Bear Lake - Kurgan Israel

Bear Lake - Kurgan Israel
Bear Lake - Kurgan Israel

Medvezhye Lake is familiar to many thanks to its healing s alty waters. The nearest city is Kurgan, one hundred and eighty kilometers away.

This reservoir is divided into two parts, they are connected by a small strait. Lake Medvezhye has no drains, its recharge is provided by melt water. It is quite large in area (61 square kilometers), but shallow (maximum depth is one meter twenty centimeters).

bear lake
bear lake

Mysterious legend

According to the legend, in the waters of this lake, once upon a time, a bear cured his sick paw. After a miraculous healing, the reservoir took on the shape of this beast and, accordingly, its current name.

The development of these places people began to engage in at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Interestingly, healing mud was discovered purely by accident. At first, local residents were more interested in s alt, the deposits of which were found in large quantities in the reservoir.

Time to hit the road

The second Dead Sea is called the Bear Lakes. How to get to them is of interest to people who want to improve their he alth. You can get to the so-called Kurgan Israel by train (get off at the Petukhovo station), by bus (to the Petukhovskaya customs stop) or byby car (from Kurgan to Petukhovo, and then it is important not to miss the turn towards the Lake Medvezhye sanatorium according to the sign).

bear lake prices
bear lake prices

The water in the lake, even in its appearance, resembles a highly concentrated saline solution. Swimming in the usual way there is unlikely to succeed. That is why vacationers simply lay down on the water and surrender themselves to the light breeze. In the warm season, the water temperature reaches twenty degrees Celsius. After carrying out such medical procedures, s alt crystals are noticeable on the skin. But you should not be afraid, this phenomenon is the norm for these places.

Therapeutic properties of water

Medvezhye Lake is famous for its healing waters that save you from many diseases. The healing liquid activates metabolic processes in the body, and its evaporation helps to calm the nervous system. Silt mud is considered the most effective healing component of the lake, and it is even more useful than Dead Sea mud! Many vacationers do not miss the chance to stock up on an amazing gift of nature for the future. They collect dirt in various containers and take it with them to use at home to get rid of gynecological ailments, as well as diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.

how to get to bear lakes
how to get to bear lakes

The wells on the territory of the Lake Medvezhye sanatorium are also a source of unique mineral waters. Prices for treatment fluctuate within one and a half thousand rubles per bed-day per person. Anyone can take a course of hydrotherapy, mud therapy,physiotherapy, herbal medicine, therapeutic massage, laser puncture, speleotherapy and exercise therapy. Local mineral water called "Bear-11" is indicated for chronic enterocolitis, gastritis, colitis, liver ailments, cholecystitis, angiocholitis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout, uric acid diathesis, oxaluria, phosphaturia, as well as chronic diseases of the biliary tract.
