Do you love nature, do you want to get to know the unusual representatives of the fish fauna and other inhabitants of the seabed? Then you definitely need to visit the largest oceanarium in Russia. Until recently, large-scale objects with exotic marine fish were located in the Russian capital, but now they have appeared on the periphery.
In 2011, the largest oceanarium in Russia opened its doors to visitors, which covers an area equal to six thousand square meters. It's called Sochi Discovery World Aquarium. The volume of water that the object holds is also impressive - as much as five million liters. But where is the largest oceanarium in Russia located? In the resort town of Sochi. One way or another, this building has no analogues.
Project implementation
The largest oceanarium in Russia was designed by ATEX International SEZ, a leader in the real estate construction market.

The developer invited leading specialists in the construction of the oceanarium, who came from New Zealand, Australia and China specificallyin order to put into practice such a large-scale project. ATEX International SEZ before Sochi Discovery World Aquarium has already been building entertainment complexes and exhibition centers on a global scale.
It is noteworthy that the design characteristics exceeded the planned potential by several times, which made the largest oceanarium in Russia the most durable structure: it is able to withstand any man-made disasters. During the construction of the facility, modern technologies were used, and about 25 million US dollars were spent to build the Sochi Discovery World Aquarium. Naturally, now the largest oceanarium in Russia (its address: Sochi, Adler district, Kurortny town, Lenina st., 219a/4) has become one of the main attractions of the Olympic capital.
Start inspection
So, entering the spacious lobby, guests immediately see stingrays and a huge predator - a shark, which shimmers under the sun's rays penetrating into the very heart of the deep sea.

After passing the turnstiles, through the escalators, visitors get to the second floor. There is an elevator for people with disabilities.
Exclusive design
And, of course, the entertainment complex is distinguished by unique solutions in terms of design. The Sochi Discovery World Aquarium exposition includes several zones, each of which introduces visitors to the peculiarities of life in the underwater kingdom. The first part of the exposition has four reservoirsopen type, which makes it possible to feed exotic representatives of the ichthyofauna, such as colored carps koi, pacu, aravana. Notable is the fact that the Japanese koi is a decorative variation of the domestic carp. But a real koi carp is an inhabitant of the deep sea, which undergoes multiple selections in breeding (at least 6 times), and only after that it is assigned one or another category. However, this is not the only rare fish in Sochi Discovery World Aquarium. Here you can admire both armored pikes and African cyclids.
Waterfall and 3D model area
Certainly, a waterfall in a hot forest is the hallmark of Sochi Dicovery World Aquarium.

It can be reached across the lake via a bridge. This exposition introduces guests to the ancient representatives of the ichthyofauna.
Waterfall that crosses the reservoir takes the guest to a new territorial zone, which is decorated with themed murals and three-dimensional objects. Here you can see a disturbing 3D image of a shark and admire labyrinth fish. When you walk through a winding tunnel, it seems that you are surrounded on all sides by the ocean. The length of the tunnel is as much as 44 meters. The thickness of the glass that separates the guest and representatives of the underwater kingdom is only 17 centimeters, so it’s better not to know about it so as not to gain fear and horror.
Lower tier
On the ground floor, visitors will experience the wonderful world of the seabed. Wrasses, moraines, eels, marineskates, unicorn fish, jellyfish and corals are the inhabitants of this kingdom. In two aquariums you can see the coastal shallows and rocks. On closer examination, in the grotto with the remains of a sunken schooner, you can even notice the tail of a mermaid. This is one of the most breathtaking sights that Russia's largest aquarium has to offer.
Hall with 13 aquariums
A tourist cannot but arouse interest in the room where there are 13 mini-aquaria.

Unusual inhabitants of the underwater kingdom swim here: sea urchins, stingrays, catfish, ball fish, cow fish. You can also admire an exotic predator - nurse shark, which tries to swim surrounded by pilots and yellow cleaners. Also in the aquarium live her relatives: cat and reef sharks. It is noteworthy that water for unusual fish and other inhabitants of the underwater world is not used by the sea. It is made artificially. Special containers are filled with fresh water, in which sea s alt is then dissolved.
The inhabitants of the seabed are properly cared for. This responsibility is entrusted to an experienced team of divers and aquarists. They not only monitor the cleanliness of the underwater world, but also provide a he althy microclimate in it. The final stage of the excursion is a lagoon, where rays and small sharks live, as well as an open-type aquarium, where sea urchins and horseshoe crabs live.
Ticket price
It should be noted that the largest aquarium in Russia in Sochi offers fairly affordable prices for its services. Adult pricea ticket is 600 rubles, and for a child (from 4 to 12 years old) - 400 rubles.

Preferential categories of citizens can go on an excursion for 350 rubles. On the territory of the entertainment complex, you can take photos and videos, and this privilege will cost only 100 rubles. A diving service is also provided. For 300 rubles, those who wish can dive into the abyss of sea waters for half an hour.
The largest oceanarium in the south of Russia in the summer is open from 10.00 to 19.00, and the rest of the working day is reduced by an hour. Days off - Monday and Tuesday.
Additional places to stay
On the territory of Sochi Discovery World Aquarium there is a cozy cafe "Akulinka", where visitors can have a bite to eat and relax. Guests can also go to the gift shop and buy something to remember. In particular, products made from sea shells and T-shirts with the Sochi Discovery World Aquarium logo are in demand.
Of course, many tourists believe that the new aquarium has transformed Sochi even more.

Excursion, showing the unique world of the underwater kingdom, leaves no one indifferent. Guests especially like the mermaid idea. And, of course, everyone is amazed by the huge tunnel and unique koi fish. Visitors compare the oceanarium with a real fairy tale, after reading it once, you want to read it again and again. Naturally, Sochi Discovery World Aquarium will significantly increasetourist flow to the Olympic capital. There are practically no negative reviews about the largest oceanarium in our country, but some say that the water world facilities built in Moscow and St. Petersburg are no worse than in Sochi. One way or another, but it is not at all necessary to go to distant lands to see all the exotics of the underwater kingdom. It is enough to come once to the warm resort town of the Krasnodar Territory.