YUVAO or the South-Eastern administrative district of Moscow is an industrial and cultural zone of the modern metropolis. The territory is divided into 12 districts, and the total area is just over 117.56 square kilometers. SEAD has its own coat of arms and flag.
Regions of SEAD and their brief description

Introducing a brief overview of the South-Eastern district of the capital. The regions of the SEAD are divided into the following components:
- Kapotnya - the total area is 806 hectares, where the industrial zone is located. There are no metro stations in the region, transportation is carried out using several bus routes or personal transport.
- The Vykhino-Zhulebino district is considered the largest in Moscow, the transformation and obtaining the appropriate status took place in the 80s. Developed transport infrastructure includes several metro stations, railway, bus service.
- Kuzminki is the central part of the region, which has the mostdeveloped culture component. The presented area has a good infrastructure for recreation.
- Lefortovo has a bright cultural component, has many sights and interesting places. Living in this area is associated with prestige.
- Lublino is a beautiful and large area, which acquired the corresponding status in 1995. Before the division in 1991, it was considered the largest in terms of territory in Moscow.
- Marino. The territory on the left side of the Moskva River, there are good conditions for living: large residential areas, the presence of social buildings, recreation parks.
- Nekrasovka is a young area, which is located on the outskirts of the metropolis. Accession and obtaining the status of the city occurred in the 70s. The main direction for expanding the boundaries of the capital.
- Nizhny Novgorod - the presented territory is ideal for work, because here is the best transport interchange and an abundance of industrial enterprises.
- Printers. Industrialization in the late 70s was the main reason for the appearance of the presented area. By 1975, there were more than 230 enterprises here. Almost nothing has changed now.
- Ryazan - the cultural and scientific capital of the administrative district. There are 12 institutes and universities, and the same number of factories. The area is not rich in cultural attractions.
- Textile workers. The territory became part of Moscow in the distant 40s. The area is characterized by dense buildings and constant traffic jams. Until 1995, it did not have the status of a separate district.
- Southport. Sleeping arrays and developed transport infrastructure - this characterizes the territory of the district. An ideal place for the life of a modern person.
Sights: what to see in SEAD?

Each separate area has unique cultural and historical attractions. Kapotnya became famous for the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Vykhino-Zhulebino for the recreational zone Zhulebinsky forest park. As for Kuzminki and Lyublino, it is important to highlight the Lyublino park.
Other sights include: the Kuzminki estate and park, the Church of the Blachernae Icon of the Mother of God, the Museum of Patrons, the Park. 850th Anniversary of Moscow, Düsseldorf Park, complex of buildings of the Catherine Palace.
Regions of the South-Eastern District on the map of Moscow
For quick orientation on the ground, use the Google map or use the navigator.

12 districts of SEAD are in constant development and have the corresponding potential. It is quite natural that another expansion of Moscow's borders will be needed soon.