Shmitovsky proezd has an unusual history, which not every street of the capital can boast of. It is here that one of the oldest children's city hospitals is located, a memorial stele, as well as one of the five Catholic monasteries located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
N. P. Schmit
Shmitovsky proezd was originally called Smithovsky, because it was there that Richard Smith's enterprises were located. In the early 1930s, the highway was renamed, it was named after N. P. Schmit, the former owner of a furniture factory, who actively participated in the revolutionary uprising of 1905 and was killed in prison. The businessman bequeathed all his property to the Bolsheviks, so they decided to thank him in this way.
In the period from 1925 to 1931, the street was erroneously called Shmidtovsky passage, but after the adoption of the relevant order, it received its current name. In the late 1960s, First Krasnogvardeyskaya Street, formerly known as First Street of the Testovsky Settlement, was added to it. The city authorities decided that it was easier not to rename it many times, andconnected to the passage.

The main attraction that Shmitovsky Proezd has is 1 of 5 monasteries belonging to the so-called Franciscans - a mendicant Catholic order. It was built in the eighteenth century with the permission of Emperor Peter I. At the same time, there was a relatively small community of the same name, however, it no longer existed at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
In 1993, the Franciscans returned to Moscow again, a community and a mission appeared here. Over the more than twenty years of the Renaissance, five monasteries have appeared in Russia, they are also located in St. Petersburg, Kaluga and other cities of the country. All of them are subject to the appropriate Custodia. The capital's monastery is located at the very beginning of the passage and immediately stands out against the background of all other buildings.

Departmental City Clinical Hospital No. 9 also functions here - one of the oldest children's hospitals in the city, opened in 1928. In the crisis years of the 1990s, the institution was planned to be closed, but this did not happen, thanks to the timely actions of the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation. Now it is the largest multidisciplinary complex, in which there are about 40 specialized departments, where you can get both emergency and planned assistance.
Children's Clinical Hospital No. 9, located at 29 Shmitovsky Proezd, has state-of-the-art equipment for various types of diagnostics, allowing you to make a diagnosis in the shortest possible time. Here every yearabout 20 thousand surgical interventions are carried out, more than 35 thousand children apply for inpatient care here. Approximately 200,000 young patients receive outpatient care each year.
Hospital branches

The 9th hospital, located at the address: Moscow, Shmitovsky proezd, 29, has subdivisions in other parts of the city. The first branch is located at 16/1 Leningradsky Prospekt, it also works around the clock, by contacting it you can get emergency medical care at home. Paid services are also provided at fixed rates. You can contact this branch by calling 8 (495) 614-27-65.
Another branch of the 9th hospital is located at: st. Ivovaya, 3. The same services are provided here as in the main department. In addition, psychological and social assistance is provided to children and adolescents who find themselves in a difficult life situation. You will be provided with detailed advice on the issue of interest, just call 8 (499) 186-82-97.

The address at which the 9th hospital is located - Shmitovsky proezd, 29, has long been known to all parents of children and adolescents aged 0 to 18 years. There are 10 surgical departments here, each of them has its own specifics, so help will be provided to the child even in the most difficult situation. There are several reception departments, which is why it will be necessary to clarify which of them will beyour child if you apply to this institution.
If suddenly your baby became ill and was taken to the hospital in Shmitovsky proezd, it is necessary that one of the parents must be present during the hospitalization. You will also need to submit a child's passport (if he is over fourteen years old, otherwise a parent's passport is needed), a compulsory he alth insurance policy.
Other attractions of the street

Shmitovsky passage has other interesting sights, which can take a lot of time to explore. In particular, we are talking about the miraculously preserved three houses from the Nizhnyaya Presnya quarter, which were built in 1928. One of them (No. 10) houses a large number of shops; at one time, Boris Chukhnovsky, known for his flights to the polar ice, lived there.
At the intersection of the passage with the street. 1905 you can see the stele, which was created in memory of N. P. Schmit. Not far from it is the monument "Eternal Friendship", which symbolizes the relationship between the German district of Denkendorf and the Krasnopresnensky district of the capital. House number 16 along the passage is the territory of the former Proletarian Labor plant.
How to get there?
Shmitovsky Proezd is located in the western part of the city, between Zvenigorodskoye Highway and Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The easiest way would be to get there by car, from the Garden Ring to the hospital can be reached in twenty-five to thirty minutes in a favorable situation on the road. If you plan to go there during rush hour, it is betterjust use public transport.
Shmitovsky passage is located next to the route of two trolleybus routes at once - No. 18 and No. 54, if you decide to use them, you will need to get to the Children's Hospital No. 9 stop. You can travel by numerous buses and fixed-route taxis, but you will have to clarify in advance information about the routes crossing this highway, as they change periodically. You can also take the metro, the hospital is located near the Vystavochnaya and Delovoy Tsentr stations.