Shatsky Lakes (Ukraine) is one of the best places to relax. They are part of the Shatsk Natural National Park. This group includes more than thirty reservoirs located in the Volyn region on the border with Belarus between the Western Bug and Pripyat rivers.
Shatsk Lakeland is crystal clear air, saturated with coniferous aroma, unique climatic conditions, a diverse world of flora and fauna, beautiful nature. All of the above made this place the most beautiful area for summer holidays.

Shatsky lakes
It is impossible to say that there is only one Shatsk lake. There are many reservoirs here, but their entire group was conventionally called Shatskaya. Which lakes are included here? Naturally, Svityaz, Ostrovyanskoye, Sandy, Pulemets, Crimean and Luki. It also includes Lucimir and some other lakes. In the summer, the water in them warms up perfectly, and with the onset of winter, the reservoirs turn into a skating rink. Mineralization of the liquid can be designated as moderate or reduced. The hue of the water changes depending on the depth of the lake itself. When shallow, its color is yellowish green, and deep lakes boast an emerald green hue. And the bottom of each of the thirty formationscover sandy-silty deposits, sapropel and peat silts.
Shatsky lakes are a storehouse of fish, which is found here more than thirty species. Pike, trout perch, crucian carp, pike perch, perch, Canadian catfish, as well as bream and Chud whitefish live there. And the eel is a local highlight and the most that neither is a delicacy. But fishing here is allowed only at the time of the year specified by law and exclusively in the specified way.

Shatsk Lake Svityaz deserves the most attention. After all, this is the pride of Ukraine, and it belongs to the seven wonders of this country. The reservoir is unique, and its waters have healing properties. This is the deepest, largest and cleanest lake in Ukraine. Svityaz is such a deep reservoir that neither the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov or Synevyr is suitable for it. Its area reaches two thousand seven hundred and fifty hectares, the largest depth is 58.4 m, and the average is 6.9 m. When the wind breaks, you can also go surfing here, because the waves rise up to one and a half meters. The lake owes its fullness to underground springs.
Shatsk Lake Svityaz is known among the local population and tourists for having its own island, which has a romantic name - the Island of Lovers. This place is simply mesmerizing with its mystery. There is a certain legend according to which young lovers on the island - a guy and a girl - turned into two trees - linden and sycamore.

Let's go on vacation
Shatsky lakes (rest in theseplaces will not leave you indifferent) every year they receive a huge number of guests in their open spaces. Here you will have the opportunity to swim in the coastal clean water and soak up the gentle sun on the sandy shore. Going to Shatskoye Lake Pesochnoe, you can ride catamarans and water slides. And if you want to enjoy diving, then we advise you to conquer Svityaz. The Shatsk National Natural Park offers several recreation areas, namely: Svityaz, the Pesochnoye tract, and the Ridge.
Also on the territory of the Shatsk Lakes there are many tourist centers and holiday homes. But if you want to retire and take a break from the tiring bustle, you can rent a room or even a whole house, put up a tent.

Those who should give preference to rest on the Shatsk Lakes
People who want to improve their he alth, take a break from the noise of big cities, smog and dust, simply must go to the Shatsk Lakes, where rest will be simply unforgettable. All those who bathe in love for forests, lakes, fresh air, tranquility will enjoy their stay in this part of Volhynia immensely. Yes, there are not all those charms of civilization that take place at sea or in foreign resorts. But here is wonderful nature and tranquility, for which vacationers go to the Shatsk Lakes. For tourists, they are of extraordinary value, as they are a clean and uncrowded place. And until they start washing cars and dissecting on scooters in these reservoirs, they will remain crystal clear and will bringbenefit humanity.
Shatsky Lakes (where they are, described above) is a place where you can spend a vacation without the usual activities for vacationers such as banana riding or visiting a dolphinarium. It's nice to just admire nature, pick mushrooms, berries, breathe the air, which at first can even make you dizzy, or walk barefoot on warm and gentle sand. This is where the real and true pleasure lies. Choose Shatsky Lakes for your vacation, and you will be provided with all the pleasure that a person can get while on vacation!