The time difference with Ukraine worries many people in Russia. Most often, this question puzzles travelers and business people who need to make trips, calls and plan meetings. But even people who are far from business and time management may be interested in such a question, because many Russians have relatives and friends in a neighboring country. So what is the time difference with Ukraine now?

One step forward and two steps back
Since the time of the USSR, every inhabitant of that mighty power, and subsequently of the countries formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, knew that the clocks in Kyiv and Moscow show different times. The difference in the position of the hands from time immemorial has indicated that the capital of Russia is “in a hurry to live” compared to its brother by one hour.
Thus, the time difference between Kyiv and Moscow is 60 minutes. True, in recent years, many citizens of both countries have become confused, because some time ago this differenceincreased by two hours, then the authorities again returned the difference familiar to people.
If a difference of one hour is the norm, which is determined by time zones, then any other changes in any direction are already games of "great watchmakers" who cannot decide on the issue of Russia's transition to the so-called "summer" and "winter" time.
Why do different countries have different times?
Earth is a huge planet, 251 countries are located on its territory. Most of them have the same time zone. But some are so vast that they span multiple time zones.

Our planet is divided into 24 sectors, each division has its own time value relative to the zero meridian, which is the reference point for time calculation. This explains the time difference with Ukraine and other countries of the world, as well as within Russia itself.
Meridians serve as dividing lines. But such a section is very conditional, and often the lines can "walk" in different directions. This is due to the fact that the borders of states and their individual administrative units are not clear. In order to make life easier for the civilian population, the times in some regions are slightly adjusted to help avoid confusion.
In our country there are as many as eleven time zones, in the USA and Canada - six each. Therefore, even within the same country, there is often a time difference. There are nine such countries in total, but one of them averaged its time by creating a single time zone for the entire territory (China).

What time zone is Ukraine in?
For the convenience of adjusting the time, there is a single system from which the time is determined in a particular country. It is called the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) scale. According to it, each time zone is assigned its own time, while the zero meridian is the reference point, and the time zones around the Earth have a positive or negative value. Roughly speaking, one division is one hour, the difference between the meridians is approximately 15 degrees.
Kyiv time is calculated based on the fact that Ukraine is located in the time zone, which is designated as UTC + 2 on the scale, the so-called Eastern European time operates in Kyiv.
Ukraine is a small country by Russian standards. At the same time, it is the largest state in Europe, although the time in it is the same everywhere, part of the country's territory (Transcarpathia) is in the first time zone, and some territories of the Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkiv regions belong to the third time zone, just to by which Moscow time is determined.

Time zones in Russia
As mentioned above, the Russian Federation has the largest number of time zones among all countries in the world. Its territory stretches from west to east, while Kaliningrad is in the first time zone, and in the city of Anadar, which is located in the Far East, the scale value is defined as UTC+12.
Such a difference in time is an amazing phenomenon. peoplesometimes it is very difficult, because it is necessary to maintain family, friendship and business relations not only at a distance, but also with such colossal differences in the time of the day, because when it is still daytime in Moscow, it is already evening in Krasnoyarsk, and in Magadan it is deep night.
However, Moscow time is determined by the location of the capital of Russia on the map. It is in the third time zone (UTC+3).
Why is there a two-hour time difference between Ukraine and Russia?
Every person has his own opinion regarding the practice of changing clocks in our country. Opponents and supporters of this process are divided into two opposing camps. While scientists, economists and pragmatic people fully support the idea of switching to "winter" and "summer" time, the majority of the country's inhabitants are categorically against it.

The main reason for negative attitudes is the enormous stress that people experience. Adjusting to the new time is difficult for both children and adults. Therefore, from time to time there are legislative initiatives that somewhat change the orderly course of things. This happened in 2009, when the Russian Federation refused to switch arrows in November. At the same time, other countries have done so. Then the time difference with Ukraine was two hours. The consequences of this decision were very ambiguous, and soon the state decided to resume the transfer of arrows.
Cat in the woods, someone for firewood
The practice of changing clocks in autumn and spring dates back more than a century. Great Britain for the first timesuch a procedure, although the very idea of \u200b\u200bsuch savings did not belong to the British, but to the Americans, or rather to Benjamin Franklin. Surprisingly, the process of changing hands has taken root in many countries around the world (78 countries change hands twice a year). But recently there has been a tendency to abandon this tradition, so the difference in time may change even more in different countries. Ukraine, Russia, the B altic States are in an intermediate state and have not come to a final decision. But in Georgia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and a number of other countries neighboring Russia, the transition to "winter" time was abandoned quite a long time ago.