The nature of Russia, more than once sung by writers and depicted in paintings by artists, has been delighting the human eye with its beauties for many centuries. In the Shirinsky district, surrounded by wooded mountains, there is an unusually beautiful freshwater lake Itkul (Khakassia). Its pristine beauty leaves an extraordinary impression in the heart of every vacationer.
Where is the lake
Itkul's name originates from ancient legends. The name of the brave hero Ita, who defeated the evil water spirit of the lake, became part of the name, and the second part - kul - means "lake". Rivers such as Karysh, Karasuk and Teplaya flow into the reservoir. Itkul itself is a source of drinking water for the nearby village of Zhemchuzhny.

The area of this reservoir is twenty-three square meters, and the average depth reaches seventeen meters. Lake Itkul itself (Khakassia) is surrounded by steppe massifs and mountains, which gives it an unusual, fabulous look.
You can get to this reservoir along the federal highway M-54 "Yenisei". There are numerous drives to the lake itself, but they are dug up from time to time to restrict the entry of cars.
Reserved area
Lake Itkul (Khakassia) is located in a protected area, which is inhabited by a variety of fauna and flora of more than five hundred species. Some of these plants and animals are listed in the Red Book of Khakassia, and some are in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.
Not so long ago, the lake belonged to the public area and was quite a favorite place among vacationers. Cattle were grazed on its banks, and many animals and plants were mercilessly destroyed by poachers and people who came to rest. And only after the formation of the reserve on the territory of the reservoir, the surrounding nature regained its original appearance, and rare and endangered species of animals and plants were saved from death.

Since most of Itkul belongs to the Khakass nature reserve, then all activities carried out in this area (swimming, camping, etc.) are possible only with the permission of its administration.
Reviews about the lake
Every tourist, at least for a few days, should be allowed to become a part of his life in this fairy tale called Lake Itkul (Khakassia). Reviews of people who saw these beauties can be varied, but they are all filled with delight and admiration. After all, even the indigenous city dwellers, thanks to the rest on the lake, will be able to escape from the crowds andnoise, from civilization and everyday bustle. Only clean drinking water is used here, which is a source of he alth and longevity. In addition, herbs with healing powers and unusually clean air work wonders, saturating the human body with strength and energy.
Each person chooses the most suitable vacation option for himself. And knowing about the beauties of Russian nature, few people refuse to visit them at least once. Undoubtedly, Lake Itkul (Khakassia) also belongs to such places. Photos of primeval nature taken during your vacation will remind you of a great time for a long time to come.

The shoreline of the lake is somewhat varied. In some places it is covered with sand, in others it is steep and not suitable for entering the water. There is also a heavily swampy part of the lake shore.
Quite a large area of the reservoir belongs to the protected area. In such places it is forbidden to drive vehicles, make fires, pitch tents, fish and even swim. Vacationers in this case are accommodated in a territory free from protection.
The beauties of almost untouched nature look very impressive and spectacular, which are viewed from a viewing platform on a mountain located near the lake.
Of course, it should be noted that Itkul is most suitable for a calm, relaxed holiday.
What is interesting about the lake
Undoubtedly (because it is located in a protected area), Itkul (Khakassia) is a lake where fishing is prohibited. However, the underwater worldreservoir is incredibly rich. Since the lake is very clean, it is home to a wide variety of fish. Perch, silver carp, bream, peled and other species of fish live in the waters of Itkul.

Rare animals are also found on the banks of the reservoir, such as peregrine falcons, imperial eagles, sakers, demoiselle cranes.
It should be noted that Lake Itkul (Khakassia) is very popular among vacationers who prefer not fishing with a fishing rod, but scuba diving. Also, water tourists quite often organize kayak trips. The route starts from Itkul and goes through one of the Spirin lakes - Orlinoe. Then it passes along the Tuim River and ends at Lake Beloe.
The water in the reservoir warms up only by mid-July, but the swimming season lasts from June to August. The air temperature during this period can reach thirty-five degrees above zero, but at night it is quite cool.
Summer months are an active season for algae blooms, so it is not recommended for allergy sufferers to swim in the lake at this time.