Tourists traveling to another country must respect the mores and customs of the local population. If in Europe it is not necessary to follow any canons in clothing, then in Muslim countries this issue is treated very strictly: for open defiant clothing they can be fined, arrested or deported from the country.
Tourists, accustomed to the permissiveness of Turkish and Egyptian resorts, are often disappointed by the rather strict restrictions. In order to avoid problems and misunderstandings, it is necessary to study in advance how to dress tourists in the UAE.

Women's dress code
Local women in the UAE are forced to hide their bodies from prying eyes. The head must be covered. Some hide their faces. Those wishing to visit the Emirates should know how to dress tourists in the UAE. They should at least approximately correspond to the image of a Muslim woman. But you can’t try on the veil, as this is clothing for the faithful. The traveler herself will nottoo comfortable in revealing clothes among Muslim women hiding their bodies.
According to the traditions of the UAE, there is no dress code on the territory of the hotel. The hotel is the territory of tourists, so you can dress as usual: shorts and T-shirts are the most common clothes here. But clothes for going out into the city should be chosen carefully.

Tourists should remember: transparent or translucent clothing in the UAE is regarded as its absence. Therefore, troubles will not keep you waiting.
How should women tourists dress in the UAE? Keep in mind that it is very hot in the UAE. Clothing should be made from natural fabrics, it will be extremely difficult to endure heat in synthetic fabrics.
Sundresses, tops, miniskirts, revealing dresses, T-shirts are unacceptable clothing for this country. You need to cover your chest, shoulders and knees. T-shirts that cover the shoulders, skirts below the knees are suitable. Pants made from light fabrics can be a good option. When planning a trip to the UAE, you need to know that, in addition to the moral side of the issue, closed clothing is more practical for the climate of the United Arab Emirates. In open outfits, you can get badly burned, being under the mercilessly scorching sun. And no sunscreen will save.

Women take note: It's a good idea to carry a light scarf, shawl or cape that you can wear in crowded places or in shopping malls where you can get cold under the air conditioners. In addition, closer to winter in the UAE, there are strong temperature drops, so the cape will save you from eveningcoolness.
Clothing rules for men
Men have fewer dress restrictions than women. For example, you can freely walk in shorts. The exception is tight cycling shorts. But it is not forbidden to ride a bicycle in them. Sportswear may also be worn outside the gym.
A man should carefully study what is written or drawn on his T-shirt, because this may be offensive to Muslims. Without suspecting anything, you can provoke a cultural religious scandal with an extremist inscription on a T-shirt.
And one more But: just as women are forbidden to wear a veil, so men are not allowed to try on and wear traditional Arab clothes.

In a restaurant
Dubai restaurants have specific dress codes for men and women. Elite restaurants are especially aware of this, so in shorts and a T-shirt they may simply not be let in.
Men must wear trousers and a long-sleeve shirt, closed shoes. The woman is wearing an elegant evening dress, and the degree of its frankness is not specified.
Most visited cities in the UAE
Abu Dhabi and Sharjah are the most conservative cities. They treat the appearance of tourists very strictly. But Dubai is the most loyal to tourists. And this is not surprising, because it is one of the largest centers that attract tourists from all over the world. But it is better to refuse to visit the old districts of Dubai. Indeed, in typical tourist clothing, you can cause a sharp negative amonglocal residents of this UAE city.

Reasons why Dubai residents are loyal to tourists
Dubai is the cosmopolitan city of the UAE. Here you can meet many residents who have moved from Asian countries, Europe, America. All of them, respecting the traditions of the indigenous population, brought some freedom to everyday clothes. In addition, a considerable number of Arabs studied in European and American higher educational institutions, so the European style of dress does not bother them. Moreover, Arab youth who returned to their native country after training continue to wear European clothes.
Visit the mosque
There are only two mosques in the UAE that non-Muslims can visit: the Sheikh Zayed Mosque and the Jumeirah Mosque. The visiting rules are the same for everyone: women are forbidden to appear in the mosque with bare legs, arms, shoulders. Choose a skirt below the knees and don't forget the headscarf. Men must wear long trousers.
Tourists are only allowed to visit mosques on certain days.
On the beach
On the beaches of the United Arab Emirates it is impossible to be without any part of a bathing suit. Therefore, lovers of topless sunbathing will have to give up this, otherwise they will face a lot of problems.
It is strictly forbidden to walk around in a swimsuit in the areas adjacent to the beach under the laws of the UAE.
The UAE is undoubtedly accustomed to the ignorance of visitors who do not know how to dress as tourists in the UAE. Therefore, in public places placedsigns explaining what you can and cannot walk in. Here they write about the measures that will be taken by the police. Most often, too strict measures are not applied to tourists, except that the police come up and ask to change.
Local residents are dissatisfied with such loyal treatment of violators of public morality. In their opinion, the measures should be more stringent.

Local reactions
Women who appear in the city of the UAE in an inappropriate form - in open or transparent clothes - should be prepared for the response of Arab men who can demonstrate their unambiguous intentions. This surprises many, they conclude that Arab men are rude and completely uncivilized. This is not true. Arabs regard a tourist in open clothes as a woman offering herself. Therefore, the attitude is appropriate.
But local women still pay special attention to naked European women. They see off the charmers with fixed and reproachful glances. After walking around for a day or two in a revealing outfit, the guest herself will decide to dress in something more closed.
Traditions and rules of conduct to know about
In addition to information on how to dress tourists in the UAE, a tourist should learn about the main traditions of this country.

The laws of the Koran govern all human life. Believers strictly adhere to them. For example, prayer should be performed five times a day at a certain time. Tourists who have become involuntarywitnesses, one should behave correctly, respecting the feelings of believers. It is illegal to film or take pictures of prayers in the UAE.
During the great Muslim holiday of Ramadan, tourists should not eat or drink in public places, as this will offend the feelings of believers. Canteens may refuse to feed during the daytime.
Couples in love should not show their passionate feelings in public places. The only thing that lovers can afford is to walk holding hands. Hugging and kissing in public is absolutely unacceptable.
Men are not allowed to address Muslim women on the street, even if you just need to clarify the way. Any appeal to a local resident will be regarded as sexual harassment.
Photographing local women is a crime. It is also forbidden to film mosques, government buildings, military installations.
It is unacceptable to swear, drink alcohol and appear drunk in public places, show rude indecent gestures. This will result in arrest, fine or deportation.