Many tourists heading to Egypt face the choice of which is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh. Both of these resorts in the country are considered the largest, quite comfortable, they are favorite vacation spots for Russian travelers. Therefore, it is quite difficult to decide which one is better. It is worth trying to compare both cities, as well as what is offered to tourists.
If we compare which is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, you need to first pay attention to local hotels. In both resorts you can find places to your liking. There are both luxurious apartments and more modest hotels. Most of them are all inclusive. It takes about the same time to fly to both places. Therefore, the cost of tickets for the trip, as well as the prices for accommodation, will be approximately the same.
Some tourists choose which is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, depending on the proximity to attractions. Resorts are located on the coast. They have all the conditions for relaxing on the beach and diving. Some travelers praise the variedthe underwater world that Sharm el-Sheikh is famous for. However, in Hurghada, most hotels have a gentle entrance to the sea. Cairo can be reached from both of these resorts in the same time. Sharm el-Sheikh is located near the Colored Canyon, Mount Moses, located nearby, is interesting to visit. At the same time, it is closer to Luxor from Hurghada, respectively, and the cost of the tour will be less.

Egyptian resorts invite tourists to relax all year round. However, with regard to such a parameter as climate and weather, Hurghada wins a little in the hot months, as the winds that blow here will help to better endure high temperatures. Sharm el-Sheikh is convenient for relaxing in the winter, when you want to soak up the warm, but not scorching sun. The thermometer during the day reaches 25 degrees.
Thus, it is rather difficult to determine which is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh.

Both resorts offer tourists a comfortable pastime on sandy beaches. If we talk about family holidays, then Sharm el-Sheikh is recommended, as it is more calm and comfortable here. Hurghada will appeal to youth companies that prefer noisy establishments and nightclubs. However, most hotels have their own bars and discos, so there is no need to look for entertainment outside the hotel.

The atmosphere in Sharm El Sheikh is currently more relaxed than in other resorts. Due to unrestin the country, tourists prefer this particular city, which is better guarded. However, this does not mean at all that travelers in other places in Egypt can be in danger. Going to this country, you can be sure that no matter which resort you choose, a quality vacation is guaranteed. Viewing the famous pyramids and beautiful corals, considered local treasure, will leave only vivid impressions and wonderful memories of your vacation.
Those who have been to Egypt often return there again. Tourists who are thinking about which resort to choose can be advised to visit each of the cities in the country, even if not immediately. Only personal experience will determine in the future where you want to return for your vacation.