Population, regions and the capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Population, regions and the capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
Population, regions and the capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug is a territorial unit of Russia. It is considered one of the regions of the Far North, located in the northeast of the Federation. The relief here is represented by highlands and plateaus. The Chukchi Plateau is located in the northeast, and the Anadyr Plateau is in the central part of the district. Its territories include part of the mainland, several islands (Ayon, Arakamchechen, Wrangel, etc.), as well as the Chukotka Peninsula. The capital of this remote region is the easternmost city in Russia - Anadyr. About 14 thousand people live in it.

capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

The capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: description

The city of Anadyr, which was previously called Novomariinsky, was founded by order of the tsar in 1889. Gradually developing, it increased its population.

To Anadyr can only be reached by plane. Flights are fromMoscow or Khabarovsk. The airport itself is not located within the city, but on the other side of the estuary. In order for the capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug not to lose transport links, helicopter flights are supported all year round. In summer, small boats ply the water, and in winter the road is laid on ice.

Despite the fact that navigation is possible only from July to November, Anadyr has a seaport. Through it, communication is maintained with Magadan, Vladivostok and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

The capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug currently does not have a year-round road that connects it with other regions of the Far East. But since 2012, a road has been built from Kolyma to Chukotka, which will make it possible to get to Anadyr by land both in summer and winter. It was planned to complete its construction by 2030. The road should be 1800 kilometers long and have a gravel surface. Moreover, it will be single-lane, and it is planned to equip special extensions for passing cars.

population of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
population of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Climatic features

Different topography, great length, several climatic zones - this is what Russia is characterized by. The Chukotka Autonomous Okrug is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Due to this location, this territory is characterized by a very severe subarctic climate, which is replaced by a maritime one near the coast and a continental one in the center. In these parts, a very long winter - up to ten months a year, and the temperature can drop to -50 ° C and below. Summer is very short but hot. The maximum temperature was recorded in July 2010 and reached +34…+36 °С.

The richness of the lands of the Chukotka Territory and their use

In the lands of the Chukotka Peninsula there are many deposits of gold, mercury and tungsten. Even diamonds are found in the coastal lowlands.

The main direction of agriculture in Chukotka is deer breeding. In the early 70s, the local herds accounted for a quarter of the total world population. In addition to reindeer herding, the people of Chukotka are engaged in hunting and fishing.

regions of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
regions of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Regions of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug has the status of a border zone. It borders the United States by sea. In this regard, special documents are required to visit some areas of the district. The most extreme points of the continent are located within Chukotka. Eastern - Cape Dezhnev. The northernmost city of Russia - Pevek - is also located in this region.

In total, there are 3 urban and 4 municipal districts on the local territory. Among the cities - the capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (Anadyr and its region). Then Pevek with the rural and urban settlements adjacent to it. Also united settlements of the Providensky district.

russia chukotka autonomous okrug
russia chukotka autonomous okrug


With an area of 720 thousand square kilometers, the Chukotka Autonomy cannot boast of a large population. Only about 50 thousand people live here. This means that the density per 1 sq. km of land istotal 0, 07.

Peak of population occurred at the end of the 80s of the XX century. During this period, the number of people reached almost 162 thousand. In the 1990s, the county's population began to decline. A sharp decline can be observed at the present time. In recent years, this has been mainly due to a large outflow of people moving to other cities, because the birth rate in Chukotka exceeds the death rate. But the average life expectancy in this harsh place is not that great, only about 60 years.

Indigenous population of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - Eskimos, Chukchi, Chuvans, Evens and others. Now they are settled throughout the territory of the autonomy. Most of the Eskimos live in the east, by the sea. The Chukchi are scattered along the entire coast and in the center of the district, and the Chuvans occupied the middle course of the Anadyr River. The part of the indigenous population in the capital of the district is 15%. Least of all there is a people called Yukaghirs. They can be found only in the village of Omolon, and their number does not exceed 50 people.

Roman Valentinovich Kopin is the Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Was elected in 2008. Appointed acting governor after the early resignation of the previous politician. R. V. Kopin himself is from Kostroma.
