Between the cities of Simferopol, Y alta, the distance is only 86 km. Both of these settlements are located in the Crimea. Simferopol is its capital. It is located in the center of the peninsula. The city has a well-equipped airport and railway station, ready to receive its guests all year round.
Many visitors and residents of Simferopol itself choose the beautiful city of Y alta for their vacation. It is located on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula, near the sea.
Some tourists prefer to travel in their own cars. However, most of the visitors get first to Simferopol by plane or train, and then from there - to Y alta.
Road from the airport
The air gates of the city of Simferopol are quite compact. Nevertheless, the airport is quite modern and operates year-round. There is a public transport stop right next to it.
Trolley ride
Trolley bus Simferopol - Y alta departs from the airport itself. He departs fromstops every 60 minutes from 6 am to 8 pm.
Many more trolleybuses depart from the same stop. Therefore, it must be remembered that only number 55 goes along the route Simferopol - Y alta. It covers the distance between cities in about three hours.
If there is no desire and opportunity to wait for a trolleybus at the airport, then you can get from there by minibus, taxi or bus to the railway station. This will take 15-20 minutes. There is only one road, so it's hard to get confused.

Taxi ride
From Simferopol airport to Y alta you can easily get by taxi. Drivers of this transport are easy to meet both at the bus stop and on the way to it. You can also book a car in advance. In this case, it is possible to meet with a "Taxi" sign at the airport itself.
Booking a taxi is convenient because in addition to the speed of delivery and assistance in carrying luggage, the passenger is guaranteed to be provided with transport even in case of a flight delay.
Also, unlike trolleybuses and buses, the distance between Simferopol and Y alta is covered much faster by car. Various deviations from the route and arrivals to other places are possible at will.
The only downside to taking a taxi is its high cost. However, for many people, the comfort exceeds this small minus.

The road from the train station
Trains to Simferopol run from very manycities. Crimea has long been considered a great he alth resort, and therefore the railway communication is excellently established. In this regard, a huge amount of transport is sent from the station to all corners of the Crimean peninsula. Here everyone chooses a vehicle according to their taste and wallet.
To Y alta by trolleybus
At the railway station in Simferopol there is a small platform from which long-distance trolleybuses leave. Among them is the route number 52 Simferopol - Y alta. The distance due to the change of departure stop is not reduced much, so the duration of the journey will be about two and a half hours.
The advantage of traveling by trolleybus is only its low cost. In terms of speed and comfort, this type of transport loses to all others.
Ride on the bus
At the railway station, in addition to the trolleybus stop, there is also a small bus station. It's called "Resort". Buses depart from it to different cities of Crimea.
Travel by bus is more expensive, but it also travels faster than the Simferopol-Y alta trolleybus. The distance between cities is overcome in just an hour and a half.
In addition to regular buses, shuttle buses also run from the railway station. The fare is a bit more expensive.
Buses depart from the station "Kurortnaya" every few minutes. There are no problems getting from there to Y alta.

Leave with the help of taxi drivers from the railwaystation is not a problem either. Here, a lot of drivers offer their services for the transport of passengers and their luggage. However, it should be remembered that ordering a taxi by phone guarantees a fixed fare, control of the driver by the dispatcher and the absence of unpleasant surprises in the form of additional passengers.
Benefits of the trip
Whatever transport is chosen, be it a Simferopol-Y alta bus, a trolleybus or a taxi, the road will be the same. And it passes among very beautiful places, traveling through which, not a single passenger will remain indifferent to the magnificent nature and breathtaking landscapes of Crimea.

The closer Y alta gets, the more colorful the nature. This city has a great climate close to the Mediterranean. Thanks to this, the weather conditions here are comfortable from late April to early November. And even in winter, temperatures rarely drop below freezing.
Y alta is very beautiful. Unusual for other parts of Crimea, the vegetation is perfectly combined with the mountains and the sea.
Due to the presence of various plants, Y alta is unique with its special healing air. People with respiratory problems come to this city and its environs from all over the world.