Setun river valley: description and features

Setun river valley: description and features
Setun river valley: description and features

The Setun River is one of the few nature reserves in the Moscow region. Its length is so great that some part of the river captures the capital itself. It should be noted that most of the territory of the reserve is located in the city. This fact has become the reason that on its outskirts there are all kinds of buildings, both residential and domestic. The valley of the Setun River, a photo of which can be seen in this article, will be described below.

Setun river valley
Setun river valley


The territory of the reserve is quite diverse for the presence of not only flora, but also the animal world. The forest belt has at its disposal both ordinary plants and those that, due to extinction, were listed in the Red Book. Unfortunately, these plants were able to survive only on the territory of the reserve itself and were able to continue their existence only along the banks of the river.

The variety of tree species, which is so rich in the valley of the Setun River, also cannot but impress. Oak,ash, maple and many others that can be found both in the city itself and on the territory of the reserve. But there are also some that you can't see anywhere else. There are also architectural and historical buildings on the territory of the reserve.

Special plant species

Don't forget about medicinal herbs located in the territory of the Setun river valley. Here you can find a sufficient variety of plants that are often used in folk medicine. Especially popular are herbs used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The total number of plant species is more than 380. And most of the vegetation belongs to the category of medicinal.

Setun river valleys
Setun river valleys

Animal world

The fauna of the Setun river valley is also diverse. All kinds of creatures now living on earth were able to safely find shelter here. Here you can meet ermine, weasel, ferret. Muskrat and water shrew live closer to the water. You can also meet other representatives here, of which about 40 are considered rare and are under state protection. If you try to count all the species that live in the reserve, then this figure will almost reach 100.

Amphibians, birds, herbivores - there is no reliable information about the exact number. But in order to understand the scale - there are more than 69 species of birds alone, not to mention all the others. We should not forget about the vertebrates that have become home to the Setun river valley. There are more than 5 types of them. Due to the fact that the hunt forthe territory of the reserve is prohibited, many animals were able to preserve their species only here.


The uniqueness of this place is not only in the flora and fauna. Here you can admire the remains of ancient settlements and monuments of various cultures and peoples. With the help of their study, many new facts and historical events are revealed. The buildings and structures themselves, which are not only historical, but also spiritual, can take vacationers to a completely different era.

In fine weather, local residents and guests of the city often stroll through the old manor parks: Troyekurovo, Spasskoye and Troetsko-Golenishchevo. Various excursions are organized here, thereby allowing you to plunge into centuries-old memories.

The valley of the Setun River also has various churches of ancient construction. This natural park is very popular and famous among people of all ages, and not only representatives of the local population like to visit here. Both children and older people come for excursions and recreation.

Setun river valley photo
Setun river valley photo


Tourists here expect massive places for recreation, sports grounds, as well as equipped beaches with the ability to take water procedures and sunbathe. All these conditions are unlikely to allow vacationers to get bored from idleness, being in such a place as the Setun river valley. It is not uncommon for youth sports clubs to go to the park area to train in the fresh air.

Active leisure, breathtaking natural environment and freshair - all this will be provided to tourists by the reserve. One of the main advantages is the opportunity to meet rare representatives of the animal world in real life. The reserve is popular not only for excursions. The valley of the Setun River (how to get there - read below) constantly meets older people. They regularly come here to collect medicinal plants.

setun river valley how to get there
setun river valley how to get there

Getting to the reserve is not particularly difficult: there are several buses from the Universitet metro station (routes No. 103, 130, 187, 260), and only one No. 11 from Kuntsevo. There are several options with which you can easily get to the reserve. You can also book a short excursion to the area, where you can learn more about such a beautiful and magnificent place.
