Sights of Nakhodka: photo and description

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Sights of Nakhodka: photo and description
Sights of Nakhodka: photo and description

Sights of Nakhodka is one of the main reasons why people come to this city located in Primorsky Krai. Temples, museums, monuments, natural beauties - in this village every traveler will find something to see. Where should you start your acquaintance with this amazing city, what sights should you definitely see?

Sights of Nakhodka: where to start

Of course, tourists will not be able to find out absolutely all the secrets that this settlement hides in a few days. Therefore, it is worth choosing the most famous sights of Nakhodka to explore the city. For example, you can start by visiting the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. This building makes an indelible impression primarily due to its size; the height of the temple is more than 40 meters. The temple is crowned with nine golden domes that shimmer spectacularly in the sun in fine weather.

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sights finds

The Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is able to receive within its walls more than 1800 visitors at the same time. The most memorable is the special sound of the bells, which is associated with their impressive dimensions. It is known that the height of the largest of them is six meters. Impressive and the diameter of more than four meters. It is not surprising that the temple is remembered first of all, listing the most striking sights of Nakhodka.

The construction of this religious building has been underway since 1997, the dedication ceremony was held only in 2010 due to funding problems. The temple contains several icons with an unusual history, for example, one of them lay at the bottom of a well for several decades.

Natural Beauty

Nakhodka's natural sights also deserve attention. Sopka Sister is a kind of visiting card of the settlement, located not far from it. Desperate travelers can risk climbing to the top, for which they will have to overcome the climb, spending more than an hour on it. Climbing up, you can enjoy the splendor of the local fauna and flora. The mountain has a pyramidal shape, its height is 318 meters. People who manage to overcome the climb get the opportunity to enjoy the amazing view of the Sea of Japan.

city find sights
city find sights

What other attractions can Nakhodka offer tourists? Photos of Lisye Island can be seen above. It is known that it appeared due to the disappearance of the mountain range under water. The island has an elongated shape, its length is about two kilometers. Foxy traces its history back to 1859, discovered by sailors from the America corvette. The reason why it was called that remains a mystery. In 1950, this find acquired the status of a reserve.

Museum and Exhibition Center

Museums are another reason why the city of Nakhodka attracts tourists, the sights of which are described in this article. The Museum and Exhibition Center is a place that cannot be missed when becoming a guest of this settlement. The museum has been accepting visitors since 1981, in the 90s it acquired independence, separating from the Primorsky State Museum.

More than 32 thousand interesting exhibits are at the service of visitors. Here you can find old photographs and books telling about the history of the city. People who are attracted by numismatics and archeology will like visiting the museum. Fans of rare books will find a lot of interesting things here. Also among the exhibits are many paintings painted by foreign and Russian artists. Of course, there are also objects of folk art.

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sightseeing photo

Gleb Travin Travel Museum

The Gleb Travin Travel Museum is another place worth visiting. It is impossible not to mention it, listing the most striking sights of Nakhodka, Primorsky Territory. The museum is dedicated to the brave traveler Travin, who traveled about 45,000 kilometers on a bicycle, spending three years on it. Travin visited Central Russia, Siberia, the Far East,visited the Transcaucasian and Ukrainian lands, the Central Asian republics.

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sights finds photo with description

The museum presents evidence of a feat accomplished by a brave cyclist, exhibits related to this journey.

Grieving Mother Memorial

Memorial "Grieving Mother" is also impossible to ignore, listing the sights of Nakhodka, a photo with a description of which can be seen in this article. This monument has been considered a symbol of the city for several years now. It was erected in 1979 in memory of the terrible tragedy that happened in 1965.

sights finds of Primorsky Krai
sights finds of Primorsky Krai

It was then that the unfortunate team of "Boxitorg" found its death in the Bering Sea. Of the 25 sailors, only one man managed to escape. The height of the majestic sculpture is seven meters. The look of a woman holding a child in her arms is directed towards the bay. Of course, the names of all the dead, to whom the memorial is dedicated, are carved.

What else to see

What other sights deserve attention? The city of Nakhodka is a settlement where many monuments can be found. The stele "Maturity" was erected in honor of the renaming of the village into a city. You can find the monument on the Square of Adulthood, it has been there since 1968.

Lovers of beautiful panoramas should definitely visit the city's viewing platforms, which offer amazing views of the Sea of Japan. In order to get to them, you need to visit the Nakhodkaavenue.
