A man is born with many abilities, but nature, alas, deprived him of the ability to fly independently. The speed that the average resident develops is small, and the distances sometimes have to be covered huge. Therefore, as civilization developed, many ways were invented to help speed up movement: from the use of horses and carts to the appearance of cars and airplanes. Thus, a modern person has the opportunity to find himself in another place on the planet literally after a few hours. This, of course, added comfort to the hectic life of earthlings, but also made some of them wonder: which is safer - a plane or a train, or maybe a car?
Relentless statistics
In the minds of people, a common stereotype is firmly entrenched that air travel is dangerous, and the most stable mode of transport is a car. This situation has developed because if the plane crashes, then the news of this instantly flies around all existing media publications and the media, mourning is declared. In addition, the number of passengers affected in such disasters is hundreds of people at the same time, which is also impressive andfrightening.

But if we turn to statistics, the largest number of accidents occur with vehicles, and especially with motorcycles. Moreover, convinced bikers risk several times more than orthodox drivers. According to statistics, two motorists die for every 160 million km, and the figure indicating the danger of motorized transport is alarming - 42 people. In addition, the culprit or provocateur of the accident may not be the driver himself, but another participant in the movement.
Trains are second only to cars in terms of safety. Many passengers are sure that the train is the most relaxed mode of transport, giving confidence in the successful outcome of the trip. But it is not so. The situation when a train gets into an accident does not happen as often as car accidents. But since the scale is quite large, especially in terms of the number of victims, such events are noticeable and tragic.
So which is safer: plane or train? The answer is clear: the plane. No matter how strange it may sound at first glance, but air crashes occur much less often than others, and in terms of the total number of victims, calculated according to the covered mileage or for a certain time, they are significantly inferior to other types of transportation. For example, an average of 2,000 passengers per year are killed in accidents involving aircraft. If you compare this figure with the victims of car accidents, the conclusion becomes clear.
Security Contest
Now that the statistics speak for themselves,It's time to clarify another important point. Is there the safest plane in the world? This question can be answered by understanding what is meant by the safety of an aircraft. For an ordinary inhabitant of the planet, who does not delve into the intricacies of air transportation and maintenance of individual units of the aircraft fleet, the most reliable aircraft is the one with the least number of air crashes. But it must be taken into account that not only the design of the side is of fundamental importance during operation, the human factor is no less important. Of course, those companies that produce many different models with advanced passenger safety features and voluminous flight experience enjoy more popularity and ratings.

It is statistical studies that find out which planes are safer. Accordingly, trusting the published lists, people form an opinion for themselves about the quality and safety of the flight. Thus, the rating of safe aircraft includes various models of Boeings (747, 767, 757, 737 NG) and Airbuses (340, 330, 320). According to various data given by the statistics of safe aircraft, this list includes the Embraer, a Brazilian-made airliner, and the McDonnell Douglas vessel. As for the first, this is an aircraft designed for short flights. It began to be produced relatively recently. But despite this, no accidents involving the Brazilian side have yet been registered.
Leading tandem
Title "The safest in the worldplane" is divided between two aircraft giants - "Boeing 777" and "Airbus 340". The second aircraft from this duo has many variations and is designed for intercontinental flights. This is one of the largest and safest aircraft in the world. For example, model A 340- The 600 is distinguished by its fuselage length: it is the longest aircraft of the Airbus family. The aircraft of this company are equipped with heavy-duty Rolls-Royce engines. The four-engine turbojet is equipped with a computer navigation and control system, and side joysticks are used instead of traditional steering wheels.

As for safety, this can be judged by the catastrophes or malfunctions that have occurred throughout the time with the participation of Airbuses. There were only 5 cases, three of which were fatal. It is noteworthy that two of them were provoked by the error of the pilots or the crew of the ship. The rest happened by accident: a fire on board during towing, tires on the chassis burst and a terrorist attack was carried out. In November 2007, the last case with the presence of victims, provoked by a human factor, was recorded in Toulouse. But the Airbus 340, although firmly included in the rating of safe aircraft, cannot compete with the Boeing due to excessive fuel consumption. Recently, orders for the production of "Airbuses" have decreased.
Plane number 1: it exists
But still, given the numerous ratings, the honorary title The safest in the worldaircraft proudly carries a Boeing 777. Famous Boeings traverse airspace all over the world, but the Tri-77 has not been seen in any fatal accidents except for terrorist attacks. It is a wide-body airliner designed for long-haul flights. the Boeing 777 family in the 90s of the last century, but they entered into operation in 1995. Aircraft of this class have covered about 20 million km of air routes during their existence, and all flights have passed without significant collisions. This is the first airliner in the world Planned and built entirely by computer technology, it held the first longest flight record for a passenger aircraft, with a total of 748 aircraft built to date.

But for some reason turboprops are undeservedly forgotten. But in vain, because many of them are distinguished by good quality and safety. The most reliable aircraft from the group of turboprops is the Saab 2000. This Swedish aerial wonder has gone 20 years without a single fatality on its record.
Russian standards
Russian passenger aircraft, which in terms of safety can hardly compete with Western counterparts - the Tu-154 and its brother, the Tu-134. These aircraft conquer the airspace of post-Soviet countries and statesMiddle East. The Tu-134 has been produced since the 1960s and is one of the most sought-after ships by Russian companies. With the participation of the Tu-154, there were a little more accidents, but it was still used by most Russian airlines.
According to the new standards of safety, atmospheric emissions, noise level, these Russian passenger aircraft, created about 40 years ago, no longer satisfy consumers and the world community, and therefore must be modernized or replaced.
Preparatory phase, or flight cleared
Aircraft is a safe transport not only due to improved flight performance, but also due to the staff serving it. The third person after the captain and pilot is an aircraft technician. It is he who oversees all the processes occurring from the arrival of the aircraft at the airport to departure from its limits.

Sometimes this responsible person is called a conductor, because it is thanks to him that the flight "orchestra" plays parts synchronously and with inspiration. He is the first to install the brake pads and connect the board to the ground cable, checks all the necessary fasteners (and there are more than a thousand of them), and in general, there are no trifles in the work of an aircraft technician. Human lives are in his hands, therefore, in the event of a fatal mistake, aviation technicians will face criminal liability.
He conducts a visual inspection of the aircraft for damage, checks the oil level in the engine, the condition of the runway. In addition, the aircraft technician is in touch with the crew, finding out if there were any problems during the flight and during landing. Thisa person controls and coordinates the work of airfield services, cleaning the cabin, completing the board with water and products. The flight conductor monitors the loading of baggage in accordance with the approved scheme. He acts exactly according to the rules and does not miss a single detail. After refueling, the aircraft mechanic checks the sensors and signs the documents allowing the flight.
But one should not think that only one person is responsible for the state of the aircraft before departure: it is duplicated by several more inspection groups, and the crew must inspect the aircraft before the flight. All these actions are carried out within 50 minutes with great care, and the control over the work of the aircraft mechanic is carried out not out of distrust, but in order to avoid accidental errors. During a shift, this indispensable airport employee manages to check about 4 aircraft and say the magic phrase several times: “I allow departure!”
Survivor locations: myth or reality?
Even people who are not prone to aerophobia, no, no, yes, they will think about the question: are there safe places on the plane? Instinctively, some people think that the seats in the rear of the cabin or next to the emergency exit are less dangerous. Passengers justify this by saying that in the event of a crash, the board will hit the ground with its nose, therefore, people sitting behind will suffer less. And if an emergency situation arises, then near the exit, the chance to leave the board will increase faster. But this is absolute nonsense.

Don't be fooled. Searching for safe seats on an airplane is a futile exercise. Whenserviceability of the ship, all will land safe and sound. In addition, the seats that the passenger has outlined for himself as the best may be occupied. And for nervous individuals, the realization of this fact will lead to panic attacks and refusal to travel.
20th century air crashes
The crash of passenger planes is an extraordinary event, subject to mandatory recording and investigation. The history of air crashes in the 20th century was marked by the first crash of a British passenger plane flying to France. Then, in December 1920, 4 of the 8 people on board died.
In 1971, a plane with 111 passengers crashed into a mountain in Alaska. Unfortunately, there are no survivors.
Fatal Error: Unlocked cargo door triggered crash in French skies that claimed 346 lives. It happened in 1974.
A terrible disaster occurred in 1977 in the Canary Islands. Then two Boeings crashed into each other. This accident remains the largest in the history of aviation in terms of the number of fatalities: 583 people.
In 1979, an excursion liner flying over Antarctica crashed. He collided with the Erebus volcano. 257 people died.

This is not the only collision with a mountainside: in Japan in August 1985, a Boeing crashed into Mount Otsutaka.
The worst plane crash in Indonesian history occurred in 1997 when a plane on its way to land hit a rock. All 234 people died.
What now?
The new century has brought improvements and innovations that have contributed to flight safety, but accidents do happen from time to time. Often, the crash of passenger aircraft occurs due to the fault of the crew or the shortcomings of the personnel preparing the flight. A glaring incident took place in the skies over Greece in 2005. Due to an oversight by aircraft mechanics, the cockpit was depressurized, so the aircraft, left without control, crashed into the first obstacle.
A unique case occurred in Sudan. There, in July 2003, the plane crashed almost immediately after takeoff. And the unusualness of the disaster is that, by a lucky chance, the only survivor was a two-year-old child.
In October 2005, a Boeing exploded in Nigerian airspace from a lightning strike. The ship crashed on a cocoa plantation, killing all passengers.
In general, until now, the 21st century has upset humanity with the number of serious air crashes, reaching 30 cases.
Why are they falling?
This question is asked sooner or later by every passenger. Even the safest aircraft in the world is not immune to disaster. According to statistics, the most common factor is human: pilot errors, wrong decisions. In second place are adverse atmospheric conditions and insufficient visibility. Many accidents occurred due to malfunctions and malfunctions that suddenly arose or were not detected in a timely manner by aircraft mechanics and technicians. Often the reason is the unprofessionalism and negligence of dispatchers andairport employees. Not the last place is occupied by planned terrorist acts.
Pioneers of passenger aviation
What were passenger planes like in the beginning? It is interesting that the first passenger plane was designed with breadth and chic, and its homeland was … Russia! It was called quite charismatic - "Ilya Muromets". The hero was converted from a bomber, he had a comfortable lounge, his own restaurant, bedrooms with baths. It is noteworthy that the aircraft was heated and provided with electricity. The ship took off in 1913. The following year, the Ilya Muromets made a flight distance record by making a two-way flight from St. Petersburg to Kyiv. Unfortunately, the war prevented the further development of events.
After the American company "Ford" created a reliable aircraft that was used to carry passengers (8 people) for many years.
Note to aerophobes
Why are some people terrified of flying? Psychologists say that this happens due to the inability to control any situation. And even though car crashes kill many more people and occur more often, the ingrained stereotype of safer driving does not help curb irrational fears.

Aerophobia prevents people from significantly reducing travel time and enjoying the flight. But such fears can and should be fought.
- Keep yourself busy before boarding. Do not languish in anticipation, but read a book,magazine, listen to music. Women are not forbidden to visit shops and please themselves with new clothes.
- While waiting for takeoff on board, don't mess around. Read, watch movies, listen to the player, or at least slowly count to yourself.
- Comfort yourself with stories from the past: after all, there used to be planes that were far behind in equipment, and nothing, they were in demand.
- Don't worry about your he alth: sometimes aviation is even used to transport seriously ill people.
- It's not bad to afford 100 grams of alcohol or a special drug that removes the fear of flying. But do not take any medication without consulting a doctor.
- And remember: they knock out a wedge with a wedge - fly more often!
There are also a number of psychological techniques that can be learned from a psychologist and applied at the right time.
Summary of information
When choosing a safe aircraft, be guided by the prestige of the airline, its budget and experience in the field of air travel. And most importantly, trust the crew, because they fly with you on the same board, therefore, they are confident in the safety of the flight.