Winter is retreating. Reluctantly leaving her temporary kingdom and unexpectedly covering us with snow for the last time, she seems to be trying to linger in memory. But people gratefully let her go, breathe in the fresh spring air and already anticipate the onset of the long-awaited vacation season. Yes, we still need to wait a bit, but no one forbids us to make plans, drawing them in our imagination.
Montenegro - a unique pearl in the depths of the Black Mountains
If it is difficult to switch to thoughts of summer heat and warm alluring sea, let's start building a logical chain of transition from a winter landscape to a summer riot of nature, starting from snow-capped peaks. Nothing comes to mind? Of course, Montenegro is the pearl of the Adriatic. Where else, awakened by the light whisper of the surf and the gentle hot sun, we can, looking out of the window of a fashionable room, enjoy the view of the amazing mountains, the tops of which are covered with snow even in summer. Switched? Another very important point - the time in Montenegro - the difference with Moscow is three hours in winter, and in summer it is reduced by another hour, so we do not have to waste precious minutesrest on the painful process of addiction. However, is it so important to count the minutes when you get to heaven? But you need to do everything in time, so the issue of time will have to be taken into account.
The unique nature of Montenegro

Montenegro is certainly one of the most interesting places on Earth. Pure air, fast rivers, lakes of unique beauty, amazing deep canyons and primeval forest, beckoning adventurers with dense tree branches.
If you are tired of city noise and crave to enjoy communication with nature, this place will not leave you indifferent. Montenegro is simply gorgeous in the summer and very popular with tourists from different countries - despite the small size of the country, everyone can find a place to their taste. Let's look at some options. When planning travel around the country, do not forget about the time difference in Montenegro and Moscow. Frustrated that you have to get up an hour early? You'll see - it's worth it!
Various leisure opportunities

Budva Riviera will meet you with luxurious hotels, luxurious beaches, gourmet restaurants and a variety of entertainment. No wonder this place is often visited by Hollywood stars, and they really know a lot about entertainment.
You ask - what does it have to do with a quiet and secluded vacation alone with nature? But we promised to consider different options. And why not have fun with the provided bonus, because the time difference between Moscow and Montenegroin summer, that's two extra hours of sun and heat.
Hercegnovskaya Riviera - will meet the tourist with a mild climate, beautiful nature and comfortable hotels. This place, located in the north of the Adriatic coast, is ideal for recreation, as well as families with children, as there are many shallow beaches.
Ulcinj Riviera will meet you with gentle sun, bas alt beaches, perennial pine trees, olive forests and affordable hotels.
And if for you a vacation is not only an opportunity to relax, but also to replenish your knowledge, then there will definitely be something to do here - the country is rich in historical monuments and unusual, interesting sights. Do you remember the time in Montenegro and the difference with Moscow? Sorry for the intrusiveness, but check if you have time for the tour and whether you fall behind the group - it will be a shame to miss the trip, which will give you a lot of amazing experiences. The hospitable and hospitable inhabitants of Montenegro greatly honor folk traditions and their historical heritage - they will be happy to acquaint the traveler with the rich and unusual history of their country.
Some people note the similarity of Montenegro with the Crimea, so our compatriots can feel at home, which is additionally favored by the time in Montenegro and the difference with Moscow is only two hours - this will allow you to plunge into a pleasant atmosphere of relaxation without any discomfort and need rearrange your routine.
It is impossible to describe the beauty and originality of this country in words - a unique pearl definitely needs to be seenwith my own eyes. Make up your mind - there is still time to collect! And don't forget to change your clocks upon arrival: in the summer in Montenegro, the difference with Moscow is 2 hours!