The Terem Palace in the Kremlin - in what century was it built?

The Terem Palace in the Kremlin - in what century was it built?
The Terem Palace in the Kremlin - in what century was it built?

The Moscow Kremlin has never ceased to amaze mankind for almost four centuries. Luxurious decoration impresses with a variety of forms. The large size of the building and the we alth of decorations make it possible to come and be surprised every time, to discover something new, unnoticed before. Just imagine if Meursault, the character in Camus' novel "The Outsider", recalled in detail not his miserable little room, but these chambers.

The Terem Palace in the Kremlin has become an integral part of not only Moscow, but the whole of Russia. Few people from other cities or countries have not heard about it. It deservedly claims to be the eighth wonder of the world. This is one of the symbols of the Russian Federation.

Build history

The Terem Palace of the Moscow Kremlin was built in just a year, from 1635 to 1636. Although the time frame for the construction of such a scale is the shortest, this in no way affected the quality of construction. Moreover, given that this is the first Russian stone palace, the Kremlin has refuted the proverb that the first pancake is always lumpy. It became an example for the construction of many other stone buildings. Firstly, the decoration of the building is traditional, asin wooden buildings. Secondly, the strength of the entire structure was hard to beat at that time. And not all modern buildings can compete with the palace. I would like to hope, but it is unlikely that the "Khrushchev" will stand for four centuries, not only without losing its presentation, but at least retaining the foundation.

The four best architects of that time built it at once: L. Ushakov, A. Konstantinov, B. Ogurtsov and T. Sharutin. The Terem Palace in the Kremlin was erected on the time-tested foundation of the northern tier of the Kremlin ensemble, which was laid a hundred and fifty years before. In addition, this is the first building built of stone and has several floors.

Terem Palace in the Kremlin
Terem Palace in the Kremlin

It was built, as planned, three tiers. The first platform was called the boyar one, in which the master's sleeping quarters were located. She was on the first floor. The second is intended for festivities and is connected to the first floor by stairs. The entrance is a golden lattice, a masterpiece of blacksmith craftsmanship. The third tier was called the Golden-Domed Tower.

Purpose of the Terem Palace

Today, historians argue why Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich ordered the construction of the Terem Palace in the Kremlin. Scholars disagree. Some argue that the Terem Palace in the Kremlin, in whatever century it was built, had one purpose - to ensure peace and rest for the tsar and his entire family. The upper floors were built as children's rooms. Others insist that with such magnificent decoration he wanted to show his we alth and the country. Therefore, the premises were used to receive the ambassadors of the Swedishand not only. Also here, in their opinion, important meetings of the boyars were held.

Terem palace in the Kremlin in what century was it built
Terem palace in the Kremlin in what century was it built

Some historians even express such absurd ideas that the chambers were intended to contain the mistresses of the kings. This opinion they determined by the similarity with the harem of the Sultan's Topkapi Palace in Istanbul. And today this Turkish building is distinguished by luxury and we alth.

Style of the Terem Palace

The style in which the Terem Palace in the Kremlin was built (in which century it was built, mentioned above) is also distinguished by luxury. That is, this is the birth of Russian baroque. And although the direction existed in many other countries, and Russia was not its founder, it nevertheless made its contribution to the history of architecture. Hence the appearance of a style that is commonly called "purely Russian".

This style is characterized by lavish decoration and decoration of stone buildings under rich wooden huts.

Terem Palace in the Kremlin in what century
Terem Palace in the Kremlin in what century

The Terem Palace became a real example for inheritance. Although the time of construction dates back to the 17th century, Russian-style houses are extremely popular today.

Exterior of the Terem Palace

Outwardly, the Terem Palace in the Kremlin resembles an unusually beautiful pyramid. You can even compare it to a birthday cake. It's so bright.

Each upper tier is slightly smaller than the previous one, which made it possible to use the remaining platforms for various purposes. For example, a platform above the second floor is an area wherefestivities were held.

Window frames are painted white and immersed in stylized flowers. The nature of the roof is also reminiscent of wooden huts - it is a gable structure, decorated with patterns of different colors.

Terem palace in the Kremlin construction time
Terem palace in the Kremlin construction time

The attached watchtower is decorated with amazing kokoshniks, and the roof consists of eight sides. Its windows offer a magnificent view of the city.

Interior of the Terem Palace

The Terem Palace in the Kremlin surpassed the time of construction not only in external characteristics. The interior of the building is also amazing with unprecedented splendor.

If you describe it in three words, it is luxury, variety, we alth. If you describe all the details of the interior separately, it will take a lot of time and more than one printed sheet.

Each tier of the structure had its purpose. The basement was intended for storage of supplies. The queen took a fancy to the first floor - her workshops were located there. The second is the reception, in modern terms, where they met guests and ambassadors from different countries. A large box descended from one of the rooms, where those who wished to put their requests and complaints.

There were also royal chambers, a bathhouse.

The walls of the chambers are painted with floral patterns and gold. Round vaults are decorated with unusual patterns and ornaments, real molding, gilding, carved wood of expensive species.

Terem Palace in the Kremlin photo
Terem Palace in the Kremlin photo

Unfortunately, the painting has not been preserved in its original form. It was restored according to the drawings of the great artist- archaeologist, painter Fyodor Grigoryevich Solntsev - and his student Kiselev already in the 19th century. Considering that the paint of those times was extremely resistant, the reasons for re-applying the pattern are explained by the partial or complete destruction of the wall decoration. It could be an attack by Napoleon, or a decision to redo the interior, which was never implemented.

This is the Terem Palace in the Kremlin. In what century it was built is known for certain. But few buildings have survived from those times. It is in much the same condition today as it was nearly four centuries ago.

Interesting facts

Many believe that Leonid Gaidai's legendary film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" was filmed in the Kremlin. This is partly true. But the Terem Palace in the Kremlin (the photo is presented in the article) has nothing to do with the film. The film was shot in the Rostov Kremlin, and then only the chase scene. The royal chambers are studio scenery, and the “royal clothes” are the skillful work of costumers.

Terem Palace of the Moscow Kremlin
Terem Palace of the Moscow Kremlin

The Terem Palace was built in what century? The answer to this question is known, but opinions are divided about the relationship of architecture to the Renaissance or Baroque.

How to get there?

Today, the Terem Palace of the Moscow Kremlin is closed for free visiting. But it is still possible to get into it.

You need to sign up in advance for visiting groups. The queues are huge, so it is necessary to negotiate in advance. But this is only half the story. After recruiting a group, you need to getpermission from a representative of the Kremlin to visit the palace. Well, once inside, just enjoy the tour.
