The M2 highway is a 720 km long road to the Crimea, leading from Moscow and ending in Y alta. Most often, this route is used by vacationers from Moscow, Tula, Orel, Kursk, Belgorod (the highway passes through these cities) to get to the Southern coast of Crimea.
Like all highways in Russia and Ukraine, this road also has its own characteristics and problem areas, so let's talk about its individual sections.

The first hundred kilometers of the Moscow region are the most well-maintained and well-groomed part of the Crimea highway. This is a modern highway with two lanes for each direction, without crossroads, pedestrian crossings and railroad crossings. The road surface is even, repaired frequently.
The M2 highway passes through the territory of the Moscow region a little to the east of Podolsk, Chekhov, Serpukhov, Klimovsk.
Points of qualified medical care are located at the 36th, 51st and 74th kilometers of the highway. There are many cafes, gas stations, hotels and shops along the way.
This section is 91 kilometers long. The M2 highway here narrows to one lanetraffic in each direction, but the road surface is still of high quality. The first problematic area is the bridge across the Oka, where traffic jams often accumulate. There is no point in going around it - the nearest bridge is far enough away.
Congestion also occurs on the Tula bypass road, so it's better to go through the city - it's faster and you can see the sights.
There are many steep descents and ascents in this section, so warriors need to be especially careful.

The M2 highway runs here for 190 kilometers. The road is still narrow, with an acceptable quality of pavement and a large number of turns into minor roads. Particular care must be taken when passing a sharp turn at the 268th kilometer of the road.
The main problem of this section of the highway is deep shoulders without barriers.
The distance between these cities along the highway is 160 kilometers. The M 2 highway in the Kursk region is getting very bad due to the quality of the road surface. The road is narrow, many bumps, dangerous roadsides.
Speeding in the Kursk region is not recommended, because there are many traffic police posts with radars. Permanent posts are located at the 388th, 406th, 407th and 466th kilometers.

The route along the highway takes 140 km. We have already talked about the quality of roads in the Kursk region. Particularly difficult in this regard is the section of the road - 30 kilometersfrom the village of Medvenka to the city of Oboyan.
In the Belgorod region, the situation is improving significantly - the coating again becomes smooth and practically free of defects. In some places, the M2 highway is again expanding to two lanes.
Belgorod - Nekhoteevka
This section to the border with Ukraine takes 38 kilometers. The track becomes simply gorgeous - wide, with new asph alt. There are often traffic jams near Nekhoteevka, which is associated with the passage of the border post and customs.
Next, the territory of Ukraine begins, but the quality of roads there is the same as in Russia.
So don't break the rules, stop for a rest in time, and then a long trip to the Crimea will bring only pleasure and a lot of new impressions.