Nurgush Ridge: description. How to get to the Nurgush Ridge?

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Nurgush Ridge: description. How to get to the Nurgush Ridge?
Nurgush Ridge: description. How to get to the Nurgush Ridge?

One of the majestic mountain ranges of the Southern Urals is the Nurgush ridge, located in the center of the Zyuratkul knot. It is located at a distance of 200 kilometers from Chelyabinsk and 300 km from Yekaterinburg. The nearest settlement is the village of Sibirka (about 7.5 km).

On the origin of the name

The name of the Nurgush ridge in translation has a beautiful meaning. It received its name from two Bashkir words: "nur", which translates as "radiance", "light" or "splendor"; "kush" or "kosh", translated as "bird". Together it means "radiant and radiant bird."

Ridge Nurgush
Ridge Nurgush

Most likely, the view of this magnificent mountain range evoked associations with a bird shining at a height. Many see in the outlines of the slopes something like a bird taking off, sparkling in the sun. And the epithet of radiance is explained by the sparkling of quartzite in the sun.

There is also a less poetic version of the name, based on the Turkic-Mongolian language. In this case, the word "nuru" ("nura") means a mountain range.

Locals associate "nur" with flying lights surrounding the Nurgush ridge, about the originwhom they don't know anything.

Geographic location

The ridge is located between the Iremel mountain range and Lake Zyuratkul. It connects with the Urenga and Yagodnye mountains in the east. Western neighbors are the Uvan and Moskal ranges. Nurgush itself belongs to the central belt of the Southern Urals (Taganai-Yamantau belt).

Ridge Big Nurgush
Ridge Big Nurgush

From the northeast, the ridge stretches from the city of Lukash to the southwest to the mouth of the Berezyak River. The length of the chain is approximately 50 kilometers. The average height is 1200 meters, with a maximum height of 1406 meters. The highest point of the ridge is Mount Bolshoy Nurgush, which is also the highest point of the Chelyabinsk region.

The mountain range belongs to the territory of the national park called Zyuratkul.

Conventionally, the mountain range is divided into 3 parts or ridges: Small Nurgush, Middle and Big Nurgush.


The Big Nurgush Ridge has the highest monolithic mountains stretching in a chain. Its peaks are relatively flat, and the slopes are gentle. The surface consists of many quartzite remnants, taking on a variety of forms: geometric cones and trapezoids, ridges, pillars, walls, disorderly ruins. Slopes and peaks at heights of more than 1000 meters are covered with numerous kurums. Stone heaps of various sizes are scattered along the slopes (from the smallest to stones weighing about 5 tons).

Nurgush Ridge: Climbing
Nurgush Ridge: Climbing

The slopes of the Nurgush Ridge are covered with dark coniferous trees. Further in height, the taiga graduallypasses into woodlands, while some areas of the wasteland are occupied by placers of stones. The forest-tundra reigns here with rare trees and a lot of moss. Then the trees disappear. The uppermost part of the Big Nurgush is a mountain tundra. The flattest section of the entire Chelyabinsk region, called the plateau, is located precisely at the top of this ridge. Its surface, covered with moss, stones and lichen, covers an area equal to 9 square kilometers.

Medium Nurgush is more like a solid wall. The western slopes are very steep. The heights of its peaks are lower than those of the Great Ridge. The Small Nurgush is distinguished by smoother forms of slopes than that of the Sredny Ridge. And its individual peaks reach a height of 1000 meters. The largest animals of the forests of the Urals are found here - elk and bear. For example, the Urenga and Nurgush ridges are a real bearish corner, where animals such as marten, mink, red fox, as well as about 150 species of various birds feel great.

Nurgush Ridge, how to get there
Nurgush Ridge, how to get there


How to get to Nurgush Ridge? It is quite popular among travelers who want to see the indescribable beauty of the Ural region from a bird's eye view. The ascent itself is not difficult, and the path passes through interesting picturesque places. The base of the mountain adorns the fabulous beauty of Lake Zyuratkul, and then a birch forest covers the approaches to the ridge. In addition, tourists, passing the slopes of the ridge, with their own eyes survey the taiga, swamps, stone sculptures of amazing shapes. Herethere is a seductive silence and absolute peace.

The most favorite route for tourists to the Nurgush Ridge is climbing the Big Ridge. Its main attraction is the aforementioned plateau. It is from it that stunning views open up: in the north there is Mount Lukash, surrounded by Lake Zyuratkul; to the left - the ridges Moskal and Zyuratkul; in the west and southwest - the impressive ridges Sredny and Small Nurgush and Bolshaya Suka. In a bluish haze, mountain ranges justify the fabulous name of this part of the Southern Ural Mountains - Sinegorye.

How to get to the Nurgush Ridge on your own
How to get to the Nurgush Ridge on your own

Road to Nurgush

How to get to the Nurgush Ridge on your own? Due to easy accessibility, these places can be visited at any time of the year. Good roads have been preserved here since the time of logging. They lead to the other side of the Nurgush Ridge.

The most convenient way to Bolshoi Nurgush is from the M-5 Ural highway. He passes through the Sibirka and through the former Olympia cordon (now the shelter "At the three peaks" of the national park). Here you can quite comfortably get a rest.

You can also use the Yuryuzan-Tyulyuk road to get to Maly Nurgush and Sredny. To do this, you need to turn at the sign (to Sibirka) onto the old road that runs along the small river Bolshaya Kalagaza through the Olympia cordon (about 3 kilometers). Then, in Sibirka, turn right to the fountain (the object in the form of an icicle is more interesting in winter).

If you do not turn, but go straight, you can get to the same Olympic cordon, whereyou can make a h alt, relax, however, overnight stays are organized in it upon prior order.

A path passes through the swamps to Middle Nurgush if you get to it from the Tyulyuk-Meseda highway.

The road through the Nurgush Ridge is quite accessible not only for walking, but also for off-road vehicles and for cycling. Of course, you can travel here on skis and on foot.


It should be noted that one of the main goals of travel is the search for a golden root. It has long been believed that Ural ginseng (Rhodiola rosea) heals many diseases.

Another interesting fact about these places says that Bigfoot was photographed for the first time in the world in the Nurgush area.
