Part of your dream has come true - you are in Moscow, in the heart of our country. First of all, guests of our capital visit Red Square and the Kremlin. Excursions are not held around the clock, but everyone wants to walk around historical places. The Moscow Kremlin occupies a large area. In order not to get lost and confused in historical buildings, you will need a map of the Moscow Kremlin.

How to get to the territory of the capital fortress
If you are taking the metro, it is most convenient to get off at the station “Biblioteka im. Lenin. Then head to the Manezhnaya street sign. Coming to the surface, you will find yourself in the Alexander Garden - it is located near the western wall of the palace. Any scheme of the Kremlin shows the tourist that the entrance to it is through the Kutafya tower. There will be ticket offices on the right hand, where you buy tickets to visit.
After walking a little, you will see that the Trinity Tower is adjacent to the wall of the fortress, which is connected to the previous tower by the Trinity Bridge. Once upon a time, the Neglinnaya River flowed under it. Several centuries ago, she was imprisoned in an underground sewer toequip Alexander Park.
After passing through the guard of honor at the Trinity Tower, you will find yourself on the square of the same name.
Kremlin: scheme for a walk. Home
There are many tasks around Troitskaya Square. To her left is the building of the Arsenal, or Zeughaus (German for "weapons house"). The Armory House is considered to be a relatively young building, as it began to be built at the beginning of the 18th century. Next to the Zeikhgauz, as planned by Peter the Great, various military weapons are on display, including French cannons.
To the right of the square, the State Kremlin Palace has been erected, where various pop concerts are held, and the main Christmas tree of the country is being installed.
The territory of the citadel is divided into squares and streets. Beautiful Kremlin. Its scheme is clear and simple. Passing straight along the same Trinity Square, on the left behind it you can see the Senate Square. Behind this square, the Senate itself is located in a public garden. All possible passages to it are closed, since this building is the working residence of the head of the Russian Federation.
Behind the Senate Palace, the Kremlin administration building was built during the Soviet years. It was built on the site of the demolished Chudov and Resurrection monasteries.

Continue walking
We are moving smoothly to Ivanovskaya Square, from which you can see the cathedrals of the ancient citadel. Before reaching the ancient churches, all tourists stop at the Tsar Cannon. This tool of foundry masters strikes at first sight; Andrey Chokhov cast it in 1586. Previously, the cannon "guarded" the southern side of the royalpalace. She was later moved inside.
Directly on the course is a narrow "multi-storey" temple - the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, built in 1329. The Tsar Cannon is located nearby.
Next to the bell tower is the Church of the 12 Apostles, built in 1656
Followed by Cathedral Square, it was named so because it is surrounded by cathedrals and churches: the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Archangel, Annunciation and Assumption Cathedrals, the churches of the Terem Palace and the Deposition of the Robe. A little further on, the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Virgin was built. Between this and the Archangel churches there is an exit to Borovitskaya street. This is a kind of observation deck (south side of the Kremlin), it offers a view of the Moscow River.
The Grand Kremlin Palace was erected on the right. In it, the president receives guests, awards the heroes of the Fatherland. Behind the palace stands the armory of the times of Ivan Kalita. It exhibits for viewing not only weapons, but also dishes, utensils, stones, as well as a collection of the country's Diamond Fund.

Exit from the palace
The Moscow Kremlin is huge. Its scheme looks like an irregular quadrilateral. Behind the Armory in the corner of the fortress rises the Borovitskaya tower, named after the hill on which it stands. The exit from the Kremlin is carried out through this building.
This tour can end, as further there is an opportunity to walk only along the various towers on the walls of the fortress (Annunciation, Taynitskaya, 1st and 2nd Unnamed, Petrovskaya, etc.).
The grandiose Moscow Kremlin. The scheme, unfortunately, cannot convey thesemajestic expanses and scales of temples, palaces and chambers, but will help the traveler to plan a route for visiting historical sites of interest.