Among the many cities of Kazakhstan, the city of Taraz, formerly called Dzhambul, can be especially noted. The date of its foundation is the 7th-8th centuries AD (the period of one of the main stages of the emergence of the Great Silk Road).
Today it is a beautiful modern city, where there are many churches, mosques, as well as amazing natural and memorable historical sites.
The article presents some of the most famous sights of Taraz (photo with names and a brief description).

General information
For many centuries, one of the oldest settlements in the Central Asian region was very cozy and green. Today, this attractive modern city is the administrative center of the Zhambyl region and one of the best settlements in Kazakhstan. Taraz, attracting the attention of foreign guests with its rich ancient history, is the cultural center of all Kazakhstan.
There is about this city (as well as aboutancient Troy) many amazing legends. Diverse local natural and historical attractions, as well as monuments and other unique structures of ancient architecture deserve great attention.

Doubtback Mausoleum
This ancient object is one of the many historical sights of Kazakhstan. In Taraz there is a mausoleum built in the 13th century for Shamansur Dautbek, the governor of Genghis Khan. It is laid out of burnt bricks.
On the tombstone, located inside the domed structure, there is an inscription announcing that this is the burial place of a great military leader who was excellent with a sword and pen, and also defended the Koran.

Aisha-Bibi Mausoleum
Established a monument to love and sorrow in the XII century. Here you can get acquainted with the basics of architecture of the Middle Ages.
There are many beautiful legends about the love between the brave Karakhan and the beautiful Aisha-Bibi. One of them tells that the beauty died from a snakebite when she fled to her lover from her strict parents. According to another legend, Aisha-Bibi was the wife of Karakhan and the mausoleum was erected by him after the death of his beloved wife. The building is made of baked bricks and finished with terracotta slabs.

This attraction of Taraz is located (the photo is presented in the article) in the village of Aisha-Bibi, 18 kilometers from the city.
Monument to "Gentlemen of Fortune"
That in Taraz the heroesfamous Soviet comedy is a monument, few people know. It was installed in honor of the anniversary (35 years) of the painting in 2006. The inscription on the tablet is the words of one of the main characters that many people remember: “Dzhambul - it’s warm there, mom is there …”
It is surprising that the monument, located on the market square and being the creation of the sculptor Temirkhan Kolzhigit, represents the figures of only four heroes, including the camel Vasya. It remains a mystery why there is no hero played by G. M. Vitsin on this monument.

Temple of the Assumption of the Mother of God
This landmark of the city of Taraz was built in 1998. Later, a chapel was added to the Orthodox church, made of white brick. Beautiful carved arched windows adorn the temple. In the current temple there are two icons (Nicholas the Wonderworker and Nil Stolobensky), in connection with which many pilgrims come here.
The temple is located on Tole Bi street (house 81 a).
Ancient Sanctuary - Merke
The surviving sanctuary of the ancient Turks includes stone sculptures, female and male figures. There are several graves and family temples on the territory. Stone figures stand on large mounds 1.2 meters high.
The first mention of this sacred landmark of Taraz dates back to the 9th century, but scientists are of the opinion that it appeared around the 7th century. It is believed that one can be healed from diseases simply by touching the "holy" land, so the number ofpilgrims coming to this holy place, located in the village of Merke.
Kali Yunus Bath
This oriental bath, which operated until the middle of the 20th century, is included in the list of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Today, its interior decoration is only partially preserved, although restoration work was carried out in it.

It consists of 11 numbers. This is a unique combination of two styles: Roman baths and Turkish hammams. In addition, the architecture of this ancient building reflects local traditions regarding urban development. Today, the bath has been completely renovated and is a very interesting architectural monument, which is one of the most memorable sights of Taraz for tourists.
The architectural complex is a copy of an ancient mausoleum built in the period of X-XIV centuries. Before him, this place was a Zoroastrian ancient cemetery.
In Soviet times, the mausoleum was completely destroyed. The complex was restored according to the surviving old photographs and today it is a place of worship for Muslims, where Sultan Mahmud Khan is buried. River flows nearby. Talas.
Monuments of Ancient Taraz
The Museum-Reserve, which is a unique landmark of Taraz, was founded in 1979. There are many historical and cultural monuments here (more than 100 objects).
Employees of this unique institution assist in the restoration of structures and in excavations carried out on the territorythis historical legacy.
Mausoleum of Babaji Khatun
Established a magnificent monument of architecture in the 12th century. It is made in the form of a cube. According to legend, Babaji Khatun is the guardian of the Aisha-Bibi mausoleum. That is why, after her death, she was buried near the tomb of Aisha.

The mausoleum has been preserved in its original form. Its last restoration was made in 2002.
In conclusion
In addition to the above historical sights of Taraz, one can especially highlight the Abdykadyr Mosque, the Zhaysan sanctuary, the Balasagun ancient settlement and many other places that leave an indelible impression on any traveler.
dunes, unique hunting and fishing, desert crossings, etc.). All this is available for numerous tourists.