Privolzhsky Saratov and Belgorod, located in the black earth, undoubtedly deserve a visit. There are about 770 kilometers between cities along the highway. The distance from Saratov to Belgorod can be traveled in different ways, they will be considered below.
Trip by bus and car
The bus Saratov - Belgorod departs from the bus station at 13:00 and travels for 16.5 hours, therefore, it arrives in Belgorod closer to the early morning, at 04:30. On the way, he makes several short stops at the bus stations of Balashov, Voronezh and Borisoglebsk. A ticket costs about 1,700 rubles, that is, the fare for the distance Saratov - Belgorod is 2.5 rubles per kilometer. A 47-seat Mercedes runs along the route.

If this bus is not suitable, then there is a travel option with a transfer in Kursk or Voronezh. The bus from Saratov to Voronezh departs at 18:30, 11.5, it is on the way, therefore, it arrives at the destination by 5 am.
The flight to Kursk leaves at 20:20 and arrives at its destination by 06:20, the ticket costs 1,400 rubles. To Voronezh ticket priceis 1,200 rubles.
Next, the algorithm is:
- 4-5 hours drive from Voronezh to Belgorod. On average, 500 rubles will cost a ticket. 15 flights from 7 am to 10 pm. There are different buses along the route - "Neman-Iveco", "Mercedes", "Gazelle".
- About three hours drive from Kursk to Belgorod. The bus runs between cities from 4 am to midnight. Some of them are international, for example, they go to Poltava. A ticket costs from 420 to 650 rubles. If you do not like the bus, then you can get to Belgorod and take the train. It will take 3 hours and 15 minutes, 306 rubles will have to be paid for the ticket.
By car, the distance from Saratov to Belgorod can really be traveled in 10 hours. First you need to move along the E-38 highway to the settlement of Nizhnedevitsk, which is located just outside Voronezh and turn there to Stary Oskol, and then you need to go along the 14 K-1 road, which leads to Belgorod.

Rail ride
There is no direct railway connection between the cities, so the distance from Saratov to Belgorod is best covered with a change in Orel. Trains run infrequently, one train leaves at 21:36.
The trip will take 17 hours. The train goes to Belarus and is formed by the local railway, which affects the quality of service in the cars. The product range may also differ from the usual Russian Railways. He arrives in Orel at 13:47 in the morning, and tickets cost from 1,300 rubles in a reserved seat car and from 2,600 in a compartment car.
From Orel to Belgorodelectric trains run with a change in Kursk, in order to save time it is better to ride one of the passing trains, where there are seats with inexpensive tickets. The schedule is as follows:
- 16:18.
- 07:42.
The trip will take 4 to 4.5 hours. A reserved seat in them costs from 667 rubles for a distance of about 300 kilometers, therefore, for the cheapest reserved seat, the fare is approximately at the level of an intercity bus.

For a return trip from Belgorod to Saratov, trains must be used in this order:
- From Belgorod to Orel. You will have to spend 3-4 hours on the way. Trains with cheap tickets depart at 09:40 and 18:55. The price for a reserved seat is the same as above.
- At 15:12 from the station "Luzhki" near Orel leaves the above-mentioned composition of the Belarusian formation to Saratov. He has been on the road for almost 19 hours.

What to visit in Saratov and Belgorod
Each city is interesting in its own way. In Saratov, guests of the city like the local Arbat with various funny monuments, the Volga embankment and interesting museums (Chernyshevsky, Gagarin and regional local history), and Belgorod itself is beautiful, it is worth visiting the parks and the diorama museum of the Battle of Kursk.