Bulgaria is becoming more and more popular holiday destination for our compatriots every year. This is due to several factors. Firstly, the country has a favorable geographical location - access to the sea attracts to Bulgaria those who like to bask in the sun and soak up the warm water. Secondly, unlike domestic resorts, the tourist centers of Bulgaria have a truly European level of quality. And thirdly, the cost of holidays in Bulgarian cities is not too high compared to the resorts of Italy or Spain. Surely the last point is the main one when choosing Bulgaria as a place for the next vacation. However, no matter how cheap life in this EU member state is, it is necessary to know how much money you need to take with you to Bulgaria, and which ones: euros, dollars, rubles or the national currency.
National currency of Bulgaria
For starters, it should be noted that although Bulgaria is a member of the EU, the national currency of this country remains the Bulgarian lev. It is designated as BGN. The euro can also be found in Bulgaria, however, only in tourist centers, so if youto go "savage" to unexplored corners of the country, get ready for the fact that you will refuse to take euros for food or public transport. So, the lev is the official money of Bulgaria. The exchange rate against the euro is 0.51 for 1 lev, against the dollar - 0.70 for 1 lev, against the ruble - 23.01 ruble per lev.
Let's go on tour

Let's figure out what kind of money is taken to Bulgaria, if in our country it is almost impossible to find an exchanger offering leva. If you have purchased a tour to Bulgaria, you have greatly simplified your life, since you can consult the specialists of your travel agency about what currency you should have with you during the trip. Ask what money is usually taken to Bulgaria, because they are not the first to send you to this sunny country.
If this is not possible, take the currency that is available to you. Most likely, you will be able to exchange your money for leva with the guide, some of them are engaged in this kind of operations. However, be careful: too gullible tourists can be deceived even by a guide.
Self-guided travel

Traveling abroad on your own complicates your plans in every way. Among other things, you need to decide what money is taken to Bulgaria, whether you need to take cash or you can get by with a card where to change the currency. About everything in order. If you have a credit card, be sure to take it with you. On it you can store money in your native currency, when withdrawing abroad, they willconverted into leva at the exchange rate of your bank. Having a card is also convenient because you will not constantly worry about a large amount of cash in your purse or hotel room. However, there are times when it is not possible to use a credit card, and then ordinary paper money will be needed. As already mentioned, the national currency of Bulgaria is the lev. But it is almost impossible to find an exchanger or even a bank in our country that changes rubles into levs. In order to save yourself from tedious searches, take euros or dollars with you. You can definitely change them in Bulgaria any day and at any time of the day. You can also take rubles, but it will be much more difficult with them: either you will not be able to find an exchanger, or you will be offered an unfavorable exchange rate.
So, we told you what money is taken to Bulgaria in order to make your vacation easy and relaxed. We wish you a pleasant stay in this sunny country!