Bashkortostan is famous for many unique monuments of nature, amazing beauty and grandeur, wonderful man-made objects, impressive engineering courage and talent of creators. Abzelilovsky district is part of this amazing land - sunny, generous and extremely hospitable.
In the east of Bashkiria (in the center of the Trans-Urals) on an area of 4.3 thousand square meters. km is located Abzelilovsky district. According to legend, Abzelil was the name of a clever guy who won a whole herd of horses from the owner of the lake and gave the horses to people.

Perhaps that is why the coat of arms and flag of the district depicts a horse. Abzelilovsky is adjacent to the following districts of Bashkiria: Beloretsky, Uchalinsky, Burzyansky and Baimaksky, as well as the Chelyabinsk region. The length of its territory from north to south is 200 km, and from west to east - 120 km. The administrative district center is the village of Askarovo. It is about 350 km to Ufa, 90 km to Beloretsk, 40 km to Magnitogorsk.
Abzelilovsky district is one of the top three in terms of territory among other 54 administrative units inBashkortostan.

Its transport system includes an international airport (located in Magnitogorsk), more than 600 km of roads, half of which are paved, and two railway lines with four stations. You can comfortably get here by car from all major cities of the country, including Magnitogorsk, Sibay, Ufa, Chelyabinsk and others.
About 290 km of roads, mostly regional, are still covered with gravel and earth, which makes it somewhat difficult to travel in adverse weather conditions.
Railway transport is represented by the stations of the first branch - Krasnaya Bashkiria and Almukhametovo (the Ufa-Sibay train runs), and the second - Tashbulatovo and Murakaevo, where trains from Magnitogorsk, Ufa and Moscow.
Although the Abzelilovsky district is located between large industrial centers - Magnitogorsk, Beloretsk and Sibay, the environment here is good. The winds in the region are dominated by the westerly direction, so all adverse emissions from enterprises are directed to the side.

The territory of the region is geographically divided into mountain-forest (western part) and flat-steppe (eastern part) zones. On the plains, they are mainly engaged in animal husbandry and agriculture. The mountain forest zone is famous for its unique natural monuments and resorts. It is formed by the Ur altau, Kyrkytau and Irendyk ranges, the height of which is about 1000 meters.
Mountain slopes coveredmixed forests. There are many plants in them, listed in the Red Book and carefully protected. The Bashkir Nature Reserve begins in the same area. The beauty here is extraordinary - harsh rocks, green massifs, carpets of flowers underfoot. In the forests you can meet deer, squirrels, hares, badgers, foxes, wolves, even bears. Among the birds, gulls, cranes, swans, ducks settle here.
Hydro resources and minerals
Abzelilovsky district is known far beyond the borders of the republic for its rivers (Kizil, Yangelka) and unique lakes, of which there are more than thirty. The most popular are Bannoye (Mauyzdy, Yakty-Kul), S alty (Muldakkul, Tozlokul), Atavdy, Ulyandy, Surtandy, Sabakdy. Lake Mauyzdy was called Banny, because according to legend, Pugachev's army washed here, and the water had a beneficial effect, restored strength, and healed wounds. S alty got its name due to the taste of water. At its bottom there are muds that contribute to the treatment of many diseases. All the lakes in the region have a lot of fish, which makes them extremely popular among fishermen.

Besides natural beauties, Bashkiria is rich in minerals. Abzelilovsky district has long been a place of extraction of alluvial gold, manganese, marble, jasper. Now copper, limestone, and chromite deposits are being developed here.
Historical monuments
For tourists interested in archeology and history, the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan is interesting for several routes to the burial mounds, sites of primitivepeople, places of battles of the troops of Emelyan Pugachev and battles during the civil war.
The oldest site here is Urta-Tube. It was found on the lake Karabalykly. There are others related to the Paleolithic period. They are located near the lakes Bannoe, Ulyandy, Surtanda, Sabakty. In total, about 30 sites were found.
The presence of jasper and flint in this area served as an impetus for the development of handicrafts. This is confirmed by the found sites of the Neolithic, in which a large number of household items, jewelry, and weapons have been preserved. The era of transition from stone to metal products is represented by finds in many burial mounds. The most famous of the latter are Murakaevsky, Ishkulovsky, Tuishevsky, Bikkulovsky and others.

Active Leisure
The presence of mountain ranges makes the Abzelilovsky district extremely popular among hang gliders and parachuting enthusiasts. Askarovo is famous for its paradrome and deltadrome, and in 2011 there was even a championship in these sports. In addition, there is an equestrian club in the village, so that everyone can take horse rides in the surroundings.
A modern ski resort has been built on Lake Bannom. Winters in Bashkiria are not particularly snowy, but there is a plant for the production of artificial snow, so you can use the ski slopes from November to April. Lift No. 1 was built to climb to the top. The slopes here are equipped with the expectation of both experienced skiers and beginners who are provided withinstructors.

He alth vacation
Far beyond the borders of Bashkiria, the Abzelilovsky district (Askarovo in particular) is known for its Bannoye Lake. A wonderful balneological resort "Yakty-Kul" was built here. Nearby there are two balneological mud lakes and the sanatorium "Yubileiny", which treats diseases of the bones, joints, nervous system, gynecological, urological ailments, and infertility. The resort operates in winter and summer.
There are also tourist recreation centers on the lake, where comfortable buildings of various categories are provided. Many bases have facilities for celebrations and business meetings. In addition to therapeutic mud, there are sources of mineral water in the area. They are located near the village of Krasnaya Bashkiria. The level of mineralization in them is 6.2 g/l.

Other places of interest
Abzelilovsky district, whose villages are scattered across the steppe zone and foothills, has long been famous for jasper mines. Mining is still underway in some places, and everyone who wants to follow the route "Jasper Belt" with a stop at the Kusimovsky quarry, the village of Tashbulatovo and other points where you can find pieces of red, green and multi-colored jasper.
From the point of view of the history of the region, the village of Khalilovo, which is the most ancient Karagay-Kipchak village in the region, is interesting. According to legend, it was founded by the elder Khalil. He bequeathed to bury him on the border of two warring tribes, which was done. After this confrontationstopped. Undoubtedly, one of the most popular places in the region has recently become the "Dinopark", which opened on the lake Severnye Ulyandy. The exposition of the park is unique, as all the animals are life-sized, move and growl. There are cafes for children and adults, and a special train runs through the territory.