Bratsk: sights, description, photo

Bratsk: sights, description, photo
Bratsk: sights, description, photo

Bratsk, whose sights are described in this article, is a modern city with many interesting monuments. If you come here, you will definitely not be bored if you wish.

City Architecture

This is a northern city, so on the facade of almost any house you can find a colorful pattern that occupies a large area of several floors. Often the balconies on old houses are painted in soft pink, green, bluish and light yellow shades. The facade color will most often be white in a city like Bratsk. Attractions (photos below) include a large number of fountains and sculptures, architectural and historical monuments. So, what to see in the city of Bratsk? Read more about it below.

Sights of the city of Bratsk

In the city you can find a monument erected by residents grateful to Ivan Naimushin. This is a well-deserved builder who died in a car accident. He supervises the construction of many houses in Bratsk.

Bratsk attractions
Bratsk attractions

In the evenings, fountains and lanterns of different colors glow in the city. On holidays in Bratsksure to launch a large number of bright fireworks. Citizens, as well as visitors, can go out at this time to watch the fireworks from the observation deck. It offers a beautiful view of Bratsk, as well as the Angara. In the summer, the regatta is watched from here. On the right bank there is a karting center. If you are interested in such a pastime, you can ride. Bratsk, whose sights are actually diverse, is famous for its hydroelectric power station. The hydroelectric site allows you to take wonderful photos.

Ethnographic Park

Sights of Bratsk, photos with descriptions of which are given in this article, also include another tourist place, known outside the Irkutsk region. In this complex every year there are many thousands of visitors from all over the country. "Angarskaya village" is a complex of two sectors: Russian and Evenki. The latter are the indigenous people in this area. In the pine forest, specialists have reconstructed several religious buildings, traditional Evenki dwellings and outbuildings.

The Russian part of the ethnographic complex is represented by samples of ancient wooden architecture, which were brought from different parts of the region. All twenty-three buildings are quite interesting monuments. For example, the old fortress tower, built back in the middle of the 17th century, or the two-hundred-year-old Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church cannot but arouse admiration, especially among those who love architecture and history.

However, they can be studied not only in the ethnographic complex. For theseThe local historical museum also serves its purposes, which contains documentation, old press and photographs, household items of the population of Bratsk. Around the city in the villages lived and live many talented craftsmen who made a large number of interesting handicrafts. The Bratsk Art Museum exhibits them. In particular, these are expositions with wooden, stone and bone objects.

Bratsk attractions photo
Bratsk attractions photo

Brotherly Museum of the History of Political Exile

Many settlements in the north were previously used as places where the authorities of the tsarist and Stalinist periods exiled political prisoners. The corresponding museum was opened more than twenty-five years ago. The exhibits told about the life of the prisoners of the camps. However, a few years ago, the exhibitions were disbanded and a historical exposition concerning the events of the East Siberian and Transbaikal regions was placed. Today, most of the exhibited items in the museum are related to ethnography.

attractions of the city of bratsk
attractions of the city of bratsk

Monuments of paleontology

Bratsk, whose sights are diverse, is also known for a paleontological monument called "Grazing Elk". Not far from the Angarsk Village complex, you can see a block of stone. At first glance, nothing interesting, but upon closer examination, you can find an ancient drawing that resembles the outlines of an elk. This monument of rock art, according to scientists, belongs to the 8th-5th century BC. The stone was foundthe famous archaeologist Okladnikov, who explored Transbaikalia and Siberia.

sights of bratsk photo with description
sights of bratsk photo with description

Before the local rapids and the territory of the island of Ushkaniya were flooded in the 70s of the last century, a section of a drawing with an elk was chipped off the rock, and also transferred to the ethnographic center. However, other examples of rock art doomed to underwater oblivion. At that time, few people were interested in saving ancient monuments. But thanks to the preserved piece of rock with the image of an elk, the inhabitants of the region and the whole country will be able to remember for a long time about bygone eras, about which we know so little.
