Egypt. Minerals and relief features

Egypt. Minerals and relief features
Egypt. Minerals and relief features

Egypt occupies northeastern Africa and about six percent of the Sinai Peninsula in Asia. The state also owns several modest islands in the Gulf of Suez, washed by the Red Sea. The north of the republic is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Libya borders in the west, Sudan borders Egypt in the south, and Israel borders in the northeast.

Natural relief

Egypt's landforms and natural resources are a special part of the country's geography. Most of the state is located on the outskirts of the ancient platform without any special folding. Therefore, the relief of Egypt mainly consists of plains. About 60% of the state is occupied by the Libyan Desert in the west. The eastern plateau of the Arabian Desert stretches from north to south. It is located between the Red Sea and the Nile Valley. The southeastern part of Egypt is occupied by the Nubian Desert.

The Libyan desert. Plateau

egypt minerals
egypt minerals

The relief of the Libyan desert is mainlyformed from sandstone and limestone. In the north there are heights of about 100 m, in the south - up to 600 m. There are also depressions within the plateau. Qattara - the largest depression - covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 19 thousand square meters. m. The lowest mark reaches 133 m below sea level. The entire area of the depression is covered with s alt marshes.

On the western side of Qattara is the Siwa depression, also covered with s alt marshes. In the east - Fayum, in the southeast - the depressions of Dakhla, Baharia, Kharga and Farafra. Among the depressions there are also oases in which agriculture is rapidly developing. The deserts of this region are characterized by mounds. There are sandy, saline, pebbly, stony and sandy-pebble soils. In the western part there is the Great Sandy Desert of cellular relief. Longitudinal ridges of sand are connected by sand bars.

It's not only the beautiful resorts that attract crowds of tourists to Egypt. The relief and minerals here are unique. Stony and pebbly soils are more prevalent in the northern and eastern parts. Here you can also find long dunes. Groundwater in the Libyan Desert comes to the surface only in oases.

Arabian desert. Plateau

features of the relief of Egypt and minerals
features of the relief of Egypt and minerals

The base of the plateau consists of ancient crystalline rocks that found their way out in the eastern part of Egypt, forming the mountains of Etbay. In the west, they are overlain by limestones and sandstones. The height of the plateau in some places reaches up to 1000 m above sea level. In the direction of the Nile Valley, the Arabian Desert slopes down and is heavily indented by dry riverbeds. The soil here is predominantly rocky.

The Nubian plateau has a similar composition and structure. In some places of the Nubian desert, island heights up to 1350 m above sea level can be observed.

Mineral resources of the country of Egypt have unique geological properties. This is influenced by some relief features. In addition to the flat terrain, there are also uplands in the country. Egypt's highest point is Mount Katherine at 2642 m. Among the mountain range that stretches along the Red Sea coastline, the peaks of Hamata and Shaib el-Banat stand out.

In the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula rises an array of granite chips. Some peaks reach more than 2500 m above sea level. There is also the El-Igma plateau of limestone origin and the Et-Tih plateau of sandstone.

Egypt. Minerals

egypt relief and minerals
egypt relief and minerals

The bowels of Egypt are rich in minerals. There are huge deposits of hydrocarbon origin. The rift basins of the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea are famous for their oil fields. In the north-western regions, as well as in the depths of the Siwa and Kattara depressions, there are also deposits of black gold. Egypt is not only rich in oil. Minerals in these places are quite diverse. There are deposits of gas, iron ore, aluminum, gold, tungsten, molybdenum, niobium, tin and other non-metallic materials.

The Gulf of Suez is famous for its oil and gas basin. This is where the mainoil and gas fields. Due to them, modern Egypt flourishes. Minerals play a significant role in the country's economy. The features of Egypt's relief and minerals make this country the subject of geological studies.

minerals country egypt
minerals country egypt

There are not so many brown and hard coal in the country. The deposits are concentrated on the Sinai Peninsula. There are also deposits of uranium and titanium ore. The Bahari region is famous for the concentration of iron ore. Deposits of manganese ores have been found in the Khalayib region.

Egypt attracts visitors not only with gentle sun and pyramids. Minerals, their extraction and import significantly raise the country's economy.
