Do planes fly in the rain? Takeoff and landing of an airplane in the rain. Non-flying weather

Do planes fly in the rain? Takeoff and landing of an airplane in the rain. Non-flying weather
Do planes fly in the rain? Takeoff and landing of an airplane in the rain. Non-flying weather

Takeoff is the most difficult part of flying. Of course, automatic takeoff after the release of the brakes is not difficult, but the crew of the aircraft, led by the commander, must be tuned to critical moments. Can a flight be canceled due to rain? You will learn this in the process of reading the article.

do planes fly in the rain
do planes fly in the rain

Objective evaluation

Do planes fly in the rain? Yes. But in order for the flight to be successful, there are strict regulations for pilots and controllers who allow the aircraft to fly and land. For each side and airfield, the rules are individual, but with similar indicators:

  • minimum visibility. Determines both vertical and horizontal visibility with light level;
  • covering the runway. Ice on the airfield is unacceptable;
  • pilots' ability to receive instrument alerts of adverse weather conditions.

Normally, the weather forecast should correspond to the meteorological minimum, so that the pilot has the opportunity to take emergency action whenemergencies.

Priority parameters

What is meant by meteorological minimum? These are the conditions that apply in relation to visibility, cloudiness, wind speed and direction. These criteria can be dangerous when flying, especially when it comes to thunderstorms, downpours and severe turbulence. Of course, most thunderclouds can be bypassed, but frontal thunderstorms stretching for hundreds of kilometers are almost impossible to bypass.

If we are talking about minima, then the criteria for visibility at the aerodrome and the decision height (VLOC) are determined. What is this indicator? This is the level of altitude at which the aircraft crew is required to make an additional turn when the runway is not defined.

There are three types of lows:

  • air transport - acceptable criteria for the safe flight of an aircraft in adverse weather conditions, established by the manufacturer;
  • aerodrome - depends on the type of installed navigation and technical systems on the runway and in the surrounded area;
  • Crew - Pilot clearance according to their training program under specific weather conditions and practical flying skills.

Do planes fly in the rain? To allow an aircraft to take off or not, is determined only by the aircraft commander. To make a decision, you should first familiarize yourself with the provided meteorological data for the destination aerodromes, as well as alternate ones and evaluate them.

non-flying weather
non-flying weather

Thunderstorm is not a hindrance to flight

Thunderstorm is a rather dangerous phenomenon, but for a modern liner it is not the cause of a disaster. Technique and people have learned to overcome huge distances safely in all weather conditions.

In his practice, every experienced pilot has repeatedly encountered thunderclouds, which significantly complicate the landing and takeoff of an aircraft in the rain. During the "entry" into the clouds, the crew loses the visual perception of the machine in space. Therefore, flight in "non-flying" weather can only be carried out according to technical instruments. In some cases, an unpleasant situation may arise - the electrification of the aircraft. Here, the radio connection deteriorates sharply, which causes great inconvenience even to professional pilots.

But most of all, "non-flying" weather complicates the landing of liners. In such meteorological conditions, the crew is loaded to the maximum. The captain, even in a modern aircraft, when landing an aircraft in the rain, glances at aviation equipment up to 200 times per minute, focusing on each device for up to 1 second. Low cloud cover in combination with a thunderstorm is a serious obstacle to the correct movement of the aircraft. Therefore, it is extremely important to have a good knowledge of the clouds, their state and the nearest changes. Weather deterioration begins if observed:

  • accelerated fall in atmospheric pressure;
  • dramatic change in wind direction and speed;
  • increase in various kinds of cloudiness and its rapid movement;
  • "growth" of cumulus clouds by evening;
  • formation of colored circles around satellitesEarth.

You can't play with a thunderstorm, it must be avoided, according to the regulations. In addition, when climbing or descending, the pilot must correlate information on the development of the elements with the capabilities of the aircraft.

flight altitude
flight altitude

When there are clouds in the sky

Is it dangerous to fly in the rain on an airplane? The passenger liner passes the way along the given air routes. In case of bad weather, the coordinates may change upon agreement with the controller at the flight control center. The flight altitude is about 11,000 meters. For this reason, it becomes comfortable due to the greater rarefaction of the air. It is this flight altitude that allows the aircraft to rise above the clouds - sources of rain or snow. Therefore, the movement of the aircraft at high altitude is completely independent of weather conditions. It is often possible to observe how the rays of the sun enter the window of the liner, and when landing it is dark and it is raining.

Do planes fly in the rain? Yes. Theoretically, raindrops can affect aircraft engine performance. But rain is not the amount of water that can provoke a short circuit. In tests, the engine compressors are subjected to a good "bay", incomparable with natural phenomena.


Do planes fly in thunderstorms? The precipitation itself does not pose any danger to the flight. Another thing is visibility. But when it rains, windshield wipers come to the rescue. Aircraft windshield wipers are different from car wipers. First, they have a completely different design. Secondly, windshield wipers operate at a very highpace for perfect visibility.

How do planes land when it rains? The most critical in bad weather are "atmospheric disturbances". The landing aircraft has a low speed and can easily be affected by the movement of air masses. To overcome the adverse effects during this phenomenon, pilots spend a lot of time "in simulators", honing their skills. If in such weather the risk of an accident is high, then the landing is postponed or the ship is sent to another airfield.

Another important factor when it rains is traction. Wet coating reduces its coefficient, but this situation is not recognized as critical. It is much more dangerous if the water on the asph alt freezes, and the value of the coefficient decreases. In most of these cases, the airport does not allow aircraft to take off or land.

do planes fly in thunderstorms
do planes fly in thunderstorms

Other natural barriers

In addition to the main weather events, there are other important criteria that limit the capabilities of aviation:

  • wind - requires special care and dexterity from the pilot, especially on the runway;
  • remu - vertical movement of air, throwing up an aircraft, forming "air pockets";
  • fog is a real enemy when flying, limiting visibility and forcing pilots to use compasses;
  • glaciation - no aircraft are allowed on the ice-covered runway.

Thanks to the developed electronic devices and systems, modern aviation is readyovercome any weather conditions. The movement on the runway is safe, because in critical situations the liner simply does not depart for the flight or remains in certain waiting areas.

Heavy flight criteria

Cumulus clouds in cold weather and at high altitude in summer can pose a hazard to aircraft. It is here that the probability of aircraft icing is quite high. In cumulus clouds, the flight of heavy aircraft is complicated by turbulence. If the likelihood of adverse events persists, the flight is postponed for several hours.

Indicators of bad sustainable weather are:

  • atmospheric pressure with low rates, which are almost unchanged or even decreasing;
  • high wind speed;
  • clouds in the sky of predominantly scatter or scatter-rain type;
  • prolonged precipitation in the form of rain or snow;
  • Small fluctuations in temperature during the day.

If the problem with rain can be solved faster, heavy precipitation, especially in the form of drizzle, will create difficulties. They occupy very large areas, and it is almost impossible to bypass them. In such a zone, visibility is significantly reduced, and at low temperatures, icing of the aircraft body occurs. Therefore, at low altitude in such situations, flight is classified as difficult.

airplane taking off in the rain
airplane taking off in the rain

On duty

In order not to expose themselves and passengers on board to danger and fear, the crew of the aircraft before departure must perform a number ofimportant actions:

  • listen to information from the on-duty meteorologist about the upcoming weather conditions along the established route: cloudiness data, wind speed and direction, the presence of dangerous zones and ways to bypass them;
  • receive a special bulletin with information about the state of the atmosphere, the weather forecast along the route and at the landing site;
  • when a flight is delayed by more than an hour and a half, the pilot must receive new weather information.

However, the duties of the crew do not end there.

Additional terms of commitment

During the flight, the pilot must carefully observe the weather, especially if the route passes near dangerous areas or worsening weather is expected soon. The attentiveness and professionalism of the navigator will allow you to correctly assess the state of the atmosphere and, in which case, make the right decision.

In addition, a few hundred kilometers before the landing point, you should submit an inquiry about the meteorological situation at the aerodrome and assess the safety of the landing.

airplane landing in the rain
airplane landing in the rain

The natural "opponent" of the flight

It's great when the flight takes place in clear sunny weather. But if it snows or rains, and the temperature is low outside? Here begins the icing of the aircraft body.

Ice, like armor, increases the weight of an aircraft, reducing its lift by several times and reducing engine power. If suddenly the crew captain, studying the meteorological situation, determined that the hull of the liner was covered with a crust, thencommand to clear the ship. The aircraft is treated with anti-icing liquid. Moreover, attention is paid to the entire hull of the vessel, and not just the wings and nose.

is it dangerous to fly in the rain
is it dangerous to fly in the rain

Reliability above all else

Thunderstorm or rain is a romantic phenomenon only in literature. Aviation considers a natural phenomenon as an emergency. The element can bring great human casu alties, so it is extremely important to approach flights with high accuracy and literacy. A flight in adverse conditions is a great responsibility and great worries not only for your life, but also for the lives of hundreds of passengers.
