"Husky Park" in Pervouralsk. Description

"Husky Park" in Pervouralsk. Description
"Husky Park" in Pervouralsk. Description

Many interesting entertainments can be found in Pervouralsky Husky Park. In this place, you can try yourself as a blacksmith, making a metal souvenir under the supervision of a professional. There is also the opportunity to be Tarzan and walk through the rope park. This is quite an interesting and popular place. Further you can learn more about the city park of culture and recreation.

About the park

In such a place, residents and guests of the city have the opportunity to communicate with Samoyed huskies and huskies. The former are considered one of the kindest dogs. And about huskies it is known that representatives of this breed will never bite a person. Therefore, not only adults, but even small children can communicate with them. But, of course, under the supervision of parents.

All the inhabitants of the "Husky Park" in Pervouralsk love to communicate with people, expose their tummies to them for stroking. Various teams, tricks can be performed by these dogs for "snacks" from the employees of the establishment.

Visit the park in summer

During the warm season, dogs are kept inwithin the park. There they can be scratched, stroked and hugged. In addition, visitors can take pictures with the park pets. Of course, the pictures with these dogs come out impressive, as huskies are incredibly photogenic.

husky park in Pervouralsk
husky park in Pervouralsk

Visit in winter

People write in reviews about the Husky Park in Pervouralsk that here in the winter season you can ride in a dog sled around the territory. An event takes place under the control of workers, so that due to an overabundance of emotions, the dogs do not run far away.


You can also meet puppies in the park. For example, in July last year, Samoyed babies were born here. Then six of them were born.

Note that usually puppies go about their children's business, for example, they can chew something hard. The smallest puppies are kept in a special enclosure. You can only watch them. It is forbidden to touch babies, as they still have a poorly developed immune system.

By the way, in addition to the fact that in the park you can chat with dogs, here you can also buy a Samoyed or Husky puppy. Regarding the acquisition, it is worth talking with the owners of the park.

communication with a husky in Pervouralsk in a husky park
communication with a husky in Pervouralsk in a husky park

How to get to the park?

Between the Water Sports Palace and the Ice Palace is the entrance to the city park.


You should first drive through the square. Further to the left will be the stadium and behind it the Ice Palace. Before the pedestrian crossing, turn left, there is a parking lot. After you enter the park,just go straight ahead. Further on you will see wooden buildings. They are the hallmark of the Husky Park.
