Which country is better to live in? Tell TOP 5

Which country is better to live in? Tell TOP 5
Which country is better to live in? Tell TOP 5

A person who wants to live better than now, sooner or later asks the question of which country is best to live in. Along with this question, another question arises, about where to find the very place in which it will be good for both the soul and the body. Many solve this issue by moving to another city and even country. In search of a “good life”, such criteria as the level of security, the possibility of obtaining a prestigious education, highly qualified medical care, developed transport infrastructure, environmental background, climatic conditions, political and economic stability serve as fundamental criteria. This is just a partial list of weighty arguments for moving to another country.

In every state you can find that "paradise" that seems ideal to you. According to most people, the cities and regions of the United States are the most suitable for a prosperous existence. But this is not the only country in which the standard of living of the population is high compared to others.

TOP 5 most prosperous countries for life

1. Norway. This country is the most prosperous in economic and political terms. Various kinds of social guarantees are also provided there, and economic programs are in place. It is quite difficult to settle there, but there is still a way out. It is easier to get a residence permit when going to Norway to study or work.

Which country is better to live in
Which country is better to live in

2. Denmark. What is the best country to live in? If your goal is to earn good money, then the direct road is for you in Denmark.

This is the country that boasts high wages.

But despite this, the level of accommodation is also great.

Although you won't spend a dime on education and medical care.

Also an important factor in deciding "which country is better to live in" are the methods of combating unemployment and controlling inflation. In Denmark, they are at a low level.

In which country is it better for Russians to live?
In which country is it better for Russians to live?

3. Australia. More recently, scientists have found that it is easier to live in this country than in others, and the average life expectancy of a person is 82 years, compared to 56 in Russia. The unemployment rate in the country is not even 5%. Australia is a politically and economically stable country, and if it is subject to serious crises, it is easily rehabilitated after them. This country is also good in terms of climate. There are no active volcanoes on its territory. The environmental background is quite favorable and is at a high level.

What is the best country to live in
What is the best country to live in

4. New Zealand. This country has good climatic conditions and is sparsely populated. The country has people-friendly laws that deal with insurance and phasing out benefits. There is a need for good entrepreneurs and scientists in New Zealand.

5. Sweden. This country will help you find stability. Developed transport industry, education system and medical services have a positive effect on the standard of living of the population.

But, despite the wide choice of countries, the question still arises as to which country is better for Russians to live in? Finland. Although it is not listed in the top five, for Russians it is an analogue of the motherland. In the ranking of the best countries to live in, it occupies the seventh position. First, Finland is the richest country in the world. Secondly, it has quite calm conditions for life, without wars and economic instability. Thirdly, the climatic conditions are somewhat similar to ours, so the acclimatization period will not take you much time. What is the best country to live in? In general, favorable conditions for life are observed in Australia, however, due to its remote territorial location, few people consider it.

Knowing all this information, you can easily decide which country is better for you and your loved ones to live in.