As one famous writer said, one of the components of happiness is travel. See different countries, see historical sights and natural landscapes. Fly around the world or circumnavigate the globe on water in an expedition-class yacht.
What are expedition yachts
In the modern world of sea travel, there is a large selection of ships of various types and for every taste. Powerboats, supernova boats powered by sunlight, luxury sailing yachts. Fans of this type of recreation are given the opportunity to choose trips along with the type of vessel.
Mostly small boats are designed for walking, short trips, slightly larger boats can travel long distances. But expeditionary yachts are intended for a round-the-world march. Only a brave and strong person will agree to such a long journey. However, these products have been gaining popularity in recent years.

Expedition yachts are strong enough tohardy ships with a large supply of fuel. The body is made of high strength materials, and all the mechanics are made so simple that any trained person can fix it. Initially, such yachts were converted from industrial ships, barges, and fishing boats. Many modern manufacturers still take drawings of such buildings as a basis. They are highly durable, although they have a minimum of beauty and grace.
Expedition yachts can be divided into several types. Some are intended for an unlimited navigation area, others for access to seas with especially low temperatures and ice floes on the surface. There are also expedition sailing yachts and sailing motor yachts. Depending on where you need to go on the ship and how long the journey will last, you need to choose the type. The main condition is that you need to take professionals with you on such adventures or undergo training.
In the manufacture of the hull, special steels are mainly used, designed for industrial ships and military vessels. This approach ensures the safety and reliability of a long stay at sea. Also, this type of steel is easy to repair. In addition, the entire body is reinforced with special frame fixtures.

Such explorers are provided with large fuel tanks, which allows you to stay in the sea or ocean for a long time without refueling and travel long distances. Basically, economical, but powerful motors are inserted into such vessels. itallows such yachts to travel more than 6.5 thousand miles at a time.
What will be on the yacht itself is up to the customer. The entire ship can be equipped with any special equipment, up to additional boats and garages. Depending on what goal is pursued, this should be the yacht. Many make houses out of such vessels, in which they permanently live, sometimes with entire families. Many private organizations purchase expedition yachts for deep exploration and treasure hunting.
Sailing yacht
Expeditionary sailing yacht designed mainly for long family trips. She is equipped with an easy-to-handle sail and almost always has a cozy interior. The material used in the manufacture is quite durable, anti-corrosion. The entire vessel is equipped with modern technology and devices to facilitate travel.

Fuel tanks are quite large, but much smaller than those of a long cruise yacht. On such a vessel, it is periodically necessary to call at ports for refueling. They are also easy to repair and, with enough training, you can do it yourself.
Yacht with unlimited cruising area
Expedition yachts of unlimited area of navigation generally consume the minimum amount of fuel. The material from which the ship is made has high strength and permeability. The main bridge is equipped with all the necessary devices for navigation and successful travel. Such yachts are used on lakes, in the seas andoceans. The case is designed so that it will not be damaged if it collides with a small object such as wood or debris.

Such a yacht has increased maneuverability and a wide range. Equipped at the request of the customer. It necessarily contains rooms for passengers, a kitchen and other similar premises. You can also choose a compact version.
Ice class yachts
Expeditionary ice class yachts are designed according to special drawings. They are designed for sailing in cold seas and oceans. The body skin is made of a special material, which is created using the latest modern technologies. The yacht easily passes ice floes, a collision with medium-sized ones leaves no traces. Can freeze into ice without damage. Each section on the ship has its own purpose, there should not be empty places.

It can be said that such vessels are designed for extreme travel, but they can sail on any seas and oceans. Like other similar yachts, there are large fuel tanks on board for long continuous cruising without refueling. According to the projects, such yachts can sink a little, in order to remain aground at low tide to dry the hull, while not damaging the propellers.
Sail-motor yachts
Sailing-motor yachts appeared quite a long time ago. Many fans of this sport buy this type of vessel. They are convenient for both travel and short walks. Made from special materialsequipped with modern equipment.
The advantage of a motor-sailing yacht is that when she is under sail, the engine is turned off and fuel is saved. The characteristic noise and vibrations that come from the technical compartment also disappear. Passengers can enjoy the sea and relaxation in silence or listen to the lapping of the waves. When the wind changes, there is no need to wait for a favorable one, the engine just turns on and the ship goes in the right direction.

The body is made of durable material, maneuverable, can walk long distances. Due to the sail, you can save fuel for a long time, which will allow you not to enter the harbor for refueling.
What to pack
For a long journey, you need to carefully prepare. Collect all the necessary medicines that may come in handy on the way. Also, if the trip is not scientific or research, but walking, it is necessary to organize leisure. On the high seas, you won’t be able to buy a book or a magazine. Clothing is taken for any weather, because in the ocean a cold wind can fly in a few minutes. Shoes, hygiene products, household items - everything is worth considering. Moreover, yachts are not planes, no one will be fined for overweight.