? Entering the building, you must first look around. Next, you need to find the departure board. This is a large screen with a table that shows data on the nearest flights in time. This includes the airline number and name, as well as the destination, time, and status. How to quickly find the desired flight on the departure board? It is recommended to do this by its number. If you search for the destination and time of departure, you may not achieve the desired result. After all, such guidelines cannot be considered reliable. For example, the flight time may well be changed. As for the destination, it may be the same for different aircraft.

If the passenger has found the flight he needs, then in the case of check-in has already begun in the same line of the scoreboard, you can see the inscription check-in. But the phrase on-time, located opposite the number, will indicate that there are no changes in the aircraft schedule. As a rule, the same line also indicates the time when the registration was started.
Thus, seeing on the board of departures oppositecheck-in sign of their flight, the passenger must go to the check-in counter. If this field is still empty, then this indicates that the person arrived at the airport in advance. Sometimes information about the exact start time of check-in can be given in the departure board. If it is not, then you should not panic. In cases where there are any problems, the corresponding notes will appear on the scoreboard.
What can you do at the airport while waiting? For example, go to one of the nearest cafes. It is also necessary to periodically check the status of the flight. After the announcement of its registration, you will need to go to special counters, specifying their numbers on the scoreboard.
If the flight is delayed, the screen will additionally indicate the time of the exact departure. If there is no such data, then you will need to contact the airport information desk. Employees will prompt the necessary information.
In the event that the flight status column says "Cancelled", you will need to urgently contact the airline's representative office. Its employees must offer a ticket for the nearest flight. They give it out for free instead of the previous one.
What should a passenger do when he sees on the board that his flight has already started boarding? This status means that this person missed the plane. He should go to a separate counter for those who missed their flight as soon as possible. If the airport staff cannot resolve the issue, then you should contact the airline office.
The next step in the instruction for beginners "How to behave at the airport?" is passing tocheck-in desk for the desired flight. This procedure can be carried out in two ways. The first one is online registration. The second is traditional.
A growing number of airlines now offer passengers online check-in via the Internet. This can be done within a day before departure, but not less than one hour before the departure of the aircraft. It is not necessary to arrive at the airport for this procedure. You can register from any computer that has access to the Internet. Online check-in is possible for passengers with and without luggage, flying in a group, with children, business or economy class. It is carried out directly on the airline's website. After filling in the table on the online check-in tab with data on the number of the electronic ticket, airport of departure, first and last name of the passenger, as well as the date of the flight, the system generates a boarding pass. It will need to be printed out. It is a document that will subsequently need to be presented when boarding an aircraft.
Passengers who have completed online check-in, upon arrival at the airport, must go to a special counter and check in their luggage. Those who fly with only hand luggage must immediately go to the inspection, which will be carried out by the security service, as well as to passport control.
Those who decide to register in the traditional way will need to go to the desired counter after the announcement of the start of registration. Here you need to present your ticket and passport to the airport employee. InIf the travel document was purchased electronically, one passport is sufficient. The ticket will be found by an airline employee by the passenger's last name.
Directly at the counter are the scales. On them it is necessary to put luggage for weighing. Having determined the weight of a bag or suitcase, an airport employee will attach a tag with a barcode to it. Thanks to this receipt, luggage should not be lost on the way. Hand luggage is also subject to weighing. Some airlines attach tags to it as well.

The check-in procedure is considered completed after the airport employee issues the boarding pass to the passenger. Together with him, luggage tags are also issued, which are a document that allows you to receive luggage after it is found, if it is suddenly lost at the point of arrival. Such receipts are usually glued on the boarding pass or on the cover of the passport.
Being at the check-in desk, the passenger has the right to choose a seat for himself in the cabin. That is why, the earlier a person arrives at the airport, the more chances he will have to get the place he wants. For those who are flying for the first time, it is recommended to take a seat by the window. Then this trip will allow you to get more impressions. Those who are afraid of heights should sit by the aisle. Tall passengers should ask for an emergency exit seat. More legroom here.
Boarding pass
This document, which contains important information, consists of 2 parts. One of them opens up andremains with the airport employee. The second is handed over to the passenger. It is this part that is presented to the steward or stewardess at the entrance to the plane.
What are the most important items on a boarding pass, and how do you decipher it? In the event that a passenger has completed online check-in, this document is printed on a printer and has A4 format. The boarding pass issued at the airport will be small. It indicates:
- Surname and name of the passenger, corresponding to his passport data. This item needs to be checked further. If these details are incorrect, the passenger will be denied entry by the passport control service.
- The route of the flight, that is, from where and where the plane flies.
- Boarding time. As a rule, it is carried out 40 minutes before takeoff.
- Boarding gate number. Having passed all the necessary inspections, you will need, focusing on the signs at the airport, to go to the desired gate. Sometimes it can be changed even after registration. You can specify the desired exit at the airport information desk, carefully following the information on the scoreboard and listening to the announcements at the airport.
- Seat number and row on the plane. There is a number on the boarding pass. This is a row of seats. The letter is the place in this row.
Customs control
For those who do not know how to behave for the first time at the airport, the instructions for beginners indicate that after the check-in counter, holding a passport, boarding pass and hand luggage, you should go to the area of the most meticulous check before boarding. Customs control is necessary forfinding out the presence of goods prohibited for transportation. These can be, for example, large sums of money, antiques, weapons, etc.
According to the rules of customs control at the airport, all of them must be indicated in the declaration. The passenger will have to fill it out only if such items are among his things. If there is nothing that is subject to duty in your luggage, you can proceed to the green corridor. This direction will be indicated by a large green sign. If there are items subject to duty, you will need to go to the red corridor. Here the passenger will have to fill out a declaration. Experienced travelers recommend that you first familiarize yourself with an example of filling out such a form. It has many nuances.
Passport control
How to behave for the first time at the airport? The boarding passenger will need to go through passport control.

To do this, you must present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for domestic flights) or a passport (for international flights).
Closing through security is a must for all passengers. This procedure is necessary to exclude the possibility of carrying items that can be used to commit a terrorist act. To pass such a screening, the passenger must turn off all electronic items he has. All hand luggage is placed in a special container, including watches and phones.

A security officer is X-raying all these items. Passengers are also asked to take off their outer clothing and headgear. They will also be viewed on an x-ray machine. During such a check, the passenger is asked to pass through a metal detector. If the inspection went well, the person immediately returns his things. He can go on.
Waiting room
After passing through all the security checks, you can relax. The airport lounge is full of shops selling various souvenirs. Passengers who have business class tickets in their hands can go to a more comfortable place. For them, as well as for those who paid for such a service to airport employees, special rooms are equipped.

All comforts are created here while waiting for a flight.
What can I do in the airport lounge?
- Visit the buffet, which will offer hot or cold snacks, as well as drinks that you do not have to pay for. Everything is included in the ticket price.
- Watch TV and read literature.
- Free access to the shower stall.
- Use the services of a massage therapist, beautician or hairdresser.
- Enabling children to visit the playroom.
While in the lounge, you must follow the boarding announcements. After the information about the selected flight is heard, the passenger must go to the desired exit. There is an attendant here who will check your boarding pass and possibly your passport. At some airportsflight schedule is quite tight. That is why announcements about the beginning of landing are sometimes not given. The passenger must be aware of this. At the time specified in the boarding pass, he must go to the desired exit. He will get on the plane either by passing through a special passage that connects the liner to the terminal building, or by driving along the runway by bus.