Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square and Malaya

Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square and Malaya
Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square and Malaya

If you carefully read the history of Sukharevskaya Square, it turns out that it arose in the late 17th - early 18th centuries, and it was given the name Sukharev Tower. Here in those ancient times stood the archery regiment of Colonel L. P. Sukharev. He guarded the Earthen City, which surrounded part of Moscow. In front of the tower there is Sukharevskaya Square, where a lively market was held.

Noticeable place

Sukharevskaya tower was a tall monumental building. Its top with a spire was visible from a long distance. It was reminiscent of the town halls in western cities that the king saw during his Grand Embassy.

Sukharevskaya area
Sukharevskaya area

She even wore a watch. In it, Peter I arranged a mathematical and navigational school. It was the first technical educational institution in Russia that trained engineers. An observatory was also equipped here, and the people continued to settle in the free space in front of it, calling it “Sukharevskaya Square.”

Popular market

In 1780, various products brought by peasants were briskly traded on the square. Later it was possible to buy old things on it, very often -antiques, as well as shabby, sometimes very valuable manuscripts and books. This market was visited by Pierre Bezukhov to buy a pistol and shoot Napoleon with it. About a hundred and forty years ago, lovers of antiquity often visited him. Sukharevskaya Square with its market was a popular place.

Fast forward to the first third of the 20th century

According to the decision of the Moscow City Council, the market was first closed. Then they decided that the tower was obstructing traffic, and this beautiful and ancient building, despite protests, was demolished. Two squares were named Bolshaya and Malaya Kolkhoznye. Of course, no one traded there, but the name was fixed from 1936 to 1990. Their historical name was returned to them, but the old division into two squares and the old name were left, although they actually united.

Large Square

Distinguished by one amazing attraction Sukharevskaya Square. The photo shows the main entrance to the Institute of Emergency Medicine. Sklifosovsky.

Sukharevskaya square photo
Sukharevskaya square photo

Before the revolution, it was the Hospice House, or the Sheremetyevo Hospital, designed for two hundred people. It is decorated with a double colonnade and a large dome. This majestic Classicist building looks like a palace and was built in 1810. It is located in the depths of the courtyard and covers it in a semicircle. According to legend, Count Sheremetyev built it at the request of his beloved actress Parasha Zhemchugova. Reproaches of conscience did not allow them, unmarried, to live in peace, and they somehow tried to mitigate their sins with charity. They got married a year before Parasha's death. She died, according to some sources, from consumption, according to others - in childbirth. ATIn 1812, the French did not touch the magnificent building, but placed their wounded. Hosted the wounded at the Hospice House during the Russo-Turkish, Russo-Japanese and World Wars.

Big Sukharevskaya Square is distinguished by another beautiful building. This is a former apartment building built by the architect S. K. Rodionov for Gutman, a shoe dealer.

Sukharevskaya Square which district of Moscow
Sukharevskaya Square which district of Moscow

It looks like Russian mansions of the seventeenth century. Its roofs are hipped with a ridge, with a turret, on which there is a weather vane. The house is very elegant, as it is decorated with white and bright green tiles.

Where are the squares

It is not very difficult to answer where the large Sukharevskaya Square is located. What area of Moscow is this? She organically fit into the Meshchansky and Krasnoselsky districts. The second, Malaya Square, is located only in the Meshchansky district. The singer and actor M. Bernes lived on it. There is an exit to it from the Sukharevskaya metro station. These squares have a small paradox: a small area is twenty meters larger than a large one.

As we have already said, almost two squares have merged into one. When you quickly pass by, you can no longer distinguish how one passes into another. Walking is a completely different matter.
