Kaluga: reviews of work and life in the city

Kaluga: reviews of work and life in the city
Kaluga: reviews of work and life in the city

Kaluga is a large settlement, which is located on the territory of the Central Federal District. It is the administrative center of the region of the same name.

What are the features of living in this city? Let's consider the main ones below.

Kaluga reviews
Kaluga reviews


Kaluga is a fairly large settlement, which is of great importance in the Kaluga region - it is its administrative center.

This city is located in Russia, 160 km from the central part of the Russian capital, if you move in the direction of the southwest, and also 80 km from its borders established today.

The considered city of administrative significance is located on the banks of several rivers (Oka, Terepets, Kaluzhka, Yachenka, Kievka).

Currently, the area of Kaluga is quite large - it is 168 square meters. km.



In reviews of Kaluga, representatives of the local population often refer to the climatic conditions prevailing in this locality. Local residents note that the climate here is quite temperate, for whichcharacterized by snowy and not very frosty winters. During this period, the air temperature, as a rule, does not fall below -15 degrees.

Summer period in Kaluga is accompanied by a large amount of precipitation in the form of rain. However, according to local residents, at this time of the year the weather is quite warm, and the average air temperature does not rise above +23 degrees.

About the population

Reviews about the city of Kaluga can often be found a lot of comments left to the local population, indicating the main problems faced by the inhabitants of the city.

Comments from people who have moved suggest that a relatively small number of young people can be found in this city - this is a sign that the demographics in this city are on the decline. As of the beginning of January 2018, the number of inhabitants in this city was 340,851 people, which is a more modest figure than that recorded in 2017 - 341,892 people. As noted in the comments, this phenomenon, for the most part, is associated with the reluctance of young people to enter into family unions and have children.

Newcomers pay special attention to the relatively good level of education in the city. Currently, there are 16 universities operating in the settlement, which provide education mainly on a paid basis.

Which area is better to live in

Many reviews of those who moved to Kaluga say that this settlement has some areas in whichlife is going especially well.

In general, the administrative division of the city is represented by three districts: Oktyabrsky, Moscow and Leninsky. Separate micro-districts were built on their territories. Which one is the best to stay in? In the comments left about Kaluga by visitors, it is often noted that the following microdistricts are the most suitable for a calm and comfortable life:

  • Right Bank;
  • Azarovo;
  • robin;
  • Raspberries;
  • Annenki;
  • 30th microdistrict.

The city center is still its "sunny part" as its streets are still lined with yellow-painted houses. Most of the entertainment facilities, banks, shops, shopping centers, etc. are concentrated in this place.

According to local residents, the city has recently begun an active process of demolishing old houses and building new buildings in their place. By the way, the cost of apartments in them is almost equal to that set for Moscow housing (about 58,000 rubles per sq. m).

City Kaluga reviews
City Kaluga reviews


Reviews about the city of Kaluga often mention its industrial development. This settlement has a well-developed food industry, electric power industry, and a large part of the population is employed in mechanical engineering and automotive industry. In reviews of work in Kaluga, many representatives of the local population note that it is best to occupy yourself in the most paid industries by finding a job in JSC"Kalugaputmash" or to local plants, of which the most profitable and developed are:

  • Kaluga Transport Engineering Plant;
  • JSC Voskhod;
  • Kaluga Turbine Plant;
  • Kaluga plant of electronic products;
  • Kaluga Mechanical Plant 35;
  • Experimental plant "Orggidromash";
  • Litform-LTD foundry plant;
  • "AVA Hydraulics".

In addition, the local population is trying to actively engage themselves in mechanical engineering, taking jobs in some automobile factories:

  • Volkswagen;
  • "Visteon Kaluga".

Reviews about Kaluga plants also note that the basis for the development of this city is a new production launched in the post-Soviet period, and a significant part of the income in the economy is contributed by old enterprises specializing in the execution of government orders.


How do the locals spend their time in the city in question? In the comments left by them, it is said that most often people visit shopping and shopping and entertainment centers, which feature sites that are interesting for representatives of all ages, as well as catering establishments. Among the largest and most popular shopping and entertainment complexes are:

  • European Shopping Center;
  • Shopping center "Kaluga";
  • SEC "RIO";
  • Gagarinsky Shopping Center;
  • SEC "Kaluga XXI Century";
  • SEC "White House";
  • SEC "Torgovy Kvartal".

The city has branches of large Russian supermarket chains, where local residents have the opportunity to make their purchases ("Pyaterochka", Auchan, "Perekrestok", "Magnit-Cosmetic", METRO Cash & Carry, "Lenta", " Officemag" and "Line").

Visitors often note in their comments that the representatives of the local population are very fond of shopping at local markets, of which there are many in the city. The largest trading platforms are as follows:

  • "Fair on Herzen";
  • "Spartacus";
  • mini-market in the village of Severny;
  • city market "Kaluga", located on Grabtsevsky highway;
  • shopping stalls on the street. Lunacharsky (not far from the turning circles of trolleybuses running along routes No. 5 and No. 12).

Kaluga residents can spend their free time developing culturally. There are several museums, libraries and theaters in the city. Representatives of local youth prefer to visit nightclubs, restaurants, bars, cinemas, as well as squares. By the way, in reviews of Kaluga, it is often noted that this city is rich in green alleys, of which the most visited are those located in the central part of the city, as well as the square near the Nikitsky Church, Lavrentievskaya Grove, Park named after. K. E. Tsiolkovsky and Constitution Square.

G. Kaluga reviews
G. Kaluga reviews


Representatives of the local population, according to them, have the opportunity to receive a decent education, as educational institutions of various levels operate in the city.

Reviews about kindergartens in Kaluga say that the city provides a sufficient number of preschool education institutions - more than 80. They employ specialized staff with a sufficient level of education and experience in dealing with children. Moreover, in reviews of kindergartens in Kaluga, it is often noted that children attending them easily study at school, as they have a decent level of development.

School education in the city is also well developed. There are more than 50 schools in the village, many of which train children in certain areas. The reviews of those who moved to Kaluga for permanent residence say that even for visiting children, schools in any district will always find places to study.

As for higher education, there are 16 universities in the city that train specialists in various industries. The most popular of them were and remain:

  • branch of MSTU im. Bauman;
  • State University. Tsiolkovsky;
  • branch of Moscow State Economic University;
  • branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Kaluga reviews of those who moved
Kaluga reviews of those who moved

About work in Kaluga

A huge part of the comments left to Kaluga concerns employment in this locality. Indigenous and out-of-towners alike talk about what this city has to offera fairly decent level of remuneration - 35-40 thousand rubles.

As for the most demanded professions in this city, in addition to specialists in the field of mechanical engineering, as well as factory workers, the city regularly needs talented programmers, brand designers, psychologists, surveyors, accountants, drivers, and workers medical and legal industries - those who moved to Kaluga for permanent residence also have opportunities to find a job in such speci alties. The reviews about this city say that wages in these speci alties can be about 30-50 thousand rubles a month.

Crime life

Reviews about the city very often say that the city has a well-developed protection against crime. The tranquility of local residents is a significant advantage of the settlement, which they themselves often notice when characterizing their native land.

For Kaluga, high-profile crimes and murders are very rare.


Representatives of the local population, speaking of their hometown, often note that the transport system is well developed in the village, but this picture is greatly spoiled by terrible roads that need annual repairs.

Kaluga is a city that is a fairly large link in the entire Central Federal District. In addition to the fact that the Moscow-Bobruisk Motorway Administration is located here, regional and federal highways pass through Kaluga, connecting the most significant Russian cities.

Talkingabout public transport, it should be noted that 84 city routes operate on a permanent basis in the settlement, along which trolleybuses and buses travel every day. Also in the village there are a large number of fixed-route taxis.

Kaluga maintains a stable transport connection with other settlements, provided by bus, rail and air transportation. The village has 4 railway stations, as well as an international airport.

Factories in Kaluga reviews
Factories in Kaluga reviews


What is worth seeing after visiting Kaluga? The city has a lot of interesting sights that will be of interest to most tourists. Among them there are a large number of monuments, as well as unique objects of architecture.

Work in Kaluga reviews
Work in Kaluga reviews

Local residents often recommend visitors to visit Orthodox churches located in the city:

  • Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, built in 1687. On the territory of this building there is an old bell tower built in the 18th century.
  • Trinity Cathedral (1786-1819).
  • Savior of the Transfiguration (1709).
In Kaluga for permanent residence reviews
In Kaluga for permanent residence reviews

A significant landmark for the city is the Big Stone Bridge, which was built in the 18th century. It is thrown over the Berezuisky ravine, and its height is 160 meters. By the way, there is another very interesting place above the Berezuysky ravine - the Golden Alley, wherea key-ribbon tree where all couples in love come to hang a ribbon with their names as a sign of eternal love.

Kaluga also has a major monument to Soviet cosmonautics - the Vostok launch vehicle, which, before its installation at its present location, managed to visit other major cities of the world.