Hundreds of thousands of divers in Europe, CIS countries, just tourists, having heard the words "diving", "scuba", mentally plunge into the warm waters of the Mediterranean, Red, Aegean Seas, Indian Ocean. Lists of excursions at numerous resorts necessarily include scuba diving or even just a tour of the coral shallow water with diving masks. Since Turkey is the most visited tourist country, where there is something to see underwater, below is about diving in Turkey, its features.
What Turkey has to offer
The country of the Mediterranean region, which is washed by the waters of the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, is rich in its ancient history, hospitality, mild climate. The tourist season for a beach or sea holiday in Turkey lasts from late May to early October. The abundance of fruits, relatively low prices for accommodation attract, without exaggeration, tens of millions of tourists from all over the world. For diving in Turkey, there is a wide range of dive sites and interests (archaeology, corals, marineinhabitants), and by experience (underwater caves for diving masters, beautiful open areas for beginners). Clear and warm water will make diving as comfortable as possible, and what you see will be memorable for a lifetime. Many diving clubs with instructors will help beginners and experienced divers not to be disappointed in the underwater world of the Turkish coast.

Where to go for diving
In order for divers who are going to Turkey for the first time not to suffer with the choice of dive sites to guarantee an unforgettable experience, a special jury of the best Turkish trainers, underwater photographers and divers was organized. The jury determined the ten best diving sites in Turkey. It is worth noting that seven of these places are concentrated on the coast of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas, and three - in the Istanbul region in the Sea of Marmara. Any of the diving sites can be reached from the nearest major city or resort by tourist buses as part of diving excursions, transport of numerous diving clubs, or simply by taxi.
Diving for beginners
Conventionally, diving sites in Turkey can be divided into three categories:
- for beginners,
- for experienced,
- universal.
For beginners, places like:
- Fethiye (on the Mediterranean coast). There are no currents here, the water is clear to a depth of 50 meters. The depth increases gradually. There is an open underwater cave with an abundance of corals, different types of fish, for which beginners will be veryinteresting to watch.
- Bodrum (on the Aegean coast). It is interesting for a large number of sunken clay amphorae, which were used as containers for shipping, but then simply disposed of in the waters of the sea.
- Marmaris (on the Mediterranean coast). There are also a large number of amphorae, as well as underwater caves, large marine life - turtles, groupers, barracudas, dolphins.
- Kash (on the Mediterranean coast). Compared to other places, this is the best diving in Turkey. Everything that can be found under water in other places is here. Amphoras, anchors, underwater caves, turtles, barracudas, moray eels, corals, an underwater archaeological park with a copy of a sunken ship from the 14th century. For the most experienced, at a depth of 65 meters, the perfectly preserved wreckage of two military aircraft.

Diving for the experienced
- Ayvalik (on the Aegean coast). Very beautiful reefs, amazing rocks with their beauty. Abundance of corals and fish. This is where the brightest underwater photos are taken.
- Kalkan (on the Mediterranean coast). The main attraction is the wreckage of a sunken British ship. Moreover, the wreckage is located along the underwater canyon at a depth of 15 to 65 meters. Of course, a large number of different fish are represented here.
Experienced divers don't have to go to dangerous places. They often discover some unusual place for themselves, known only for one attraction, such as Canakkale inthe Dardanelles Strait, where you can find the wreckage and even the armament of ships en route from the Aegean to the Sea of Marmara and back. With experience comes a love for the underwater world, not only because of the colorful fish and corals, but also because of the opportunity to experience the world invisible from the surface of the water.

Side Diving Sites
Most tourists come to the sea coast near Antalya. It can be called the most versatile place for scuba diving. This is due to the richness of the seabed both in flora and hundreds of fish species that enter the warm waters of the southern coast even from the Red Sea. Diving in Side, and in Turkey in general, is best organized with the help of clubs, of which there are hundreds.
Besides knowing the local sea depths, the instructors will help the beginner and give advice to the experienced diver. And it is not always possible to bring diving equipment to Turkey with you.
What will a diver get when diving in Side? First of all, the ability to dive from various places - from the beach, from the pier, from the boat. The bottom relief allows this. At a relatively shallow depth there are sunken ships, various types of fish will please the eye. There are also underwater reefs. A characteristic feature is the very high temperature of the water, which allows you not to be afraid of cold currents and makes diving safe in all respects.

What to see underwater in Belek
Another popular place in the Antalya region is Belek. This is a young resort that is developing very dynamically,according to all the canons of a first-class holiday. What are only world-class golf clubs worth. As for recreation on the water, it is safe here, as there are no strong currents in the Antalya Bay and warm, clear water. An important factor is that this resort is not so crowded, so if we consider Turkey as a whole, diving in Belek will be more comfortable than in the main diving centers. The underwater world, as in Side, is distinguished by a variety of fish, vegetation, which, combined with the crystal clear water, makes the most pleasant impression on divers.

Reviews of divers about diving in Turkey
The situation with reviews of diving in Turkey is ambiguous. Many believe that exotic underwater life is the only thing to see, and Malaysia, the Seychelles, Egypt are suitable for this, but not Turkey. An erroneous opinion is formed due to ignorance of places where you can see the underwater world, due to the lack of an experienced assistant or instructor who will show you where and what to see. At present, it is customary to share travel experiences on forums and social networks, so diving in Turkey is gradually taking its well-deserved place of an interesting and worthwhile event, which is worth devoting, if not the whole trip, then at least one day.

A look at Turkey before buying tickets
An unambiguous conclusion about the beauty of the Turkish seabed has been made, pictures of corals, underwater inhabitants, sunken antiquities have already been drawn mentally. But the main question remains: wherediving in Turkey is better, where is it more interesting? The main diving sites are concentrated in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Part is located in the Sea of Marmara and the Dardanelles. Conventionally, the brightest can be called such resort places as:
- Antalya with the suburbs of Side and Belek, plus nearby Kas;
- Marmaris;
- Bodrum;
- Fethiye.
Guaranteed there you can see a variety of corals, fish, turtles, barracudas, moray eels. Fans of a touch of history will be interested to see fragments of ancient Greek buildings, amphoras, statues. Also opens the world of sunken ships, aircraft. Turkey may be the first place for a novice diver and will not disappoint with the richness of its underwater world.