Mount White Rock is located in the Crimea and is one of the many attractions of the peninsula. Blown by the winds for thousands of years, it acquired an amazing shape, which could not but interest filmmakers. Ak-Kai featured in The Headless Horseman and several other iconic Soviet films.

Triumph of white
Shot from different angles, it resembles either an impregnable fortress, if the camera looks from below, or the head of a cobra, puffing up its hood, if you look from above on the central ledge. There are a lot of natural caves and faults, sheds and grottoes. And all this is painted white, blinding the eyes in the sun. The white rock rises above the valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River (someone calls it Black Water, someone calls it Big Karasevka) by 100 meters, and above sea level - by 325. Of course, most of the names around are associated with the white color of the mountain - nearby there is a village of the same name, the district is called Belogorsky, and the mountain itself is a symbol of the district center.
Ancient temple

The unremarkable town of Belogorsk is located at a distance of 42 km from Simferopol. The white rock on its western side has aeolian grottoes (depressions blown out by the winds) and two caves - upper and lower. The first of them is located in the center of the western wall. Bob is interesting, such is its name, with its rock signs belonging to the Sarmatians. It is possible that once there was their sanctuary, which was also probably called so: White Rock. How to get to this place? After walking a few meters from the bus stop of the same name, you need to turn onto the first wide street of the village of the same name, which will lead to a ford across the river, but there is a bridge over Karasevka nearby. Hikers are advised to stock up on drinking water in the spring near the ford. Along the entire western wall there is a path, in the middle is the lower Bob cave. Near it, very beautiful views open up, especially at sunset. Birds nest on a sheer cliff.
Legendary cave
Due to the inaccessibility - from below - 52 meters, from the edge of the cliff - 49 - the upper cave called "Golden Hole" (Altyn-Teshik) is little visited by tourists. She became famous after archaeologists found the skeleton of a woman with a child here. The well-preserved remains of a Neanderthal mother are 150,000 years old. Signs of the presence of the Sarmatians are also present here. The cave-grotto is overgrown with legends, the most eerie of which tells that a huge snake lived here, and its passage was dug all the way to Feodosia.
Ancient civilizations on our earth

Four sites of primitive people found on the mountain as a result of excavations can be found in the book by Yu. Kolosov "White Rock", from which it becomes known that the bones of a mammoth and a cave bear were found near the traces of fires at these sites, onager and giant deer, wild horse and saiga. Even the tooth of a giant shark was found in the rock on the White Rock. In a word, this is a unique place, and plans to create a park here are fully justified, on the territory of which not only modern infrastructure for recreation and tourism could be located, but also exhibits reflecting the history of the rock and everything connected with it. For example, the statues of the heroes of famous films shot here, and, of course, Neanderthals around the campfire eating a mammoth.
Historical object inextricably linked with Russian history
Many scenic cliffs are said to have once been execution sites. Here is another legend that tells that in front of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, captured by the Turks, his comrades-in-arms chained were thrown down. But there are also reliable facts pointing to the historical significance of this place. They are associated with the name of the brilliant A. V. Suvorov. There is a 700-year-old Suvorov oak here. It will become the pearl of the park with an area of 70 hectares, which is planned to be created in memory of the legendary commander. The name of the future park is "Suvorovsky". The troops under his leadership were located here in 1777. And in 1783, Prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky took the oath of allegiance to Russia from the defeated Crimean beys driven here. Great place!
Location of natural wonder

Because of its uniqueness, the White Rock is considered a geological landmark and a natural monument. It is also famous for the amazing views that open from its top in different directions. They are unique both in the early morning and at sunset. In spring, the Red Beam, located in the north, justifying its name, is completely covered with blooming tulips.
Where is the White Rock, how to get to it? Buses run from Simferopol to the aforementioned regional center every one to two hours. From Belogorsk (this is the name of the district center) to the village of Belaya skala (the stop is also called this) is a 10-minute drive. The interval of movement of buses and minibuses is 40 minutes. Then it’s quite simple - the White Rock itself serves as a guide. You can start taking photos right here, further the views open one better than the other. The paths are paved and there are signs. Tourists climb the mountain on a gentle slope, which makes the passage itself not without pleasantness.
White Cliffs

The name of the mountain echoes another place in the former Soviet Union called the White Rocks. Abkhazia can be proud not only of such sights as the New Athos waterfall and the cave of the same name, but also of this stretch of coast, which, in photographs taken under certain lighting, paints the Black Sea white. This is a wild beach located near the village of Tsandripsh, located at the mouth of the Khashupse River, 17 kilometers from Gagra, and 5 fromborders with Russia.
Quiet corner

Snow-white cliffs emerging from the sea on the coast make this place unique. Since 1981 it has been recognized as a natural monument of national importance. There are very few vacationers here, people come here mainly to look at this natural monument. It is located 300 meters from the Solnechny boarding house. There is really a lot of sun around, as well as on the entire coast, but here it is still reflected by white rocks. Abkhazia, given this unique natural gift, used the brand in the name of the hotel built right there in order to attract tourists.
Building boom
Recently, tourism began to develop intensively in Abkhazia again. Old resorts are popular, and there is also an active construction of new buildings that take into account the modern requirements of vacationers. Mini-hotels are being actively built, which include the White Rocks. She has, frankly, different reviews. Outwardly cozy, two-storey, located on a slope 50 meters from the sea, it has rooms for every taste, you can arrange accommodation without meals. The most detailed information about it is widely available, there you can also find negative reviews not only about the condition of the rooms, but also about the services provided, which causes some damage to the image of the White Rocks.
Difficulties of becoming

This place in the vicinity of the village of Tsandripsh is famous for the fact that lovers of silence and solitude can come here, adherents of a calm, non-extreme vacation - suchthere should be places too. And at the same time, this is not a wild place - there are many cafes, restaurants, markets around. That is, the infrastructure is well developed. It remains to be assumed that, given the remoteness from the centers of tourism on the Black Sea coast, the hotel staff did not quite understand the principles of decent service. But this is fixable, because the villagers cannot fail to understand that tourism is the main source of income for the country's budget, and that it is impossible to compete with the resorts of the Red and Mediterranean Seas, which are popular with Russian tourists, by being rude to customers.
There are many more advantages
It is necessary to note the advantages of the hotel, which, of course, are. For example, next to it there is a healing spring with water saturated with hydrogen sulfide. It is impossible not to take into account the mild climate, which allows you to relax here in the winter. Two buildings of the hotel were put into operation after 2012 - the buildings are completely new. The abundance of affordable fruits and vegetables has always made Abkhazia especially attractive. A cozy hotel on the seashore can serve as a resting place between excursions around the country, which nature has so generously endowed with sights.
Availability of necessary infrastructure
On the territory of the hotel there is an open-air swimming pool and a sauna with a font. The establishment provides two meals a day - breakfast and lunch. According to the testimonies of people who have rested here, the food is very tasty. Right on the territory of a small hotel there is a cafe and a dining room for 24 places, there are a lot of other various food outlets within walking distance from the White Rocks mini-hotel (Abkhazia). There are reviewsand positive. There is a well-equipped beauty parlor, parking, rooms with TV and refrigerator, toilet and shower, hairdryer, air conditioning and Wi-Fi. Other household appliances can be rented from the administrator. For children there is a general system of discounts. The approach to the beach is equipped through a tunnel, over which a railway track is laid. You can get here by taxi or by public transport from Adler to the Cossack market, go through the border post, and then overcome 5 km to the hotel by any means of transport. You can also get there by train. You can learn more about any option on the hotel website.