Russians not so long ago began to develop foreign resorts, but of course, most of all our compatriots fell in love with the sunny, golden beaches of the two countries - Egypt or Turkey. Indeed, for a not particularly spoiled tourist, these resorts are the ultimate dream, and the price for this pleasure is quite acceptable. Today we will try to compare the level of service, living conditions, natural beauties to make it easier for you to make your choice. If today you are faced with a choice: Egypt or Turkey, then this article is for you.

Budget vacation
This is what most often becomes the determining factor. No matter how much you want to go to Goa, but this is associated with much higher financial costs. However, which tour will cost less: Egypt or Turkey? There is an opinion that it is more budgetary to go to the camp of the pyramids, but this is only at first glance. You will not sit in a hotel, and excursions in Egypt are much more expensive, especially if you choose comfortable domestic flights, and not a day on the road in the heat. At the same time, the level of hotels in these two resort areas is approximately the same. Apparently, in order to make a choice, which is better, Egypt or Turkey,more significant differences will have to be considered.
Major differences
For the most part it is the surrounding nature and landscapes. Indeed, both countries are quite specific, each has its own color, character and beauty. If we talk about where it is better, in Turkey or in Egypt, then a Russian person likes green groves more than deserts. And the country of the pharaohs is a large desert scorched by the sun with rare oases, mainly along the Nile. It takes a lot of work to grow every palm tree here, so you should not expect an abundance of shade from fruit trees.

Turkey, on the contrary, is an abundance of colorful landscapes that delight the eye. Here everything is buried in greenery and stunning flowers, the vegetation is simply amazing, from sprawling bushes and weaving plants to palm trees and ship pines. Here you can walk in the mountains and breathe fresh air, participate in rafting on the cleanest rivers and catch silver trout. Swim in the sea without worrying about stepping on a poisonous reptile. Take an excursion into the jungle and look at the remains of the ancient city. Have you already decided for yourself where is better, in Turkey or in Egypt? Do you like snorkeling and diving? Yes - then you are in Egypt.
Indeed, if terrestrial beauty is too banal for you, then you can fully enjoy the underwater scenery. They are truly the best in the whole wide world. Even when you look at the Red Sea from the shore, it is fantastically different, somewhere azure, in another place - sky-blue or bright blue. And the coral reefs here are absolutely fantastic, as are the flocks of fish that seem to compete with each other in beauty. Painted in all the colors of the rainbow, they peacefully pass by you, going about their business. Compared to Turkey, the Mediterranean Sea there is clean, s alty and completely empty, uninteresting for underwater exploration.
Excursions and walks
This is the main component of a holiday abroad. Indeed, just spending time in a hotel is not at all interesting, because you want to see and learn as much as possible. Local guides also use this, earning their living by showing local sights to vacationers. When choosing where to relax (Turkey or Egypt), ask the tour operator to tell you more about excursions.
It should be noted that both of these countries are rich in opportunities for outdoor activities. However, in Turkey they are more diverse, since in Egypt you will not find mountain rivers for rafting and fishing, high mountains for climbing and picturesque gorges during the day with fire. However, if you want to get acquainted with the legacy of the pharaohs, then the choice of direction is obvious.

Active excursions and modes of transport
In Egypt, it is the conquest of the desert on a variety of modes of transport. Camels can be considered the most exotic, but in addition, you can choose trips on ATVs or horses, as well as on high-speed jeeps. It is very difficult to track landmarks here, there is not much difference: to drive through the desert to the left or to the right. Add to that the constant dust and heat. How ready are you for this adventure?
In Turkey, you will also be offered a trip on horseback, ATV or jeep. However, here landscapes will change as if in a kaleidoscope. On the plains or country roads, on a gravel mountain road or off-road with overcoming mountain barriers, between forests and past the seashore, along cliffs and bridges over a roaring rapid - it's even hard to enumerate. It is this cascade of adventures that Turkey offers you. Here you can drive for hours and tirelessly admire the surrounding beauty. At the same time, the variety of tours is such that a vacation is not enough to see everything.

Climatic conditions
This is especially important for those who are planning a vacation in the hottest season. Turkey or Egypt in June is not suitable for those who cannot tolerate temperatures above 25 degrees. In both countries, the average summer air temperature is approximately +35 degrees. But at the same time, in Egypt, starting from mid-June, the heat is set above +40. For Turkey, such an anomaly is not typical; here it belongs to the subtropical climatic zone, in which tropical and temperate air masses prevail. It is thanks to this that travelers can relax in a more familiar temperature regime. In addition, Turkey is washed on all sides by the waters of different seas. This also makes its own adjustments, making the air more humid and giving us a pleasant sea breeze.
If you have a choice - Turkey or Egypt in June, then of course you should give preference to the Mediterranean coast. The latter, with its deserts and summer heatcan turn into an exhausting journey, so it’s better to come here closer to the New Year. However, the dry climate of Egypt can be very suitable for people with chronic respiratory diseases, dermatitis and allergies of various origins.

Most tourists dream of only two things: the sea and the sun. And yet go where better, Turkey or Egypt? It is rather difficult to compare the beaches of these two countries, since they are quite good both there and there. However, the great popularity of Turkish resorts and the huge influx of tourists do not benefit the sea coast. But on the other hand, the beaches that are located on the territory of the hotels are always kept in perfect cleanliness.
In this regard, Egypt is beyond competition. Its stunning sandy beaches are truly magnificent. The waters of the Red Sea are so transparent that you can watch the life of its inhabitants right through a special window in the bottom of a pleasure boat. Stunning corals and azure seas, endless white sand beaches, smooth entry into the sea - the beaches of Egypt are great for the whole family.
It all depends on what you are used to. Rest in Turkey is practically Europe. The same skyscraper hotels, elevators and the benefits of civilization. In addition, it is very crowded here. Turkish resorts are the choice of young people who cannot live without bright lights and discos. There are also quieter, family-run hotels, but a truly secluded vacation is almost impossible. But in Egypt, tourists most oftensettled in a bungalow by the sea. Imagine early in the morning, you are watching the sunrise on the beach, which is only a couple of steps away. At the same time, civilization is at hand, you can change the picture several times a day, then the bustle of the city, then calmness and serenity. Compare these options and you will easily determine for yourself where it is better to relax, in Turkey or Egypt.

Ancient temples and tombs do not need advertising, if you have never been here, then be sure to visit the greatest valley of the pharaohs. In fact, that sense of unity with the great mystery of the past that comes from watching films like The Mummy disappears here. This is due to crowds of tourists, unkempt excavations, plundered caves and the foot of the pyramids, near which herds of camels constantly graze, which ride tourists.
Don't think there is nowhere to go in Turkey. These are Miletus and Troy, Didem and much more. In this country, all cultural monuments are well-groomed, which is very pleasant for travelers.
Food for tourists
Russian tourists according to statistics prefer trips to Turkey. Egypt is not so famous for good food. Turkey offers all-inclusive accommodation with a daily buffet. In addition, vegetarians will like it more in Egypt, and food in Turkey is closer and dearer to our compatriot. Despite the abundance and variety of dishes, even from there they come built and prettier.

On vacation withchildren
Family holidays are always a big responsibility, you need to choose a destination that will appeal to all family members without exception. Especially difficult choice for those who have children. How will the baby endure the flight, how to feed him in an unfamiliar country? This is also why the question often arises: Turkey or Egypt? With a child it is better to go first. There are many more opportunities for interesting leisure activities. There are animators and educators who organize your baby's time, work with him while you are relaxing on the beach. In addition, food in Turkey is more suitable for a family with a child, there is a dietary table. The milder climate also speaks for this country; in Egypt, especially in summer, it will be difficult for a child. But if you prefer to come up with entertainment for your baby on your own and are determined to cook for him separately, then you are not limited in your choice. Most importantly, coordinate your final destination with all your family members.