The Republic of France is perhaps one of the most visited countries in the world. It is she who is considered one of the most romantic and culturally interesting. Millions of women, men and children dream of visiting France. Why?

French history in brief
Historians believe that King Clovis was the founder of France. After his death, the country was ruled by his four sons, who were not very skillful rulers. Since then, the rulers of France have constantly changed, one of the most memorable eras was the 18th century, when the French Revolution took place, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were killed, and France was declared a republic in 1792.
Besides this, the history of France has always been saturated with such legendary figures as Jeanne d'Arc, Victor Hugo, Jules Verne, Yves Saint Laurent, Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, Marcel Marceau, Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles de Gaulle and many other. Each of these people was a true genius in their field. Many niches were occupied by the Republic of France. What is left for other countries?
It is worth noting that France is a parliamentary republic, that is, the legislative power in the country is exercisedparliament. The French Parliament consists of two chambers. At the same time, France is a presidential republic, one of the few in Europe.
Eiffel Tower
The whole Republic of France is proud of the Eiffel Tower. Sights in the land of fire can be found at every step, but there is nowhere as mysterious and romantic as the Eiffel Tower. Initially, the Eiffel Tower was built only as a temporary facility, but over time it has become a real symbol of France, Paris. At first, almost half of the French aristocrats hated her, but after some time everyone got used to her and fell in love with her. The Eiffel Tower does not need to be talked about for a long time, it needs to be seen.

Today Versailles is a luxurious castle, best known as the French home of Marie Antoinette. But before Versailles turned into a chic castle, which took more than 10 tons of silver to build, it was an ordinary hunting lodge. Only Louis XIV turned it into a palace. On the territory of Versailles there are fountains, parks, as well as the Grand and Petit Trianon, which are must-sees.
Notre Dame Cathedral
The Republic of France is known for the beautiful Notre Dame Cathedral, which is located in the heart of Paris. The cathedral is known for its stunning architecture and long history. If you go inside, you will see stained glass windows of extraordinary beauty that create very unusual lighting. Also, films about the history of Notre Dame are shown in the cathedral, there are even sessions with 3D effects.
For 8 euros you can climb the mosttop, where the observation deck is located. The view is mesmerizing: the Seine, the Eiffel Tower, crowds of tourists and the inviting atmosphere of France.
Perhaps everyone knows the most famous museum in France - the Louvre. The most famous paintings and sculptures are kept here. And the building itself is very popular. Initially, the Louvre was a palace, and in 1792 it turned into a museum. The pyramid, which serves as the entrance, appeared only in 1989 after it was decided to create a spacious and bright underground entrance to the museum. Many French people have a hard time with change, which is why, as happened with the Eiffel Tower, many disliked this pyramid.
A visit to the Louvre costs 11 euros. At the entrance you will be given a map of the museum so that you can navigate the huge halls. Museum exhibits are marked on the map.

Champs Elysees
As you know, in Paris the main places of interest are within a five-minute walk from each other. Therefore, visiting the sights in the city center, one cannot but pay attention to the famous Champs Elysees. Here are the most famous French hotels, the Champs Elysees, as well as the world's largest Louise Vuitton store and other fashionable boutiques.
Cities of France
When you come to Paris, it is worth remembering that the Republic of France can offer you other places to stay.
Nice is associated with many beach holidays. The way it is. The Promenade des Anglais is the best beach spot, you won't have to look elsewhere. The only thing is there is no sand on the Promenade des Anglais,but it makes up for it with beautiful views, luxurious villas, best shops and restaurants.

In Marseille, there are various museums, architectural structures and temples literally at every step. If you are fond of history and love to visit iconic sites, then you should visit Marseille. In addition, there are good beaches here.
The city of Colmar cannot be called one of the most popular resorts in France. Few people have heard something about this beautiful city. In fact, Colmar is located in the region of Alsace and Lorraine, not far from the famous Strasbourg. The center is somewhat reminiscent of a village of gingerbread houses, and these magical houses are separated not by a dusty road, but by a water channel, for which Colmar is compared with Venice. This quarter is called Little Venice. In turn, the famous French philosopher Voltaire, who visited here, said that this city is "either French or German." The houses here really resemble German panel cottages.
The most favorable time for a holiday in Colmar is Christmas. Locals love their city very much, so they decorate their houses and streets in every possible way. Christmas music is always playing in the streets, and lanterns are lit all over the city.
Bordeaux is the capital of the French region of Aquitaine. What do you associate with the city of Bordeaux? In addition to being a pearl of French history with its unique sights, it is also the capital of French wine. There are vineyards in and around the city. Wine production per yearis more than 800 million bottles. The scale is amazing! And in June, every odd year, the Vinexpo exhibition is held here, where professionals and amateurs are invited to taste wines and other spirits, as well as to discuss the development of the wine industry. But if you couldn't get to this exhibition, then every year there are several more dedicated to wine and other drinks in Bordeaux.

The Republic of France is rich in cities! The sights of each city are inimitable and unique, and in order to visit at least most of them, you need to spend half your life.