According to statistics, most Russian tourists fly on Aeroflot flights. The popularity of this carrier is due not only to comfortable flight conditions, ticket prices and a variety of flights. It happens that a person simply cannot fly where he planned. Any event can serve as a reason, however, returning a ticket (Aeroflot) is a fairly understandable and uncomplicated procedure. That is why tourists from Russia trust this company and use its services so often.

Types of air ticket refunds
There are two types of ticket refunds:
1. When a passenger is forced to return a ticket, that is, a forced refund.
2. Voluntary return.
In the first case, the refund of the ticket at Aeroflot occurs according to several mainreasons:
- complete cancellation, rescheduling or significant flight delay;
- death of a passenger or a member of his family;
- unsecured flight connection in case of planned transfer;
- cancellation of a transfer at the destination, which was indicated on the ticket due to the carrier;
- replacement of the class of service indicated on the ticket.

Voluntary ticket refund
If a passenger for some reason decided to return the ticket or make some changes, then such a return is called voluntary. This return of the ticket ("Aeroflot") takes into account all the rules of the applied fare. The same goes for the exchange.
Each airline has its own system of fines and restrictions on tickets sold. This generally does not apply to full annual fares in Economy, Business or First Class. Most often, a strict system of restrictions and pen alties is applied to cheaper tickets.
Restrictions may apply to tickets that are sold shortly before departure or for certain flights. It all depends on the system of rules of the airline. But one unspoken rule applies to all carriers: pen alties for higher fares are always minimal. Often these tickets cannot be exchanged or returned.

What are non-refundable tickets?
Aeroflot has a new category of non-refundable tickets since June 21, 2014. So that everyone understands what is at stake,let's explain: non-refundable tickets cannot be returned and the money spent for them can not be returned. They can be immediately recognized by the price, as a rule, it is the lowest of all. For the first time, foreign companies began to sell such tickets; in Russia, two large airlines began to do this at once: Aeroflot and Transaero. But there are exceptions, in Europe such tickets are also found in business class.
Basic rules for the return / exchange of tickets in the company "Aeroflot"
To return the ticket ("Aeroflot") without problems, you need to carefully study all the basic rules. First of all, you need to be able to understand the fares of tickets. They fall into several categories:
- premium (business, economy, comfort);
- optimum (business, economy);
- economy budget;
- promo economy;
- youth fares (applicable to persons aged 12-24).
Aeroflot refunds the ticket in full at fares J, C, D premium business class, W, S, A premium comfort class and Y, B premium economy class.
The number of tariffs that can be passed with certain pen alties is several. They belong to Optimum-Business and Optimum-Economy class tickets. In the first case, you can return a ticket with a certain fine at fare I, Z, in the second - at fares M, U, K, H, L.
Non-refundable fares are budget economy and promo economy class tickets (Q, T, E, N and R). You will be refunded only taxes and fees on the ticket.
When combining several fares in one ticket, it is worth bearing in mind that whenrefunds will be subject to the rules of the more restrictive fare group.
If you decide to return a partially used ticket, then know that the difference between the paid and the actual fare will be withheld from you.

Aeroflot: return of tickets, pen alty on return
On the same route, the airline has dozens of different tariffs that even the ticket office workers themselves cannot know by heart. Therefore, you definitely don’t need to try to remember them, just look at the information on the network or find out at sales offices.
However, when buying tickets, you need to understand what pen alty you will pay in case of an exchange or return of a ticket. For example, you will have to pay a fine of 200 euros/dollars for returning an optimum-business class ticket at fares I, Z. This applies to international transport on long-haul route networks. In the case of a return of an optimum economy class ticket for a flight less than 6 hours, you will pay 50 euros / dollars, for a flight longer than 6 hours - twice as much, that is, 100 euros / dollars.
In addition, pen alties vary in their amount depending on the date of delivery. If you cancel the trip a day before departure, Aeroflot will issue a refund for the ticket, taking into account a fine of 35 euros. If the time interval is less than a day, then the amount of the fine will be greater - you will have to return 25% of the ticket price.
Comparison of the cost of fines with other airlines
Aeroflot's main competitor is considered to be no less well-known organization fortransportation by Transaero. Ticket refund fees vary between these companies. For example, at Transaero, the fee for tickets that were purchased on the company's website or on the territory of the Russian Federation is 2,700 rubles, outside the country - 60 euros. Until 2013, these amounts were 1,700 rubles and 45 euros. Another leading Russian airline, Sibir, charges a ticket refund fee of 600 rubles (more than a day before the departure date), 25% of the ticket price if less than 24 hours are left before the departure date. Utair allows refunds up to a day before the departure date without pen alty.

How to return an e-ticket?
Not everyone knows that today you can fly with a ticket booked and bought on the Internet. An electronic ticket is a new form of air ticket, which is slowly replacing the paper form we are used to. The benefits of such a ticket are:
- no need to pay service fee at the sales office;
- you can not be afraid to lose or damage it;
- to buy it, it is not necessary to go to the cashier at all, it is enough to have access to the Internet.
Confirmation of ticket payment is the itinerary receipt, which is sent to the buyer's e-mail. In addition, the passenger is sent a boarding pass, which specifies the date of the flight, amount, place and details of the buyer. You can always print your e-ticket if you wish.
Some are worried they won't be able to get it back. So I want to note right away that the returnAeroflot electronic ticket is carried out on the same terms as the return of a regular paper ticket. More detailed information can be found on the official website of the carrier company.
It is impossible to return Aeroflot tickets through the website, most often for the exchange or return of a ticket, the buyer must be personally present at the sales office. Some fares allow you to return the ticket remotely, the funds are returned to the plastic card.

Tips that may come in handy when returning / exchanging tickets
1. When buying any ticket, check with the manager all the conditions under which it is possible to exchange or return it. Aeroflot has the right to make changes to the established fares without notice. Therefore, it is better to know about it in advance.
2. All Aeroflot restrictions (refund policy) apply only to air tickets from Russia. If you plan to fly from another country, then all the conditions of return / exchange must be clarified by phone or at the nearest sales offices.
3. Remember: you can return or exchange a ticket only at the ticket office where it was purchased.
4. Tickets purchased through promotions cannot be returned or exchanged - this is usually written in footnotes in small print.
5. If you paid for the ticket with a plastic card, then the money will be returned to you there.
6. Be careful when buying air tickets. Sometimes the ticket price is different for the same class, it all depends on the datetravel (seasonal).
Main questions when returning / exchanging tickets
Many passengers, especially those who fly for the first time, are worried about buying and returning tickets. Answers to frequently asked questions when flying with Aeroflot are presented below.
The first thing that worries passengers is the issue of paying for tickets. Despite the fact that it has become much easier to buy a ticket today, not everyone has a plastic card. You can buy a ticket at any sales office, you can use Qiwi or Yandex. Money electronic terminals. In addition, Aeroflot tickets can be paid for at any Euroset mobile phone shop, and payments are also accepted via Webmany, Internet banking or Sberbank Online @ yn. All the main rules can be read in the "Online Booking Instructions" section on the airline's official website.

Many passengers have a question about the possibility of changing the ticket to a later date. This can be done either by round-the-clock phones (they can also be viewed on the website) or at sales offices. By the way, as for the exchange by phone, this can only be done if the ticket price does not change, that is, an additional payment or other changes in the initial amount imply a personal presence at the sales office.
Many passengers have faced the problem of returning tickets more than once. With Aeroflot, this moment can hardly be called a serious problem. Just in order not to get into a mess, you need to clarify all the conditions in advancereturn/exchange of tickets. Aeroflot is a carrier that cares about its passengers and tries to make the ticket refund process faster and easier.