Mount Huangshan, China: tours, photos, tourist reviews

Mount Huangshan, China: tours, photos, tourist reviews
Mount Huangshan, China: tours, photos, tourist reviews

It is said that it is enough to visit the Huangshan Mountains in China to not visit any other peaks. In another way they are also called "yellow mountains". It's fantastic here! In the evening they are covered with fog, and in the morning they are illuminated by bright sunlight. Many tourists flock here to meet the dawn. We offer you a short tour of the sacred Chinese places, reviews of tourists about them.

huangshan mountains
huangshan mountains

Geographic data

Huangshan is a mountain city of five peaks in Anhui Province (eastern China). The formation of these mountains began 100-200 million years ago. The Chinese consider them the most ancient mountains in the world.

From south to north they stretch for 40 km, from east to west - for 30 km. The highest peaks rise to 1800 m. The peculiarity of these mountains is their steepness. It's impossible to make a road there. The fog that often spreads there gives them a special mystery. At the heights of Huangshanvery interesting names: "Sunrise", "Lotus Flower", "Falling Goose", "Peak of Light", "Peak of the Heavenly Capital". These are very rocky mountains, praised by Chinese artists and poets since the Qin Dynasty.

One legend says that whoever walks the path of the Huangshan Mountains in China will gain longevity. For a long time no one could conquer the ridge. For the first time, a person climbed one of the peaks in 1616. The Huangshan Mountains in China are considered sacred.

The ridge is conditionally divided into "rear" and "front" mountains. In the center is the "heavenly sea". The front mountains are made up of circular rocks. The posterior apices are more pointed. The Sea of Heaven is so named because from the top of the peaks, the mist below resembles a pool. Hot springs flow at the foot of the peaks, the water temperature in which is around +45 °С all year round.

Mountain View
Mountain View

Nature Huangshan

Despite their mountainous nature, the peaks are quite thickly covered with forest. Barren rocks are decorated with various plants and trees. Wet places of rocks are distinguished by the fact that shi er mushrooms grow there. It is very difficult to collect them there, although they are nutritious and he althy. Previously, very rare monkeys were found here, the tail of which does not exceed 6 cm. They are called Huangshan short-tailed monkeys.

And on the ridge there are many pines of the original form. One of them is already about 1800 years old. The rocks have caused these pines to put down their roots very deeply. Sometimes the length of the root system exceeds the length of the tree itself. There are trees that make their way through huge stones. The most famous pines are: Hospitable, Dragon Claws.

tourists in China
tourists in China

UNESCO World Heritage Site

December 1990 was marked by the fact that the Huangshan mountain range was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Specialists note the exceptional natural beauty of these places. Rare plants and animals also live here. The endemic Pinus taiwanensis pines alone are worth something. This mountain range is truly unique.


Tours to Huangshan Mountain in China

Chinese mountains are visited by tourists from all over the world all year round. You can get here by buses that run daily from Hangzhou and Shanghai. From different countries, including Russia, tours are organized to different places in China, including Huangshan.

To climb to the top of the national park, Chinese experts installed a cable car. Those who wish can also climb along special mountain paths carved into the rocks. One such ascent takes about 4 hours. Hiking route offers the most beautiful views, you can admire the sunset and sunrise.

climb up the trail
climb up the trail

Death Trail

Many have probably heard of the most dangerous hiking trail in the world. We are talking about the path of death on Mount Huangshan in China. Tours there are also often organized. What does this strange path look like? It consists of narrow boards that are laid over a bottomless abyss. There are no railings or fences. It can be calledextreme attraction.

Photos of the hiking trail of Huangshan Mountain in China prove that many daredevils come here to prove their courage to themselves and the world. There are many fascinating tourist routes of varying degrees of danger on the ridge. Only climbing the path of death brings tourists to a fainting state. The passage up the stairs is carried out with the help of special massive chains in the rocks, which you can hold on to with your hands. Tourists are also offered insurance. It is said that about 100 people fall off the rocks here and die every year.

trails in the mountains
trails in the mountains

The Immortal Bridge on Mount Huangshan (China)

Going to the fabulous province of Anhon, you can get to the bridge of the immortals. This building is a natural, cultural and world heritage of all mankind, not just China. The bridge in the Huangshan Mountains, Anhui Province, has a rich history. This place is unique and amazing. This bridge is also called "Fabulous".

This object was built not so long ago, in 1987. He reunited two tunnels that were carved right into the rocks. A long road leads to it along winding steps hanging directly above the abyss. The Bridge of the Immortals is located 1320 meters above sea level. It is fabulous and extraordinary.

bridge of immortals
bridge of immortals

Western Canyon (Xihai Grand Canyon)

The route along the Western Canyon in the Huangshan Mountains is also called the Mirage Trail. The views there are mesmerizing and mesmerizing. The route has a V-shape with two entrances at the Fairy Bridge. The lowest point of the canyon - 600 mabove sea level, the highest is 1560 m. The gorge stretches for 7 km in length. You can complete it in 4 hours.

Many tourists dream of walking along the trail of this canyon. Those who have such an opportunity can hire special porters who carry people on special bamboo chairs. The route here is quite dangerous. After 16:30 the entrance is closed as a precaution. What wonderful names of rocks you will not find here: "Lady playing the piano", "Dogs looking at the sky", "Man on stilts". On the way, you can watch the peaks of Huangshan just bathed in clouds.

huangshan canyon
huangshan canyon

Reviews of tourists

Many compatriots have already visited the Yellow Mountains of China. They all admire the most beautiful views of the mountain range. In foggy weather, a mystical atmosphere reigns here, and in clear weather, an amazing dawn pleases the eye. Tourists note that the Huangshan ridge is today a public company with quotes on the stock exchange. The attraction was maximally prepared for commercial events. To do this, all the footpaths were turned into stone steps. It is important to note that the funicular operates only until 16:30. Most often, tourists go up on it, and then go down on foot.

To climb to the top on your own, you will have to spend about 3-4 hours. The inconvenience is porters, often blocking the road. Because of this, many tourists choose to walk through the canyon instead of visiting the peaks. There is no crowding and the most beautiful views open up. FromThe beauty here is breathtaking for many! Many are planning a trip here for several days.

But what about the overnight stay? Everything is not yet fully established here: there are hotels, but they are few and very expensive. It is proposed to set up tents near some hotels; a special area is allocated for this. There are also problems with food and water. Stocks must be acquired in advance. Tourists warn about the need for sports comfortable shoes. There is a cozy cafe upstairs. They also sell souvenirs there.

Those who are going to Huangshan should understand that this mountain range is different from the Urals, the Alps, the Caucasus. The world of nature here is completely different, otherworldly, which is the absolute embodiment of a fairy tale. What you see in these mountains is remembered for a lifetime. What do you need to take with you? Put water, sandwiches, a flashlight, sunglasses, a raincoat in a backpack. You can also take with you special sticks for more comfortable movement on the stairs.

Entrance to the park and to the funicular is expensive. Tickets are sold at the bus stop. Special buses are brought to the funicular, you will have to drive along a terrible serpentine for 15 minutes. After visiting the park, many tourists are advised to go to the hot springs. Bathing in them will relieve fatigue after a long route.
