VDNH is one of the most interesting places in Moscow. Many tourists from other cities and countries come here, and many Muscovites like to walk here on weekends. And this is not surprising: even in the capital it is difficult to find another such place on the territory of which such a number of cultural and entertainment facilities would be collected. There is even a dolphinarium at VDNKh, it is this interesting object that we will tell you in more detail today.
The place where dolphins live
In Moscow, at VDNKh, you can visit the world's largest mobile dolphinarium. This is a unique design, which is a pneumo-tent, suitable for marine animals and performances all year round, under any conditions. The Dolphinarium at VDNKh impresses with its size: its stands can accommodate 550 guests at the same time. Watching the show is comfortable and completely safe, as all fire safety and sanitation standards are observed. Performances are conducted by experienced trainers, and the programs shown have received high marks at international competitions.

Main artists of the Dolphinarium
Most visitors to dolphinariums buy tickets to performances primarily to see exotic animals up close. Belugas, bottlenose dolphins, fur seals and walruses constantly perform in the mobile complex at VDNKh. More recently, real sharks have appeared in the "troupe". Do not be afraid, all animals are specially trained and do not pose a danger to spectators and coaches during the presentation. The Dolphinarium in Moscow at VDNKh has been operating since the end of 2011, and many regular visitors already know all the main artists by name. During the show, viewers will learn a lot of interesting facts about marine animals.

Dolphinarium show program
During the performance, the audience will see a variety of tricks - from the simplest (swimming in a circle, "football with fins" and others) to the most complex. Especially for the assembled public, the trainer will ask the dolphin to draw a picture, which can then be purchased during the auction. The real highlight of the performance is the diving of specially trained actresses into an aquarium with real sharks. A variety of surprises are waiting for the guests of the dolphinarium, come and you will see everything with your own eyes! The duration of the show is 45 minutes, which means that even the smallest viewers will be able to watch the show until the very end.
Price and performance schedule
Dolphinarium at VDNKh holds one performance on weekdays, and two or three on weekends. And every time it's a real sell-out. Buytickets are available immediately before the start of the show at the box office located in front of the dolphinarium. The cost depends on the selected row. The most expensive ticket costs 1,200 rubles, and the cheapest ticket costs only 400 rubles. Children under 3 years old can watch the show for free accompanied by their parents (upon presentation of a birth certificate). During the performance, photography and video filming with your own equipment is allowed. After the show, you can take pictures with the artists for an additional fee. Also, during the performance, any viewer can participate in the auction and purchase a picture painted by a dolphin. If you didn't manage to win, don't be discouraged, you can always buy bright and beautiful souvenirs as a keepsake.

How to find a dolphinarium at VDNKh?
You can watch the dolphin show on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center. If you go to the dolphinarium by private car, it will be most convenient to leave it in the parking lot at the entrance to the exhibition area from Khovanskaya Street. The nearest metro station is VDNKh. The Dolphinarium has the following address: Moscow, Prospekt Mira, territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, building 119. You can navigate to pavilion No. 8: the complex, which hosts performances with marine animals, is located next door.
Reviews of viewers about visiting the Dolphinarium
Thousands of people have visited this entertainment venue in the capital over the years. Viewers' opinions about the dolphinarium differ significantly. Some people like this place very much, while others are not impressed. Dissatisfied viewers are hard to find only among children,because everyone likes dolphins without exception.

Dolphinarium at the All-Russian Exhibition Center is often criticized for the high cost of tickets. But in fact, the complex offers its guests a wide range of prices, and from which tier to watch the performance is the personal choice of each visitor. All animals performing in the dolphinarium look well-groomed and clean. Artists have long been accustomed to the attention of the public and are always ready to pose for photos and delight guests with new tricks. In general, the show program of the dolphinarium can be confidently called worthy and corresponding to the level of the complex. Be sure to visit the dolphin show at VDNKh if you are interested in the world of marine animals.