Everest is the most famous peak in the world, the height of which is 8848 m. There is some mystery in it. The inhabitants of Nepal call the mountain Sagarmatha, in translation - "Mother of the Gods", and the inhabitants of Tibet - Chomolungma, which means "Mother of the World".
The first expeditions to the Himalayas, which took place at the beginning of the nineteenth century, opened up to researchers the enormous potential of this mountain system. It soon became clear that this was the highest peak in the world.
In the early nineteenth century, the initiators of creating a detailed map of the Himalayas - the British, who at that time owned part of Hindustan - began to carry out a program to map the Himalayas. Approximately 700 people worked on the project under the leadership of George Everest, who became one of the legendary explorers of this mountain range.
In 1852, two surveyors - Michael Hennessy and Radhanath Shikdar - measured the highest peak in the world. After the final clarification of the height of the mountain in 1865, it received the official name - Everest.

It is known that the first successful ascent of Everest was made by the New Zealander Edmund Hillary and the Nepalese Sherpa Tenzing Norgay on May 29, 1953of the year. During the ascent, climbers used oxygen, more than 30 Sherpas participated in the expedition. The climbers decided to officially declare that they had reached the summit at the same time. However, according to some reports, New Zealander Edmund Hillary climbed Everest first, and then helped Tenzing Norgay climb. Although it is not so important.

Climbing Everest is now an exciting adventure that you can experience by purchasing a tour. As a rule, a group of 10-15 people is created with sufficient physical fitness and good he alth.
The expedition plan is developed based on a 60-day trip. The people participating in the ascent live in double tents in harsh conditions. On the 11th day, the group members reach the base camp on the slope. And then climbers make an ascent of Everest, which can be dangerous for their lives. No one guarantees the safety of a tourist above a specially equipped camp, and especially at an altitude of 7000–8000 meters.
This venture is organized for professional climbers, not for curious travelers. Everest is climbed annually by Himalaya Expeditions Nepal. The group departs from Nepal to the base camp, and everything necessary for further ascent is transported there by helicopters and yaks. Usually the expedition starts in September and ends in November.

If a person is not professionally engaged in mountaineering and has no experience of climbing other peaks, then hecan buy an excursion that allows you to make a hiking trip along the Everest trails at a calm pace and with all the amenities. During such an excursion, any person who is in a normal physical condition can feel like a hero conquering the highest peak in the world.
In addition, the Sagarmatha National Park is located near the summit of Everest, which has a stunning natural landscape. Here travelers can see deep gorges, glaciers and mountain peaks, above which rises the top of the world - Everest. Climbing this peak has become a dream for many.