Not many European cities can boast a large number of all sorts of canals and bridges. Try to guess where this photo was taken. Venice? Amsterdam? Bruges? Hamburg? No, this is Poland, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Wroclaw. In this ancient city there is something to see for tourists. And Wroclaw is famous not only for its bridges. Gnomes live there in large numbers. The search for figurines of these little men does not inspire adults at first, but gradually, as reviews admit, it captures. Many tourists regret that it was not possible to collect their complete photo collection. Therefore, ask at the press kiosks for a map of the gnomes (mapa krasnoludkow). What else is Wroclaw famous for? This city has a very ancient and turbulent history. He managed to visit the composition of Bohemia, Hungary, Austria, Germany. And the culture of each nation left its mark on the cobbled streets of the city. What to see in Wroclawhow to get there, where to stay and what to try - read about all this in our article.

How to get there
From Russia, due to long distances, air way is preferable. Wroclaw Airport (Poland) receives regular flights from various countries. You can fly to the city on the Oder River and from Warsaw. A ticket costs an average of 50 euros, travel time is an hour. City buses run from the airport to the city center: during the day, route No. 406, and at night - No. 249. You can get to Wroclaw by rail with a change in Warsaw or Krakow. Bus service between the cities of Poland is well developed, but the path is long. Get ready to spend about seven hours on the road. Given the fact that Wroclaw is located near the border with Germany, you can consider a roadmap option from this country. Sometimes it can be cheaper. Low-cost to Berlin and a train ticket "All Germany" will help you save money on the road to Poland. Wroclaw itself has a well-developed urban transport network. Some trams have been converted for sightseeing. You can take a self-guided tour of them. You can see the city from a bicycle seat (rental - two euros per hour) or from a steamboat (3 Є) and a gondola (5 Є).

Where to stay
The hotel base of the city is fully consistent with the standards of the European Union, which includes Poland. Wroclaw, whose hotels are designed for any budget, will not create problems for you with an overnight stay. The only thing it takesConsider, if you want to visit the city in the summer, this is a massive influx of tourists. Therefore, it is worth booking the hotel you are interested in in advance. The most budget-friendly accommodation option is hostels. Reviews recommend Boogie Hostel. It is located in the center of Wroclaw, and a private room with breakfast costs about 15 euros. The price level of middle-class hotels varies from 35 to 65 Є per night for a whole room. If you have your own transport, Rezydencja Parkowa will suit you. This hotel is located near the park, ten minutes drive from the center. And if you expect to explore Wroclaw on your own two, then the reviews advise you to settle in Campanile, not far from the Cathedral of St. Elizabeth (Elzbieta). Those who value comfort above all else choose the Art Hotel (124 euros per night). Three-star "European" reviews called the best hotel in terms of quality and price. In addition to hotels, Wroclaw provides the opportunity to stay overnight in the private sector.
Slavic city
It is necessary to make a brief digression into the depths of centuries before you go to explore Wroclaw (Poland). The sights of this city will largely remain incomprehensible if we do not know the historical context in which they were created. Silesia is a very ancient land, which is mentioned by Tacitus (98). And Ptolemy in his book Germania Magna (150) mentions the tribe of the Silings, who settled along the banks of the Oder. It is probably from them that the region got the name "Silesia". Around the 900th year, Slavic tribes came here, who founded on the island near the confluence of three tributaries of the riverOdra settlement with a marketplace. In 990, Silesia was captured by the Polish prince Mieszko I. His son Bolesław the Brave rebuilt the settlement into a real city. The Kremlin towered on Cathedral Island, and about a thousand inhabitants lived around the castle. In 1109, the German emperor Henry V broke off his teeth about Wroclaw. His troops were defeated by Boleslav Kryvousty at the place that is now called "Pse Pole". Reviews advise you to visit Tumsky and Cathedral Islands - there are many monuments of medieval Wroclaw preserved there.

German town
What brute force did not do, the advantage of civilizational development did. In the 12th century, Wroclaw (Poland) was the capital of the Principality of Silesia. At that time, the first German settlers settled on the south coast, where the university building is now located. They built their houses and fortifications so well and wisely that gradually the center of business life began to "slide" to the new quarter. And although it was destroyed in 1241 by the hordes of the Mongols, it became the core from which the city of Prassel developed - in the local Silesian dialect. The German influence was so great that soon the city began to be called in the German manner - Preßlau, and then Breslau. But in Latin it continued to be called Vratislavia - in honor of the Bohemian Duke, who granted Magdeburg rights to Wroclaw in 1261. Reviews recommend that you definitely visit the core of the German city. These are Rynek Square with the old town hall and S alt Square, where they now sell flowers.

City after World War II
Breslau stubbornly resisted the advance of the Soviet troops. Eighty thousand people died in the battles for the city! Losses were both among the units of the Hitler Youth and the Volkssturm, and among the civilian population. By decision of the Y alta Conference, Pomerania and Silesia were alienated from defeated Germany and transferred to Poland. However, Stalin was not sure of the loy alty of the latter to the ideals of socialism. Therefore, in the agreement between the PPR and the USSR of April 21, 1945, the deployment of the operational-strategic territorial formation of the Soviet Armed Forces in these lands was specifically stipulated. It was called the Northern Group of Forces (SGV). Poland, Wroclaw in particular, created all the conditions for Russians to feel at home here. Comprehensive schools were opened for the children of members of the Communist Party and the KGB. The headquarters of the SGV was liquidated only in August 1990.

Wroclaw (Poland): sights of the city
Start your acquaintance with the capital of Silesia from Rynok Square. It is the architectural axis of medieval Breslau. One of the largest European squares is surrounded by nice, neat, typically German houses. On the south end is the City Hall, a fourteenth-century building with stunning Gothic decoration. Inside is the museum of the city. Reviews say that a glass of beer in the Spiz pub, on Rynok Square, is the number one item on the Wroclaw Must Try list. Further along the Tumsky bridge we move to the islands. Here is the ancient, Slavic Wroclaw(Poland). The sights of this place are quite numerous. The main one is the 13th century cathedral. Reviews advise returning to the Tumsky Bridge in the evening - it is beautifully illuminated by oil lamps. Connoisseurs of modern architecture can admire the Centenary Hall (early 20th century) and the multimedia glass fountain. The sights also include the "Needle" - a monumental high-rise metal structure made in the style of avant-garde.

Temples of the city
The city of Wroclaw in Poland is not the capital of Catholic spirituality, like Krakow, but there are many beautiful and ancient churches here. In addition to the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (on the island), it is worth visiting the Church of St. Elizabeth and the Church of Mary Magdalene. Both temples are located near Rynok Square. Their towers are hollow, and you can climb them to admire the panorama of the city. Reviews advise to overcome the steps on the spire of St. Mary Magdalene and visit the bridge of the Witches, connecting the two towers of the temple. Of the other sacred structures, reviews recommend visiting the Churches of the Virgin, the Sign of the Cross, St. Martin, the Iji Chapel, the only synagogue that survived the Holocaust "Under the White Stork".
Wroclaw (Poland) is a very green city. The largest and oldest is Shchitninsky Park, which stretches for several kilometers. There is also a Japanese garden, which tourists highly recommend visiting. On the southern outskirts is Poludenny, and on the banks of the Olava River - East Park. There is also a Botanical Garden in Wroclaw - one of the mostvintage and rich in terms of collection.

It deserves a special mention. The Germans are great lovers of menageries. The oldest zoo is located in Munich. Wroclaw (Poland) acquired its menagerie back in 1865, when Breslau was still there. Many pavilions from the century before last have survived despite the bombings of World War II. In fact, this is a beautiful landscape park, where conditions are created that are as close as possible to animal habitat ecosystems. Reviews especially often mention the Africanarium, where you can see a variety of aquatic life - from penguins and fur seals to hippos and freshwater fish from Lake Tanganyika.
Racławice Panorama
If you are interested in the history of Poland, you should see this monumental painting. It was created at the beginning of the 20th century by Lviv artists Wojciech Kossak and Jan Styk. The masters used several techniques, which made the image convex, as if three-dimensional. The panorama seems to take the viewer to another reality - to the place of the battle of the rebel army under the command of Tadeusz Kosciuszko with the regular Russian army on April 4, 1794. The battle took place near the village of Raclavice (near Krakow). Until 1939 Panorama could be seen in Lviv. But when the USSR sent troops to Western Ukraine, it, along with the Ossolineum library, was evacuated to Wroclaw. After the end of the war, Poland wanted to open the panorama, although the Soviet authorities tried to conserve it for a long time. But still in the mid-1980s it was open to the public and quickly became one of the mainattractions in the city.
Royal Palace
Do not forget that Wroclaw (Poland) was once the capital of an independent principality. And therefore, here was the throne of the king. But the royal palace, which has survived to this day, belonged to the Prussian electors. It was built in 1717 in the then fashionable Venetian style. The Prussian king Frederick the Great, owner of Sanssouci near Berlin, bought it in 1750 and rebuilt it as his residence. The palace was rebuilt several times. Baroque elements were added to its external appearance, and rococo style decor was added to the interior. At the end of the eighteenth century, in the age of classicism, wings and pavilions were added. In 2008, the palace building was reconstructed and is now open as a museum. Reviews recommend going on a self-guided tour. See Beiersdorf, the throne room and the hall of celebrations, the private chambers of the king, look into the city museum, where you can get acquainted with the centuries-old history of Wroclaw. And then - to drink coffee in an amazing baroque garden.
What to try
We have already mentioned the iconic beer restaurant Spitz. It is located on Rynok Square. The drink served there is made in a private brewery. Connoisseurs say that it is in no way inferior to the Belgian product. The city of Wroclaw (Poland) is famous for its special, Silesian cuisine. Item number 2 in the "Must Tray" list is the Świdnicka cellar. “If you didn’t dine there,” say the locals, “consider that you have not been to Wroclaw.” Despite the cult status of the institution, the prices there are reasonable: for twenty euros you can eat from the belly. Item number 3 is a restaurantjaDka. Only national and regional dishes are served. And exotic lovers will not go hungry either. There are Latin American cafes "Under the Parrots" and "Casa de la Musica", and for vegetarians - the cult "Mlecharnya".
What to bring
Wroclaw (Poland) is called the “City of Gnomes” by reviews. That's at least one and you need to buy in a gift shop. And you also need to make a collection of photos of these little men. To do this, you need to buy a special card and the "Dwarf Finder Kit". It includes slippers that are more convenient to scour the city, a magnifying glass and foot cream, which you are likely to get tired by the evening, despite comfortable shoes. If you simply and quickly want to buy a variety of goods, go to large stores. Reviews advise visiting such shopping centers as Dominican Gallery, Grunwald Palace and Centrum Korona.