Today, a huge number of people go on trips to the nearest foreign countries. It is enough to make a foreign passport, apply for an inexpensive Schengen visa and you can travel all over Europe. As a rule, residents of St. Petersburg prefer Finland. Usually during trips, a lot of shopping is done. Some even go abroad to buy groceries, clothes, and more.

Part of the amount paid for purchases that were made outside the Russian Federation can be returned. This is the so-called tax-free return. In St. Petersburg or on the border with Finland, you can get part of the money from purchases, but there are certain conditions that must be observed. Let's look at the reviews of tourists who use this service, and the features of the procedure.
General information
A tax is included in the cost of each product, but only citizens are obliged to pay itthe country where the product is sold. A foreigner is not obliged to pay VAT of the state in which he is during a tourist trip. Tax-free can be compared with the added value in Russia. The same system operates in England, France, Spain and many other countries.
However, you need to understand that a person may be denied the issuance of value added if he spent more time in the country and actually lived in it. For example, if you go on a trip to Europe for 90 days, then you won’t be able to get tax-free on your return. The same applies to those citizens who have a residence permit.
Getting tax-free in St. Petersburg
In order to get a refund of the paid tax, you need to make purchases only in those stores that have a sign Tax-free global refund shopping. In this case, the purchase must cost at least 40 euros. Industrial goods and foodstuffs cannot be combined.

In some stores, all purchased goods are indicated in one check. In this case, it is most convenient to travel in a group so that you can connect the accounts of all your comrades, get a larger check and, accordingly, a subsequent payment. After the buyer receives the corresponding check, he presents it at the border of the country in which he was.
As a rule, when it comes to the return of taxi-free in St. Petersburg, it means that Russian tourists arrive from Finland. They do not need to travel anywhere, as there is a separate service locatedat the entrance to the cultural capital. In this case, it is enough to show the check to the passport control officer and receive your “reward”. Additionally, you will need to present your passport. True, there are other methods of obtaining a value-added tax refund.
Global Refund
These are special checkpoints installed at the exits from Finland on the border with St. Petersburg. Tax-free refund in this case is available to those who travel not by train, but by private car or tourist bus. According to user reviews, this is a very convenient service that saves a lot of time.

According to the rules, you can return the value added in euros. When applying to Global Refund, you must present your passport, as well as a receipt and check. Additionally, you need to confirm the presence of purchases. Item must remain sealed until traveler receives tax refund.
Exchange offices work on the border with Finland without breaks and days off, from 9:00 to 22:00, but only Finnish time. However, if you read numerous reviews, you can find out that a train or bus that goes from Finland often crosses the border or passes by the nearest cash dispensing office much later, when all points are already closed.
What to do in this situation?
In this case, everything is very simple. It is necessary to issue a taxi-free in St. Petersburg upon arrival in the city. Remember that when you cross the border, employees must putappropriate stamp on the purchase receipt. This is done by a Finnish customs officer. If you do not put down the appropriate marks, then after leaving Finland, the documents will be invalid. To obtain the necessary stamps, it is enough to provide the employee with documents for goods and your passport. The border guard officer will either put a stamp on his own, or send the tourist to the customs inspector.

Upon arrival in the city, you will need to contact the office to receive funds. However, it should be borne in mind that the return of tax-free in St. Petersburg is possible only in a few official organizations. Let's take a closer look at them.
Overview of Tax Free Collection Offices and Tax Refund Methods
The central point for the issuance of funds in favor of paying for the added value is located at the address: Chapygina, 6/2-345. This organization is called Cash Refund. In order to get a tax-free refund in St. Petersburg, you need to contact the company personally. Experienced tourists say that it is better to call the number listed on the official website beforehand. However, according to reviews, most overseas shoppers prefer another method of receiving payments.
Once the receipt has been stamped at the border, it can be sent by regular mail to Global Refund. When the application is considered, the amount of money will go to the bank account of the tourist. It is necessary to enclose the fiscal receipt and information about details in the letter. Additionally, you will need a copy of your foreign passport and Finnish visa,which was valid at the time the purchase was made.

As mentioned earlier, there are only a few tax-free return organizations in St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that there are many return offers on the network, it is important not to run into scammers. It should be borne in mind that today, in addition to Cash Refund, payments for the return of value added tax are made only in Master Bank and Intesa Bank. The first one is located at Malaya Sadovaya, 4. Intesa Bank can be found on Kuibysheva Street, 15.
Deadlines for issuing tax-free
First of all, you should pay attention to the period when the tax-free check will be active - this is the period during which you need to put the corresponding stamp. On average, a tax-free check can be stored for up to three months, but sometimes some countries change the terms up or down.
Customs seal is valid from two months to unlimited time. The speed of payment depends on the method of obtaining tax-free in St. Petersburg. For example, if you issue papers directly when crossing the border, then money can be received immediately. After that, you can exchange euros for rubles or leave them until the next trip.

If you decide to mail your receipt to Global Refund, remember that it all depends on how the letter was sent. For some, the application process takes a couple of weeks, for others it sometimes takes up to two months.
Reviews and tips from users
Travelerspay attention to the fact that some products do not imply payments for tax-free. For example, the cost of the tax is non-refundable on the purchase of tobacco products, books, and more. It is also worth paying attention to the correctness of the check issued by the seller. It should be in two parts. In simple terms, in addition to the cash receipt, you will also need a sales receipt.
In general, tourists are satisfied with the opportunity to partially return the funds spent. But, you need to understand that in this case we are not talking about large amounts. On the other hand, why not at least slightly reduce the final cost of the purchase, if it is required by law?

In closing
Getting tax-free in St. Petersburg should not be difficult. But it is best to use the services of border services. In this case, upon arrival home, you will not have to go anywhere or send correspondence. If there is no choice, then you need to contact the official tax-free office or one of the two bank branches. It is better to call them first and clarify the possibility of receiving compensation.