What is the time difference between Moscow and Irkutsk?

What is the time difference between Moscow and Irkutsk?
What is the time difference between Moscow and Irkutsk?

This article will consider the time difference between Irkutsk and Moscow. In general, how are time zones calculated and by what criteria? The article will briefly describe each of these cities in Russia, as well as study the issues of measuring the time zones of the Earth.

The capital of Russia

Moscow is the capital of Russia and a federal city. Every day millions of people come here to solve different issues: business, study - as well as just tourists from different cities of Russia or foreign countries.

Moscow city
Moscow city

There are a lot of sights in Moscow. For example, Red Square, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Or the Kremlin, which is surrounded by a brick wall that includes twenty towers of various architectural forms.

Also, one of the remarkable places that you should definitely visit in Moscow is the Ostankino Tower. This 540 meters high TV tower is used for broadcasting radio and TV programs. In addition, in Moscow, you should see the State Department Store (GUM), which is primarily one of the greatestRussian architectural monuments of the 19th century.

Siberian city

Irkutsk city
Irkutsk city

Irkutsk is a city located in Siberia with a population of over 623 thousand people. It also has its own architectural monuments with a unique style. For example, the 130th quarter of the city represents the architecture of the 18th century, the period of the merchants. The buildings have been recently refurbished and there are modern buildings as well.

Irkutsk region is primarily known for Lake Baikal, which is located within its borders. It has the largest fresh water reserves in the world. The lake is very clean and contains many useful minerals. Baikal is 636 km long and reaches a maximum depth of 1637 meters.

lake baikal
lake baikal

Also, among the sights of Irkutsk stands out the Museum of the Decembrists. On the territory of this cultural institution there are houses of the Decembrist revolutionaries Trubetskoy and Volkonsky. They present household items of their families, in addition, thematic events are also held here - "Decembrist evenings".

What is the time difference between Moscow and Irkutsk?


So, according to the world standard of time UTC, the time zones of these cities are:

  • Moscow - UTC/GMT+3;
  • Irkutsk - UTC/GMT+8.

What does this mean? It follows from this that if travelers are going to go to the capital of the Irkutsk region, they must take into account that the time difference is 5 hours. That isif it is 15:00 in Moscow, then it is already eight in the evening in Irkutsk.

Data, according to which it will be easy to calculate the time difference between Moscow and the Irkutsk region, can be found on the Internet. There is a huge number of online calculators or converters that will immediately calculate the time difference between cities and even visually show it in the form of a clock.

As for the distance between Irkutsk and the capital of the state, it is about 4, 2 thousand kilometers, if you drive along a straight line. Of course, the fastest way would be to fly by plane. The flight time will be approximately 5 hours 20 minutes. Unless, of course, the flight is direct and non-stop.

flight moscow - irkutsk
flight moscow - irkutsk

Several flights of various airlines depart from Moscow to Irkutsk every day, such as Aviaflot, Ural Airlines and others. When buying, you should be aware that the ticket price will be lower if you book it in advance (one or two months in advance). For the nearest flights, the cost is higher, and if there are no direct tickets, then you will have to fly with transfers, and this is additional time. For example, a flight with a transfer in Krasnoyarsk will take 15 hours!

If a traveler travels from Irkutsk to Moscow, the hourly flight difference will be 40 minutes. Simply put, if a person leaves at 1:00, he will arrive at 1:40, but already Moscow time.

So, the time zones of these cities are UTC/GMT+3 and +8. In general, what do these abbreviations mean - UTC, GMT? Let's consider this question further.

Time Zones

Time Zones
Time Zones

UTC andGMT is the worldwide standard by which we calculate time. There are many time zones on Earth, so they need to be standardized. For this, some reference points are required. So, for example, the time difference between Moscow and Irkutsk is calculated.

Previously, only GMT, or prime meridian, was used. It passed through the Royal Greenwich Observatory in London. Since this scale is uneven and depends on the period of the Earth's rotation, in 1970 it was decided to introduce a new standard (UTC), which was more convenient to use and measure time. UTC in English means Universal Coordinated Time.

UTC is now Coordinated Universal Time. All software uses this standard instead of the obsolete Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


So, the time difference between Moscow and the Irkutsk region, or rather Irkutsk, is 5 hours. Or +5 hours, if you look from the point of view of the inhabitants of the city of Siberia. For time zones, UTC or GMT is used. However, GMT, or Greenwich Mean Time, was in effect until 1970. After we switched to Universal Coordinated Time, as the most accurate and uniform. Although even now the GMT indicator is quite often used, for example, by manufacturers of watch movements.
