What is good fishing in Montenegro?

What is good fishing in Montenegro?
What is good fishing in Montenegro?

Recreation abroad for many is, as a rule, a beach and a variety of so-called active pastimes: shopping, excursions, sports, visiting national restaurants, etc. But there is a special category of people who are looking for leisure activities places known not only for their clean beaches and decent service, but also for fishing. One of the most popular places for outdoor activities, where a fisherman can indulge in his hobby, is a small state in central Europe - Montenegro. Fishing in Montenegro is very popular among connoisseurs.

fishing in montenegro
fishing in montenegro

Amazingly beautiful country

Montenegro is truly a country of amazing beauty. To travel around all the unique places, visit the cozy coastal towns and see the wonders of nature that abound in this land located by the Mediterranean Sea, usually two weeks of vacation are not enough. Therefore, those who have been here once are trying to come here again.

fishing in montenegro from the shore
fishing in montenegro from the shore

Summer in Montenegro is moderately warm. It has great beaches and ski resorts. Usually the waters of the Adriatic are calm and calm. The country has very beautiful coastlines covered with coniferous trees, behind which mountains are visible. Nature and man have created ideal conditions for recreation and fruitful pastime for those who, of all types of leisure, are most attracted to fishing in Montenegro.


At the service of fishermen in the country - a lot of sports societies and travel companies. Fishing in Montenegro is of interest to the most diverse of its lovers. For connoisseurs of sea and freshwater fishing, there are numerous options for renting boats and other types of small boats, the services of professional instructors, etc. In addition, hotels (three-star and higher comfort levels) offer various basic and additional services: assistance in organizing excursions, transfers, etc. n.

fishing in montenegro lakes
fishing in montenegro lakes

Fishing region

Fishing in Montenegro is a mass hobby. Lake, river, deep sea, sea from the shore - all its varieties are presented here.

Fishing in Montenegro on the lakes is of great interest to fans. On the map of Montenegro, the eye is drawn primarily to Skadar Lake, located on the border with Albania, the largest in the Balkans. It is easy to get here from any resort town. More than 40 species of fish live in the lakes: perch, bleak, roach, carp, grayling, taimen, salmon, eel,mullet, etc.

Large rivers - Zeta, Lim, Moracha, Tara - are also rich in fish. There are many small streams where trout is abundant. Local residents are always ready to serve the fishermen and help in fishing for a moderate fee.

The entire coast is at the service of lovers of sea fishing from the shore. Fishing is possible from convenient piers and marinas, on the beaches. Many find more interesting places to their liking, remote from prying eyes. Water areas near rocky shores are famous for mackerel, sea bass, barracuda, eels (up to 10 kg), etc. In areas with a sandy bottom, flounder is well caught.

Popular ways of fishing

There are several ways to fish in Montenegro:

  • net for surface collection;
  • special deep network;
  • by throwing hook equipment (both from the shore and from a vessel).

Sport fishing is very popular in these places. Spinning in Montenegro is one of the most common fishing tools. Fishing with bottom gear is also very popular. Deep-sea fish are caught with the help of special bait: on pieces of octopus and squid, as well as on small live fish. So in the Adriatic Sea, palamida, gof fish, shirun, skusha, etc. are caught.

sea fishing in montenegro
sea fishing in montenegro

Sometimes coastal fish in Montenegro are caught like this. Near the shore, a lantern is turned on, the fish swims in its light. At the lantern they surround her with nets, the light is extinguished, the frightened fish gets entangled infishing nets.

Drifting is also popular in Montenegro - a way to catch a drifting boat. The motor may or may not be running, but the boat must continue to move forward. Important parameters during drifting are the speed of the boat and the direction of its movement in relation to the tide. If they are moving in the same direction, the boat will drift too fast. At the same time, its movement is slowed down by means of a floating anchor. When the boat moves downstream, the attached baits assume a natural position, which attracts predators. Drifting in Montenegro is used when catching sharks. To do this, use the bait of small tuna or mackerel.


For true connoisseurs, fishing in Montenegro is extremely exciting. In this case, a wide variety of tackle is used. For fishing from the bottom, a feeder is used, for surface fishing, a bombard is used, which is a heavy float for long-distance casting.

As they gain experience, anglers tend to aim for bigger and bigger trophies. For them, deep sea fishing in Montenegro becomes the most attractive. On speedboats, fishermen can reach the habitats of mackerel, dorado, conger eel, white or blue marlin, bluefin or yellowfin tuna, moray eels. The most popular fishing method here is parangal fishing - a kind of bait, which is equipped with hundreds of hooks. There are lower (used for bottom fish) and upper (used for fishing closer to the surface) parangal. Animal bait is used as the filling. When catchingcatfish, marlin, tuna, sharks are also used for trolling.

Anglers of various categories can go fishing in Montenegro. Fans of sea fishing can fulfill their dreams of catching marlin and sharks here, and lovers of coastal fishing can spend time fishing for roach and mullet.

spinning fishing in montenegro
spinning fishing in montenegro

Many are interested in what tackle is for fishing from the shore. In Montenegro, as elsewhere, the success of fishing and, as a result, the mood of the vacationer depends on the right tackle. There is no need to come here fully equipped. Much can be purchased in specialized stores. Of all the types of this entertainment, shore fishing is the most popular and affordable. In Montenegro, tackle for fishing from the shore into casting is spinning rods (casting), for fishing with artificial lures, wobblers are used. Silicone has also been successfully used. Fishing using spinning gear is more often carried out in the coastal zone.

Sea fishing

The Adriatic Sea is home to over 240 species of fish and other creatures. Sea fishing in Montenegro is, first of all, catching large fish, of which the main value is represented by varieties of tuna: blue, small, albacore. It is also possible to catch small-sized quatrans sharks, lacedra, yellowtail, swordfish, seriola, sea bream. In April, you can catch small tuna weighing up to 10-15 kg, in May-June - shark, in early August - bluefin tuna (average weight - 70-80 kg, sometimes the weight of one individual reaches 500 kg). Also in warmDorada is well caught in sea water. Sea fishing season usually ends in November.

fishing in montenegro reviews
fishing in montenegro reviews

Fishing in Montenegro from the shore: Budva

This is the most affordable way to fish. Fishing in Montenegro from the shore does not require a special permit. In addition, you can fish from the shore in any picturesque bay and on every pier. Fishing from the shore is carried out with the help of a float rod, feeder or spinning that is familiar to many. An earthworm is used as the main bait.

For lovers of fishing from the shore, the most convenient places where successful coastal fishing in Montenegro is ensured are Budva, Tivat, Petrovac Kotor and others.

Budva is one of the most popular places for sea fishing. From the pier, garfish, mackerel, and needle peck well here, and flounder is well caught on sandy spits. Shirun, a type of mackerel, is especially respected by the inhabitants of Budva. For many years, at the beginning of October, the townspeople celebrate Shirun Day: people gather in the Old Town Square, hold various festive events, treat themselves to wine and beer, and enjoy the taste of fresh, freshly cooked mackerel.

Instructor Services

If you want to fish from the shore with an instructor, you should first arrange a meeting. It is possible to organize a car with delivery to a place rich in fish (back and forth), the necessary briefing is carried out on the features of catching various varieties of fish and on safety. The duties of the instructor include support and advice. Also providedprofessional spinning rod and lures.

Usually fishing lasts about 4-5 hours. The client, together with the instructor, goes to the "wild place" - rocks, where the depth near the shore is 30-40 m. It is better to fish at dawn, from 4 to 9-10 in the morning. From the shore you can expect to catch: tuna, barracuda, lichia, brancin, bluefish,. The cost of such fishing for 2 people. - 65 euros, for 3 people - 85 euros. If a larger number of vacationers go on a trip, they are present at the fishing as observers. Instructors usually stipulate one nuance: since the price of used wobblers is up to 30 euros, if it is damaged (hook, break), the damage is reimbursed by the client.

From shore to spinning

Sea fishing in Montenegro from the shore to spinning is very popular. Experienced fishermen advise using a feeder as a tackle. When catching a sea bream, it is not recommended to hang a feeder, since the bait is quite difficult to prepare, it is necessary to purchase mussels, squids, grind them, and mix them with breadcrumbs or bran. The resulting paste is filled with a feeder. Also, it can attract too many little things. The sinker is advised to use any shape, without hooks, sliding, weighing about 15 g. It is put on the main fishing line 0.3 mm thick, which should be transparent - so it is invisible in clear water. A hook is attached to it, into which, sliding, the sinker rests. If you use pieces of squid, cuttlefish as a nozzle, then an important condition should be met: they must be fresh. Dorada does not bite on the bait,lying on the ice.

tackle for fishing from the shore in montenegro
tackle for fishing from the shore in montenegro

You can catch small crabs (1.5-2 cm in shell diameter) for a nozzle under coastal stones. They are stored in plastic bottles, which are lowered on a rope from the pier into the water.

If the fisherman notices that within 10-15 minutes after casting there is no bite, or the line twitches finely, this means that the nozzle ended up in the grass, and the crab got fish trifles. Dorada simply will not find it there. The bite of a gilthead is a couple of rather powerful jerks, followed by a strong pull. Experienced fishermen do not advise rushing: hooking should be done only after the appearance of a clear and confident pull.

On the high seas

Coastal fishing with motor boats and fishing in the open sea is very popular. Those wishing to test their physical strength, as well as get a significant adrenaline rush, should go sea fishing on the high seas.

For its implementation - the capture of such a coveted fish trophy - experts will provide all the necessary equipment and gear. For serious anglers, local residents are ready to organize regular trips to the open sea and provide all the necessary equipment. Recreational fishing in the sea is intended for such types of fish: white and blue marlin, blue and yellowfin tuna, dorado, moray eel, shark, conger eel, king mackerel, as well as palamide, sea bass, red mullet, etc. Many of the listed fish species reach a significant size, so hunting for them can be very difficult and sometimes requirescertain time costs.

For deep-sea fishing, trolling gear is mainly used. For deep fishing, it is also possible to use bottom gear. The bait is used exclusively only of animal origin (pieces of small fish, octopus, shrimp, squid).

Everyone can fish according to their desire, choosing from spinning, trolling, twitching, jigging or donking. Experts directly on the boat will tell you which type of fishing in a particular area will be more effective.

River fishing

Freshwater lakes and rivers of Montenegro are rich in the following types of fish: pike, roach, perch, rudd, bleak, trout, grayling, taimen, carp, salmon, podust, etc. An exotic fisherman's trophy in Montenegrin freshwater areas can become also: river herring, shad, freshwater eel, Albanian roach, mullet, pachychilon. The most popular places for fishing from the shore in fresh water are lakes: Chernoye, Plavskoye, Skadarskoye, as well as rivers: Lim, Tara, Moracha.

fishing tackle in montenegro
fishing tackle in montenegro

The main difference of all mountain rivers in the country is the extraordinary purity of water. In Montenegro, the rivers are mostly mountainous, they have numerous rifts and form rather deep canyons. One of the most famous is the Tara River Canyon, the second deepest in the world. This place is most popular for fly fishing enthusiasts. There are no navigable rivers in the country. There are also no large hydraulic structures. Therefore, fishing in Montenegro (reviews from network usersassure of this) is especially attractive here.

Fishing in Montenegro on lakes

Lovers of boat fishing are attracted to Montenegro by lakes with a developed ichthyofauna. The most interesting here is fishing for carp lovers. For connoisseurs of fishing “on calm water”, fishing in Montenegro on the lakes is a real eldorado. The most famous lakes are: Shasskoye, Plavskoye, Skadarskoye, Chernoye, Biogradskoye, Kapitanovo, Rikavachskoye.

fishing on skadar lake in montenegro
fishing on skadar lake in montenegro

Skadar Lake

In Montenegro, there are many mountain and lowland lakes, both natural and man-made. There are more than forty of them in total. Among them, Skadar Lake occupies a special place.

It is the largest not only in the country, but also on the Balkan Peninsula as a whole. The territory of the lake is approximately 475 sq. km. Skadar Lake is a unique natural landmark and a state national park richly populated with rare species of birds and fish. Every year thousands of tourists come to admire the lake.

fishing in montenegro budva
fishing in montenegro budva

Two-thirds of the reservoir belong to Montenegro, the rest is the territory of Albania. The lake is distinguished by its extraordinary fish we alth. Its inhabitants are eel, carp, up to 40 species of trout, etc. The main fishing prey here is carp. It is best to catch it in shallow water, as well as at depth near the mouths of flowing rivers, near numerous islands. They also catch here: bleak, mullet, rudd, roach, salmon.

Fishing onLake Skadar in Montenegro is allowed for almost the entire year, but there are some restrictions: commercial fishing is not allowed from October 31 to March 15, and carp fishing is prohibited from March to June. During the year, 190 days are favorable for fishing.

Locals for a small fee agree to take tourists on a boat, show them a cozy beach, drive them to a coastal restaurant, catch fish for them. If desired, tourists themselves can go fishing for a fee, but you should not do this on your own: a license is required to fish here.


In Montenegro, as in other European countries, fishing is subject to licensing. Free fishing is provided on the sea from the shore. Inshore and offshore fishing requires the purchase of a license. More often, tourists simply rent swimming facilities for 3-5 people with a captain. Its cost is usually 500-600 euros. The duration of such fishing is usually 12 hours (light day). The cost of fishing on the lakes is much cheaper: 50-60 euros.

Fishing Rules

Going on a trip, you must carefully read the rules of fishing in Montenegro and the restrictions on fishing. Montenegrins are kind to their nature. Travelers should be aware that the pen alties for breaking these rules can be quite severe.

The country has fairly strict restrictions on river, sea and lake fishing. You can fish from the shore at certain times of the day on certain days, only with a special permit. The necessary document is issued by the employees of the Sport Fishing Union. It can also be obtained from clubs that are members of this union. If there are no such institutions in the locality, a permit can be issued at the local government. It also clarifies the restrictions on fishing and the requirements that apply to tackle. Persons who are not citizens of Montenegro receive temporary licenses (up to thirty days). The price of the document is about 30 euros. The angler, wherever he is, must always carry permits with him.

Types of restrictions

Each type of fishing has its limitations. For example, it is forbidden to engage in spearfishing at night. Underwater fishing is also not allowed for persons under the age of sixteen.

In addition, there is a limit on the amount of catch. Sports sea fishing involves a catch weighing no more than 3 kg per day, with the exception of some varieties of fish (sea dog, diamond stingray, etc.), as well as large specimens of any fish over 5 kg. This requirement applies to fishing on the high seas from boats. Shore fishing in Montenegro is free.

Temporary and quantitative restrictions are also provided for river and lake fishing. There is a strict ban on catching fish during the spawning season. In Lake Skadar, this time lasts from March to May. In Tara, during the spawning period, it is allowed to catch no more than three trout per day.

Catching sea fish in Montenegro is allowed from April to October, as well as in early November,freshwater - from May to October.
