One of the largest modern shopping malls in Moscow is the Sadovod market. There is a huge assortment of all kinds of goods, a wide selection of things from leading Russian and foreign manufacturers, moreover, at the lowest possible prices. You can buy goods here both at retail and wholesale. Every day, hundreds of people tend to visit the Sadovod market. Not everyone knows how to get to this place from various points in Moscow. But before dwelling on this issue, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the mall itself in more detail.

Market Description
Shopping complex "Gardener" consists of three main sectors. The first is the clothing market. In this sector you can buy shoes, clothes, wedding dresses and all kinds of accessories. It offers a wide selection of fur and leather products. The second sector offers products for gardeners andgardeners. In this part of the market, you can buy seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs, all kinds of vegetable and flower seeds. Along with the seedlings known to us, rare exotic plants are offered here. In winter, trade in spruces and pines is carried out. The third sector sells various birds, animals, fish and mammals. On this site you can buy and all the necessary care products for them. In addition, various building materials can be bought on the market. Despite the wide popularity and popularity that the Sadovod market has, many do not know how to get to it. It should be noted right away that it is located on the 14th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road on Upper Fields Street.
Gardener Market: how to get there using public transport
You can get to the shopping complex by bus or fixed-route taxi from five metro stations, including Bratislavskaya. There is a fixed-route taxi No. 165 and No. 10. In addition, a bus follows the station, which will take you directly to the market. If you need to go from the Vykhino metro station, then you need to take minibus No. 136 or use the bus following route No. 956. In addition, a free bus runs from Vykhino to the market, the stop of which is not at all difficult to find. If you exit the metro and stand facing the square, then a little to the left of the exit, you board the bus. When there is no bus, there is a loud barker who invites people to get to Sadovod for free. The interval between departures is 20-30 minutes, depending on how quickly the free ones in the transport fill up.places. You need to know that free flights are only available until 19.00.

But what if you are near the Domodedovskaya metro station and you need to visit the Sadovod (market)? How to get from this station? Shuttle bus number 165 passes here, which reaches directly to the shopping center (stop opposite).
You can also get to the market from the Kuzminki metro station. Here lies the flight of several fixed-route taxis and buses. So, if you turn left in the underpass, and then left again, then at the exit it is easy to see the square near which McDonald's rises. Near it is a stop for minibuses. You need to take a minibus No. 875. If you walk a little ahead, to the first bus stop, then here you can take a bus following route No. 655. From the Kuzminka metro station, there is another bus No. 955 going to the Mega Belaya Dacha restaurant, across the road from which there is a "Gardener". Minibus number 866 follows this route.
From the Lyublino metro station you can also get to the Sadovod market. How to get from this point of Moscow? You can use the fixed-route taxi No. 553, No. 315 and No. 27. In addition, a free bus runs from the station to the shopping complex.

How to get to the market with your own car?
For those who need to purchase bulky items in large quantities, the clothing market "Gardener" provides a wide choice. How to get to it by public transport, you alreadyknown. But the market can also be reached by car. The shopping complex has a single passage, which is located from the side of the Moscow Ring Road. If you drive from the place where the Moscow Ring Road intersects with Volgogradsky Prospekt, then the entrance to the market is located after the junction of the Moscow Ring Road with Upper Fields Street (inner side). If you drive in at the place where the Moscow Ring Road intersects with the Kashirskoye Highway, then this will be the outside. You need to go the same way as the first option.